
lái liào jiā gōng mào yì
  • processing trade;trade of processing with customer's materials
  1. 我们同意与你们进行来料加工贸易。

    We may agree to do processing trade with you .

  2. 香港有家公司很有兴趣与你方进行来料加工贸易。

    A hong kong company show great interest in do business with you on the basis of processing .

  3. 出口退税率下调,使得贸易方式发生变化,加工贸易特别是来料加工贸易增长加快;

    The reduced rate changes trade methods and the processing trade especially processing with supplied materials has experienced high increase .

  4. 加工贸易可分为来料加工贸易和进料加工贸易,其中又以进料加工贸易为主导。

    Processing trade can be divided into supplied materials processing and imported materials processing , of which the latter is the major portion .

  5. 我们接受客户订货,来料加工和补偿贸易。

    We accept customers ' orders for their requirements , undertake the processing of their materials and deal with compensation trade .

  6. 我们以一般贸易、来料加工等多种贸易方式承接世界各地客商的定单。

    We accept orders from customers from all over the world in various ways , such as common trade , cloth-processing , etc.

  7. 关于某些特殊贸易的谈判,主要涉及下列内容,例如来料加工与装配贸易,补偿贸易,技术引进,合资经营等。

    Negotiations on some special trading mainly involve the following elements such as processing and assembling trade , compensation trade , technology importation and joint venture , etc.

  8. 愿与国内外客商进行来料加工、补偿贸易,合资经营等多种形式的合作。

    It invites all clients here for business and cooperation includingprocessing materials from the client , compensation trade , joint venture , and many other kinds of trade .