
  1. 今天有位新老师来教你们。

    Today you 've got a new teacher taking you

  2. 索菲问她是否愿意来教美术课。

    Sophie asked her if she would like to come and give art lessons .

  3. 他用实物来教加减法。

    He used concrete objects to teach addition and subtraction .

  4. 有许多公司制造机器人来教孩子们学习,学科包括生物学和计算机科学。

    There are a number of companies that create robots to teach subjects to children , ranging from biology to computer science .

  5. 他开展了关于鸟类的研究,开设了一个网站来教人们关于鸟类的知识以及如何帮助它们,并还在研究鸟类盒子。

    He does research about birds , run a website to teach people about birds and how to help them , and research boxes for birds .

  6. 老师回答道:“亲爱的妹妹,我尽了最大努力来教他,但你的儿子并不想学习生存的技巧和策略。”

    The teacher replied , " My dear sister , I tried my best to teach him , but your son did not want to learn the tricks and strategies of survival . "

  7. 例句我刚刚来到这里,所以我需要一位经验丰富的同事来教我一些入门技巧。

    I 'm only new here , so I need someone with experience to show me the ropes .

  8. 迈克尔:我来教你怎样做一个合格的HR专业人员。

    Michael : I have come to teach you how to be a good HR professional .

  9. 生日快乐Ellen嗯呐生日快乐快来教我们女儿三原色吧还有阅读

    Happy birthday Ellen , yeah happy birthday.Come teach our daughter primary colors , and reading .

  10. 那么,世界排名第三的SteveKirlew和来自米尔顿·肯尼斯扳手腕联盟的成员来教他是最好不过的了。

    So who better than World Number 3 Steve Kirlew , and the boys at Milton Keynes Armwrestling Federation to show him the techniques for victory ?

  11. Funmobile出品,瑜伽入门通过基础课程和选择课程来教你怎么达到平衡和镇静你的头脑和心灵。

    Funmobile products , yoga entry through the basic courses and choice of courses to teach you how to achieve balance and calm your mind and the soul .

  12. 所以你最好一步一步来教他做市场营销。

    So you 'd better walk him through doing the marketing .

  13. 如果我来教你,你一句话也不要说。

    If I take you on , you dont say anything .

  14. 好吧,让我来教你怎么做。

    Okay , let me show you how it 's done .

  15. 我不是来教你们使用它的。

    I 'm not here to teach you howto do it .

  16. 他用磁带作为听觉教材来教英语。

    He used tapes as aural material to teach English .

  17. 我来教你们怎样死得像个男人!

    Franz liebkind will show you how to die Iike a man !

  18. 我来教你该怎么做才对。

    Let me show you how it 's really done .

  19. 现在让我来教你戒烟,好吗?

    Now let me show you quit smoking , ok ?

  20. 帕特里克,让我来教你侧手翻的秘诀。

    Patrick , let me give you the key to the cartwheel .

  21. 过来,我来教你如何保护自己。

    Come here , I 'll teach you how to defend yourself .

  22. 你是用什么办法来教孩子读书识字的?

    What strategies do you use to teach a child to read ?

  23. 明天一位美国人要来教我们英语。

    An American will come tomorrow to teach us English .

  24. 但但是谁来教他呢?

    But But who will teach him our ways ? I will .

  25. 1.他父母雇佣了一位家庭教师来教他希腊语。2.

    His parents employed a tutor to teach him Greek .

  26. 我来教你,你可以跳得很好的。

    I 'll lead . you 'll manage very well .

  27. 我来教你如何用电脑。

    I 'll show you how to use the computer .

  28. 让我来教你懂得跳舞的乐趣。

    Let me introduce you to the pleasures of dancing .

  29. 我是来教你们阅读和书写的。

    And I 've come to teach you to read and write .

  30. 我们正设法用一种更有趣的方法来教数学。

    We are trying to teach mathematics in a more interesting way .