
  1. 除英国外,欧盟(eu)27个成员国中的26个国家都参与了新条约谈判,尽管该条约将仅对欧元区17个成员国产生约束力。

    The treaty is being negotiated by 26 of the 27 members of the European Union excluding the UK although it will bind only the 17 eurozone members .

  2. 报道和分析你的政府对条约谈判的立场。

    Report on and analyse your government 's stance on treaty negotiations .

  3. 美俄削减核武器条约谈判的时候俄罗斯完全是在骗人。

    Russia is flat-out lying to us during our nuclear treaty talks .

  4. 美国在辛丑条约谈判过程中的活动

    Treaty of 1901 and the United States

  5. 总理安格拉·默克尔说重新开启条约谈判并非是禁忌。

    Angela Merkel , the chancellor , says that reopening the treaties is no taboo .

  6. 她的团队与俄罗斯就新削减战略武器条约谈判,减少核武器并重新建立监察。

    Her team negotiated the New START Treaty with Russia to reduce nuclear weapons and reestablish inspections .

  7. 双边和多边协定使相关的实力因素成为贸易条约谈判中的一个关键特征。

    Bilateral and multilateral arrangements make relative power consi  ̄ derations a key feature in the negotiation of trade treaties .

  8. 因此着手接触你的国家的代表团中的一些新闻源,或者找到其他地方与会者,这可能会有用,因为他们常常可以帮助你找到并评估信息。报道和分析你的政府对条约谈判的立场。

    S delegation or finding other local attendees can be useful as they can often help you find and assess information .

  9. 大气中每百万分之一的二氧化碳现处于我们的控制之下,这也是国际条约谈判关注的问题。

    that the parts per million of CO2 in the atmosphere is now under our control and a matter of international treaty negotiation .

  10. 在北美殖民地早期,英国政府采取了通过条约谈判从土著民族购买土地的政策。

    In the early time of the North American colonies , the British took a policy of purchasing the land of aboriginal peoples by treaty negotiations .

  11. 美国的反对有点来不及了,联合国对互联网征税和管制的计划已经取得缓慢而坚定的进展,12月份将在迪拜进行条约谈判。

    American opponents are being seriously outpaced by U.N. plans to tax and regulate that are already grinding forward in advance of a December treaty negotiation in Dubai .

  12. 旨在制定出一个新的世界贸易条约的谈判已经进行了6年。

    Talks aimed at producing a new world trade treaty have been under way for six years .

  13. 不久前,欧洲的一位政府首脑问我是否认为,戴维卡梅伦(davidcameron)愿在扩大欧盟(eu)预算规模的问题上妥协,以换取他的欧洲伙伴将来在欧盟治理条约的谈判中帮助英国。

    Not so long ago , I was asked by a European head of government whether I thought David Cameron would be willing to compromise on increasing the size of the EU budget if , in return , his European partners helped Britain in future treaty negotiations on EU governance .

  14. 论《中苏友好同盟互助条约》谈判中涉及新疆的几个问题

    On Some Issues about Xinjiang in the Negotiation for the Mutual-Aid Treaty of SINO-USSR Friendly Alliance

  15. 从2009年初起,俄美双方一直在进行制定新条约的谈判。

    Russia and the United States have been working on a successor since the start of2009 .

  16. 1781年,英国人投降,富兰克林被选中到伦敦协助与英国缔结和平条约的谈判。

    In1781 , the British surrendered , and Franklin was chosen to go to London to help negotiate the peace treaty with England .

  17. 星期一的北韩声明显示,和平条约的谈判是北韩和美国之间的核心问题。

    He says Monday 's announcement reflects the fact that peace treaty negotiations are a core issue between North Korea and the United States .

  18. 中国重申,没有计划加入美国和俄罗斯续签核武器控制条约的谈判。

    China reiterates that it has no plans to join the United States and Russia in their talks to renew a nuclear arms control treaty .

  19. 他们说,他们正在指示谈判代表们就新的武器条约进行谈判,以取代在1991年签订的马上要到期的《削减战略武器条约》。

    They say they are instructing their negotiators to begin work on a new arms deal to replace the soon-to-expire Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty , which was signed in 1991 .

  20. 两年前,在巴厘岛的一次联合国会议上,启动了围绕新气候条约的谈判,而目前距离达成协议仅剩下两天时间。

    The negotiations on a new climate treaty began at a UN meeting in Bali two years ago , and there are now just two days left to reach an agreement .

  21. 多哈回合贸易谈判的支持者,可能会利用这份报告来重启一份广泛条约的谈判,该条约将会堵上许多此类空子。

    The report is likely to be seized on by proponents of the Doha round of trade talks to restart negotiations on a broad treaty that would do away with many of these exceptions .

  22. 欧盟和中国正考虑就一项投资条约展开谈判,该条约将为中国企业在欧洲投资提供便利,并将有助于抑制欧洲可能出现的保护主义情绪。

    The EU and Beijing are considering opening negotiations on an investment treaty that would make it easier for Chinese companies to invest in Europe and would help counter possible protectionist sentiment in Europe .

  23. 德国不可能同意重启有关财政条约的谈判,但该国能够通过促进国内消费或者达成新的欧洲增长协定,来帮助外围经济体复苏。

    There is no hope that Germany will accept a renegotiation of the fiscal treaty . But it could help recovery in the peripheral economies by promoting consumption at home or with a new European growth pact .

  24. 雅尔塔协定、中苏条约与重庆谈判

    A study on Yalta agreement , China-USSR treaty and Chongqing negotiation

  25. 美国将很快恢复有关签订一项新的武器条约的全面谈判。

    The United States will soon resume full-scale negotiations on a new arms pact .

  26. 关于新条约的正式谈判在2015年前不太可能启动。

    Formal negotiations on a new treaty are unlikely to get under way until 2015 .

  27. 中国支持裁谈会尽早启动关于“禁止生产核武器用裂变材料条约”的谈判,将积极参与谈判工作。

    China supports the Conference in launching negotiations on the Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty ( FMCT ) at an early date and will take an active part in the negotiations .

  28. 而学者警告称,可能都等不到那个时候,这个渴望能源的世界所产生的资源需求,就会促使人们就南极条约重新展开谈判,也许会在禁令失效前就允许对这里进行商业利用。

    And even before then , scholars warn , the demand for resources in an energy-hungry world could raise pressure to renegotiate Antarctica 's treaties , possibly allowing more commercial endeavors here well before the prohibitions against them expire .

  29. 中华人民共和国派往国际会议或者派驻国际组织,并在该会议或者该组织内参加条约、协定谈判的代表,但是该会议另有约定或者该组织章程另有规定的除外。

    The representatives accredited by the people 's Republic of China to an international conference or international organization for the purpose of negotiating treaties or agreements in that conference or organization , unless it is otherwise agreed by the conference or otherwise provided for in the constitution of that organization .

  30. 学者告诫称,南极的政治力量变化可能会在就南极条约重新展开谈判之前,模糊军事和民用活动之间的界线,特别是在最适合用于拦截卫星信号或重新设定卫星经过时间的地区,这可能给全球电子情报活动带来提升。

    Scholars warn that Antarctica 's political flux could blur the distinction between military and civilian activities long before the continent 's treaties come up for renegotiation , especially in parts of Antarctica that are ideal for intercepting signals from satellites or retasking satellite systems , potentially enhancing global electronic intelligence operations .