
  • 网络conditional knowledge
  1. 北京市部分体育院校体育教育专业篮球专项学生的条件性知识研究

    Research on the Conditional Knowledge of Students of Physical Education Majors Specialized in Basketball of Some Sports Institutions in Beijing

  2. 教师的条件性知识包含人文社会科学知识、教育学和心理学知识;

    The conditional knowledge includes the knowledge of humanities and social science , and the knowledge of pedagogy and psychology .

  3. 教师的条件性知识和实践性知识对其教学问题意识的强度有显著的预测作用。

    Professional knowledge could significantly predict the degree of awareness of problems in teaching .

  4. 作为教育基础理论学科,心理学是学生获得条件性知识的必修课。

    As a theoretical subject , psychology is a required course from which students can obtain some basic knowledge .

  5. 专业化数学教师的知识由三个部分构成,即学科知识、条件性知识和实践性知识。

    Subject knowledge of mathematic teachers was composed of three parts , namely , subject knowledge , the conditions of knowledge and practical knowledge .

  6. 他们对问卷中所提到的策略都有一定的意识,但对于某些策略他们可能缺乏程序性知识和条件性知识。

    They have some ideas of reading strategies mentioned in the questionnaire , but may lack the conditional and procedural knowledge of some strategies .

  7. 领域知识是由个体关于某个特定领域的陈述性知识、程序性知识和条件性知识组成的所有知识,领域知识在个体的认知活动中具有积极的作用。

    Domain knowledge is an individual about a specific domain which is consisted of declarative knowledge , procedural knowledge and conditional knowledge , which has positive function in cognitive activity .

  8. 指出理工科大学教师的知识结构问题可由教师的学科本体性知识、条件性知识和实践性知识几部分组成。

    It is pointed out that their knowledge structure should consist of several parts , such as the teacher 's discipline essence knowledge , conditional knowledge , and practical knowledge etc.

  9. 教师专业发展的过程不仅是掌握本体性知识和条件性知识的过程,更是提高与教学相关的实践性知识的过程。

    The process of teacher professional development is not only the process of mastering ontological knowledge and conditional knowledge , but also the process of improving practical knowledge concerned on teaching as well .

  10. 另一方面在教学实践中为三位教师扩充条件性知识中的操作部分与实践性知识,力图使他们在提高能力中实现观念转变。

    At the same time , efforts were made to improve the operational part of the conditional knowledge as well as their pedagogical skills , so as to achieve the transformation of the concept of science teaching through improved teaching skills .

  11. 教学反思可以使教师将理论与实践、思想与行动联系起来,实现条件性知识和实践性知识的融合,提高教师的问题意识和教育科研能力,从而促使经验型教师向研究型教师的转化。

    Teaching reflection can make teachers connect theories with practice and ideas with actions so as to merge conditional knowledge into practical one and improve teachers ' awareness of questioning and abilities of educational study so as to urge the transformation of experience-oriented teachers to research-oriented teachers .

  12. 研究结果表明:(1)培训前数学学优生与数学学困生在元认知知识和元认知技能方面存在差异,尤其学优生和学困生在条件性元知识和程序性元知识上有显著差异。

    The results suggested that : ( 1 ) There were significant difference between mathematically gifted and disabled student on metacognitive knowledge and metacognitive skills before training .