
quán lì rén
  • obligee
  1. 权利人的名称或注册地址发生变。

    The name or registered residence of the obligee has changed .

  2. 知识产权权利人应有针对性地防范知识产权犯罪。

    The obligee should prevent crime of intellectual property correspondingly .

  3. 人民法院作出的判决、裁定,对参加登记的全体权利人发生效力。

    The judgments or written orders rendered by the people 's court shall be valid for all those who have registered their rights with the court .

  4. 未参加登记的权利人在诉讼时效期间提起诉讼的,适用该判决、裁定。

    Such judgments or written orders shall apply to those who have not registered their rights but have instituted legal proceedings during period of limitation of the action .

  5. 近年来,随着Internet及数字化技术的飞速发展,不仅拓宽了权利人利益范围,同时也给数字产品带来了版权保护的危机。

    In recent years , With the Internet and the rapid development of digital technology , Not only broaden the scope of the interests of right holders , but also to bring copyright protection of digital products the crisis .

  6. ACTA的一个关键特点是,该协议可在没有权利人要求或法院命令的情况下,授予海关官员扣押假冒产品的权力。

    A key feature of ACTA would mandate that customs officials have " ex officio " authority to seize counterfeit goods without a request from the rights holders or a court order .

  7. 论无权处分中权利人承认的效力

    On the Effect of Acknowledgement by the Obligees in Unauthorized Disposition

  8. 权利人无须承担审查申请其间的行政费用。

    The holders need not pay administrative expenses during application review .

  9. 一项基于人身的诉权随着权利人的死亡而消失。

    A personal right of action dies with the person .

  10. 权利人将从他新近获得的专利的发明中获益匪浅。

    The right-holder will benefit a lot from his newly patented invention .

  11. 庭审结果必须公平地补偿权利人并遏制未来的侵权者。

    And trial outcomes must compensate right holders fairly and deter future infringers .

  12. 最后着重阐述了网络作品权利人的权利。

    And finally focuses on the rights of right holders of the network works .

  13. 商标权利人极端地追求经济利益是商标权滥用的经济原因;

    The economic reason is the trademark proprietor 's extreme pursuit of economic benefit .

  14. 知情同意中患方权利人的排序

    The Order of Priority of Obligee on the Patients ' Side about Informed Consent

  15. 商业秘密作为一种知识产权,是权利人的无形财产,其对于企业运行的重要性不言而语。

    Trade secret is the intangible property of the obligee as an intellectual property .

  16. 只有通过物权确认,确定了真正的权利人,才能对该权利人的物权进行保护。

    Only with those who has the certain right in rem can we protect them .

  17. 票据的丧失直接影响票据权利人票据权利的实现。

    The loss of bills influences directly the realization of the rights of bill owners .

  18. 一方面,它可以促进土地权利人对于其土地的投资热情;

    On one hand , it provides the land holder encentives to invest on his land ;

  19. 本书由权利人授权上海远东出版社独家出版。

    This translation is published by arrangement with Columbine Communications & Publications , a publishing consultancy .

  20. 保护奥林匹克标志,在本文中,首先,确定标志的概念和标志的权利人及法律特征。

    Firstly , to confirm the concept , obligee , and legal characteristic of Olympic Signs .

  21. 航空事故人身损害赔偿权利人的身份,在航空运输实践中有时很难界定。

    People usually think that claimants for personal injury compensation in air crash only are passengers .

  22. 商业秘密作为权利人的一种无体财产权,任何主体不能对其侵犯。

    As a kind of invisible property , business secret is protected by law against any infringement .

  23. 薇拉摄影权利人不对您使用本网站内容所产生的任何法律后果承担责任。

    Vera photography obligee wrong you use this web site content from any legal consequences that responsibility .

  24. 同时,知识产权权利人仍然和我们说,中国的程序不够透明。

    And we continue to hear from Intellectual Property Rights holders that proceedings in China lack transparency .

  25. 技术保护措施就成为权利人所能采取的最有效、最直接的维权手段,但是破解技术措施的技术和装置也应运而生。

    Technological protection measures ( TPMs ) is the most directive instrument to protect the author 's rights .

  26. 公信原则的基本功能则在于保护动态交易安全,使连续发生的交易活动不致因原权利人主张权利而毁于一旦;

    The fundamental function of the principle of public trust lies in protecting the dynamic safety of transaction .

  27. 而且,应当同等对待相关权权利人的各种团体。

    In addition , the different groups of related rights holders should be treated on an equal footing .

  28. 第三部分论述了执行职务行为时赔偿权利人的范围界定。

    The third part discusses the act of performing their duties were to define the scope of compensation rights .

  29. 被害人遭受的重大损失,应指商业秘密被侵犯后给权利人造成的实际损失,既包括直接损失也包括间接损失。

    The victim has suffered heavy losses should be the practical losses , include direct losses and indirect losses .

  30. 行为人可以行使容忍义务请求权,要求权利人停止损害或承担赔偿责任。

    The perpetrator can claim to exercise tolerance obligations , requiring the right to stop the damage or liability .