- 网络bounded linear operator

Using James theorem , we prove that the natural extension of the bounded linear operator on Banach space is continuous on hyperspace such as W_k ( X ) and W_ ( kc )( X ) .
A Gabor frame multiplier is a bounded linear operator that preserves the original Parseval Gabor frame window function . It has great theoretical significance as it helps to analyze the inner structure of Gabor frames .
Let k ∈ C ( R + + ) and B be a linear bounded operator .
The best approximating of bounded linear operator in the space W and Application
The Existence of W-weighted Group Inverse of Bounded Linear Operators in Banach Spaces
Theorem about the similarity orbit closure of linear bonded operator acting of hilbert space
Existence characteristics of inner inverse and outer inverse of bounded linear operators in Banach space
Which infinite matrix can be a bounded linear operator on a separable Hilbert space ?
A bounded linear operator K on a Hilbert space H is compact if the image of the unit ball of H under K has compact closure .
Bounded linear operators from one Z-space X to another Y are defined naturally , and some results which approximates to the dual spaces theory of normed spaces are obtained .
A : X → Y is bounded linear Fredholm operator with zero index .
In this paper , we prove that every operator on a separable , infinite dimensional Hilbert space is the sum of two strongly irreducible operators .
In this paper , we discuss the perturbation of bounded outer-inverse of bounded linear operators in Banach space and obtain some new upper bounded of perturbation .
We prove that if Ais a finite dimensional C - algebra , then Δ can be extended to be a bounded linear operator from A Ato A .
In section 3 it is proved that every bounded linear operator on Hilbert space can be approximated by the finite direct sum of completely irreducible operators .
A bounded linear operator on a Hilbert space is said to be convexoid , if the convex hull of its spectrum is equal to the closure of its numerical range .
We discuss the best generalized inverse of linear bounded operator in finite dimension Hilbert space . We proved Moore - Penrose generalized inverse is the best generalized inverse .
Analogues the bounded linear operator theorem , the Hahn-Banach theorem and the resonance theorem are established in sub-normed Z-linear space .
In this paper we study the structures properties of the space of Lipschitz mappings as a Banach spaces , mainly we have studied the complementarity of its closed subspace the space of bounded linear operators .
We study an equivalent property in Banach space and it is proved that under certain conditions the representability of a linear operator in Banach space can be derived by the Radon-Nikodym property .
In this paper , Hankel operators on directed partially ordered groups are defined . A necessary and sufficient condition is given under which a bounded linear operator becomes a Hankel operator .
In section I , we give some technologies and notations , and introduce the definitions of von Neumann algebras , factor von Neumann algebras , subspace lattices , nest algebras and bounded linear operators and so on .
Let T be a power bounded linear operator on a compler seperable and reflexive Banach space X if there exists a invariant nondegenerate and integrable Borel probability measure on X for T , then X is spanned by eigenvectors of T with unimodular eigenvalue .
In this paper , we structure a linear operator T on Banach space X which contains a complemented subspace isomorphic to C0 or l1 . T is well-bounded of type ( B ), but T is not .
On such spaces : it is shown that the spectrum σ( T ) of a bounded linear operator T has some special properties , for instance , there is an unique point λ _T in σ( T ) such that T - λ tI is an inessential operator ;
Then it shows that the operator determined by the system is dissipative and generates a C0 semigroup , and hence the well-posed-ness of the system follows from the semigroup theory of bounded linear operators .
This paper discusses an age-structured SEIR epidemic model with vertical trans - mission . The existence and uniqueness of nonnegative solution to the model are proved by using the theory of bounded linear operator semigroup ;
Here , the definition of Taylor joint spectrum of tuple of commuting bounded linear operators on Banach spaces is extended to the case when the tuple includes a closed operator . Also , the spectrum of this tuple is proved to be a closed set in C ~ n.
Best Approaching of Bounded Linear Operator in Reproducing Kernel Space
The Joint Numerical Range of Two Bounded Linear Operators