
  • 网络Time expansion
  1. 一个小型时间扩展室

    The prototype of the time expansion chamber

  2. 利用时间扩展(或压缩)技术,可以将欲测的频谱波段移到声频波段。

    By using time expansion ( or compression ) techniques , the frequency spectrum of interest may be trans-fered to any frequency band .

  3. 与此对应,时间扩展通信也可以在频域上进行类似RAKE的分集接收,有效处理时变衰落带来的影响。

    Time spreading can implement RAKE diversity receiving in frequency domain .

  4. 副本相关积分器(replicacorrelationintegrator,RCI)是时间扩展信道的最佳似然比检测器。

    Replica correlation integrator ( RCI ) is an optimal detector of TSD ( time spreading distortion ) channel .

  5. 本文将普遍用于带限高斯信道的格码调制技术引人脉冲时间扩展激光PPM信道,给出了改善通信性能的新方法。

    We introduce the trellis coded modulation technique which is generally used in band-limited Gaussian channels to the stretched pulse PPM optical channels , hence give a new approach to improve the communication performance .

  6. 时间扩展信道(TSD)是信道畸变的一种常见形式,它的最佳似然比检测器是副本相关积分器(RCI)。

    The optimum LRT detector of time spreading dispersion channel , a familiar channel dispersion form , is replica correlation integrator ( RCI ) .

  7. 时变衰落信道中同步时间扩展信号的分集接收技术

    Diversity Receiving Technique for Synchronous Time Spreading Signal in Time-Varying Fading Channels

  8. 随机时序逻辑的模糊时间扩展方法

    Fuzzy-timing Extension for Stochastic and Real-time Temporal Logic

  9. 浅海声信道的时间扩展特性

    Time Spread Characteristics of Shallow Sea Acoustic Channel

  10. 时间扩展信道的信号处理技术

    Signal Processing for Time Spreading Channel

  11. 语音信号采集的时间扩展与截取

    Sampling Time Expand for Speech Signals

  12. 小囊可以逐步增大并且随时间扩展直到表现为一个声门旁或下颌下肿块。

    The saccule enlarges and expands gradually over time until it presents as a paralaryngeal or submandibular mass .

  13. 云层粒子对激光的多次散射引起激光脉冲产生时间扩展,造成接收信号出现码间串扰。

    The multi-scatterings caused by cloud particles induce temporal dispersion of laser pulse , which leads to inter-symbol interference ( ISI ) in the received signal .

  14. 第二种情况是不忽略横向剪切变形.通过求解控制方程得到了挠度随时间扩展的解析表达式,从而又得到了瞬时临界载荷和持久临界载荷,并讨论了横向剪切变形对临界载荷的影响。

    An analytical solution of instantaneous and durable critical loads is obtained by solving the governing equations . The effect of transverse shearing deformation on the critical loads is also discussed .

  15. 随着室内声学的发展,描述室内声场的指标已由混响时间扩展为一系列从时间、能量及空间特性方面描述声场的参数。

    With the development of room acoustics , the indexes for the description of sound fields in rooms have been expanded to a series of parameters characterizing time , energy and space .

  16. 本文简要介绍了石家庄自然、社会、经济概况和近一个世纪以来的城市用地变化的时间扩展特点和空间扩展特征。

    This thesis introduces natural , social and economic general situation of Shijiazhuang , and the characteristic of temporal spread and spatial expansion that has changed in city land use since last century .

  17. 通过对传统空间数据模型的时间扩展,研究包含时间的空间运算定义和各种空间关系,采用面向对象的方法和超图模型完成时空数据模型的定义。

    Through extending the traditional spatial data structure , and researching the spatial operation and spatial relation which include temporal attrib , adopt Object Oriented method and Hyper graph Based Data Structure to define the spatio temporal model .

  18. 本文主要是基于以下几点展开介绍:1.介绍了无线信道的特点,信号的传播方式,信道的衰落和扩展,包括频率扩展,时间扩展和角度扩展。

    This dissertation describes the following several main aspects : 1 . Describe characteristics of the wireless channel , transmission modes of the signal , channel fading and expansion , including frequency extension , time extension and angle extension .

  19. 在低频或谐振散射区域,光滑曲率表面的脉冲镜反射回波特征是在主回波后有时间扩展,它是由曲率反射面产生的,称为回波的曲率效应;

    In high frequency range , the specular reflection echo have the same wave form as the incident wave , but in low frequency range or resonance scattering range , there is a time expansion of the pulse width after main reflecting echo from smooth curvature surface .

  20. 比较了在不同气压和空心阴极孔径下虚阳极的形成时间和扩展速度

    The virtual anode formation time and propagation velocity at different pressure with different apertures are investigated .

  21. 然后在这一模型下,将未知时间变量扩展为随机变量,采用基于最大后验概率估计(MaximumaPos-terioriEstimation,MAP)的方法进行统计时间推理。

    In the model , the reasoning algorithm about time instants has been derived from treating the unknown temporal variable as random variable and introducing MAP estimation into temporal reasoning .

  22. 在RTI上增加时间管理扩展组件,用来实现基于时间区间的乐观时间同步机制。

    A component based on RTI is implemented , which ensures a practical time warp mechanism .

  23. 首先为时间变迁扩展价格参数,并使用价格时间变迁系统给出价格时间Petri网的语义;

    Firstly , this paper associates a price with a time transition , and gives the semantics for price time Petri net in terms of priced timed transition systems .

  24. 它可能需要20至30年时间进行扩展。

    It could take twenty to thirty years to progress .

  25. 一种新颖可调二端输入电容器接地具有时间常数扩展的理想积分器

    Novel earthed capacitor dual & input tunable ideal integrator with enlarged time constant

  26. 如果时间线扩展到了该绘图页之外,您可以更改页面方向。

    If the timeline extends beyond the drawing page , you can change the page orientation .

  27. 时间窗口扩展到60日,90日时,结果不再显著。

    Time window extended to 60 days , 90 days , the result is no longer significant .

  28. 与此前研究不同的是,本文将基站接入时隙和回传时隙的时间分配扩展为一般化模型。

    Different from previous study , we use a general model in time slot allocation of access link and backhaul link .

  29. 它最早出现在20世纪60、70年代的英国,后来在不长的时间里扩展到美国、欧洲大陆以及世界上其他许多国家。

    It appeared in UK on 60s to 70s of 20c , and then spread to USA , the mainland of Europe and other nations in a short time .

  30. 通过人类的隐喻思维方式,亦即隐喻映射,使距离从时间域扩展到了真值域和心理域。

    Through the metaphorical thinking of people , that is , metaphorical mapping , the distance image schema in the time domain extends its meaning to the reality domain and the psychology domain .