
  • 网络old materialism
  1. 旧唯物主义之旧与新唯物主义之新

    The Oldness of Old Materialism and the Novelty of New Materialism

  2. 试析旧唯物主义在自然观上的误区

    Analyse the Shortcomings of the Old Materialism on Nature Viewpoint

  3. 实践语境下的新、旧唯物主义

    New and Old Materialism in the Context of Practice

  4. 但与此相对应,主体性在旧唯物主义哲学那里却屈从于必然性的束缚与限制。

    On the contrary , the subjectivity was rigidly controlled and confined by inevitability .

  5. 论马克思主义哲学对旧唯物主义的超越

    On Marxist Philosophy Surpassing the Old Materialism

  6. 旧唯物主义和康德哲学是一种非总体性的思维方式,辩证法的双重维度被遗忘和遮蔽。

    Traditional materialism and Kant 's philosophy are essentially the non-totality thinking mode , which neglect the two dimensions .

  7. 不能将马克思唯物主义的实践一元论理解成旧唯物主义的物质一元论。

    The Marxist materialist practical monism should never be understood as identical to the material monism of the old materialism .

  8. 旧唯物主义的主客二分思维方式坚持了客观性,却缺乏能动的方面。

    The old subject-object dichotomy of materialism ways of thinking persist in the objectivity , but the lack of dynamic aspects .

  9. 这种崭新的自然观既批判了黑格尔唯心主义自然观,也批判了费尔巴哈旧唯物主义自然观。

    This new viewpoint toward nature criticized both the idealistic viewpoint towards nature of Hegal and old materialistic viewpoint towards nature of Feuerbach .

  10. 马克思主义哲学不同于从前旧唯物主义的一个重要特点就是在于强调了实践范畴的重要性。

    Marx philosophy differs from the former old materialism is an important characteristic is that emphasizes the importance of the category of practice .

  11. 文章主要从三个部分进行论述:第一部分主要论述马克思前旧唯物主义的空间思想。

    The thesis includes the following three parts : The first part mainly demonstrates the thought of space in Old Materialism before Marxism .

  12. 旧唯物主义的立场是市民社会,新唯物主义的立场是人类社会或者社会化人类。

    The standpoint of the old materialism is civil society ; the standpoint of the new is human society , or social humanity .

  13. 马克思在扬弃费尔巴哈旧唯物主义的基础上,吸收黑格尔哲学的辩证法思想,最终确立实践本体论。

    Based on Feuerbach 's old materialism Marx absorbed the dialectic thought of Hegelianism , and established the practice noumenon theory in the end .

  14. 另一方面克服了旧唯物主义的直观性质,并从中拯救出客观实在性的积极因素。

    On the other hand , be also overcame the object quality of old materialism and rescued the active factor of his objective practical viewpoint .

  15. 马克思哲学正是经过这个中介,才实现了从旧唯物主义的自然态度到历史态度的革命性变革。

    Only pass by the intermediary , Marx 's philosophy realized the fundamental transformation from the old materialist nature attitudes to the dialectical materialist historical attitudes .

  16. 正是这一理论视角的转移,充分展示了新唯物主义既根本区别于唯心主义,又完全不同于旧唯物主义的全新致思理路。

    It is the shift in theoretical perspectives that demonstrates a brand new line of reasoning held by neo-materialism thoroughly different from both idealism and the former materialism .

  17. 而在旧唯物主义哲学家那里,现实世界是直观的现成存在,而不是实践活动生成的存在,因而就无历史性可言。

    In the old materialism philosopher , there in the real world is intuitive " existing ", rather than practical activity generated , thus no more historical than .

  18. 卢卡奇之失在于把自然本体论理解为社会存在本体论的基础,从而磨平了马克思哲学与旧唯物主义之间的根本差异。

    Gyorgy Lukacs mistakenly considered natural ontology as the foundation of social existence , and thus ignored the basic difference between Marxist philosophy and the old form of materialism .

  19. 在三者之中,马克思尤其强调能动性和创造性,把它作为自身实践观同旧唯物主义实践观的根本区别所在。

    Among them , Marx emphasizes dynamic role and creativity especially and regards it as the fundamental difference between one 's own practice view and old materialism practice of view .

  20. 它既超越了一切唯心主义哲学,也克服了一切旧唯物主义的局限性,为人们认识世界、批判世界、改造世界和建设世界的伟大实践活动提供了强大而锐利的思想武器。

    It oversteps the limitations of idealism and materialism and also provides formidable theoretical arms for those great practical activities which aim at understanding ^ animadverting and reconstructing the world .

  21. 但在实际当中,我国当代美学研究长时期是以从前苏联引入的带有旧唯物主义色彩的所谓马克思主义为思想指导。

    Realistically , however , the aesthetic research in contemporary China has long been carried on under the instruction of materialism-oriented Marxism , which was imported from the former Soviet Union .

  22. 在主体性问题上,马克思主义哲学既有别于旧唯物主义哲学,又不同于以笛卡儿和康德为代表的传统主体性学说。

    About the subjectivity issue , Marxian philosophy differs from not only the old mate realist but also the traditional subjectivity theory , the representatives of which is Descartes and kant .

  23. 由于旧唯物主义和唯心主义不了解实践,所以他们在人与外部世界的关系上各执一端,割裂了人与外部世界的统一关系。

    Because of not knowing well of practice , the old Materialism and the Idealism each sticks to his own view and separates the integrity between human and the outer world .

  24. 旧唯物主义抽象自然观的主要错误在于割裂了自然与人、自然与社会、自然科学与人的科学的联系,以抽象孤立的思维模式审视两者的关系。

    The main faults of the old materialism 's abstract nature viewpoint are which separate the relations between nature and human , nature and society , nature science and science of human .

  25. 它发端于希腊哲学中柏拉图主义与亚里士多德主义的对立,体现为实在论与唯名论、唯理论与经验性以及唯心主义与旧唯物主义之间的争论。

    It originated in the antagonism between Platonism and Aristotelianism ; it is showed in the discussion between realism and nominalism , spiritualism and empiricism , idealism and materialism of the old type .

  26. 马克思深刻总结了历代思想家们关于人与自然界关系的思想遗产,把自然界纳入人的实践活动范围进行考察,在人与自然界关系问题上提供了既不同于旧唯物主义又不同于唯心主义的思维方式。

    He brought nature into man 's scope of practice and offered a new made of thinking on the relationship between man and nature , which is different from both old materialism and idealism .

  27. 正是通过对于西方传统思想的批判和继承,马克思主义发展了既区别于旧唯物主义哲学又有别于唯心主义传统的主体性学说。

    It is the criticism and inheritance of traditional Western thought , the development of Marxism not only different from the old materialist philosophy but also different from the main doctrine of the idealist tradition .

  28. 本文认为,马克思在哲学上实现的变革在于,实现了对唯心主义和旧唯物主义的超越,确立了实践唯物主义。

    This paper holds the idea that Marx has contributed much during the process of the transformation of philosophy and his contribution lies in the transcendence of idealism and materialism and the establishment of practice materialism .

  29. 马克思对旧唯物主义的批判,使他的唯物主义与辩证法相一致,使唯物主义具有了批判意蕴,并将自己的批判理论与伦理道德式的批判理论区别开来。

    As a matter of fact , Marx ' criticism of old materialism has made his theory of materialism conform to dialectics , adding critical implications to materialism , and thus distinguishing his theory of criticism from that of ethical criticism .

  30. 旧唯物主义是从自然存在出发解释问题的直观唯物主义或自然唯物主义,马克思的新唯物主义是从实践,即人们的历史存在出发解释问题的实践唯物主义或广义历史唯物主义。

    The former materialism expounds the world from the natural perspective , while Marx ' new materialism focus on the practice , namely the historical perspective , which is entitled to the practical materialism or historical materialism in a general sense .