
xīn wén ɡuān
  • information officer
  1. 他为世界卫生组织工作的经验可追溯到20年之前,当时Danzon博士担任欧洲区域办事处一名新闻官。

    His experience working for WHO goes back two decades , when Dr Danzon worked as a public information officer for EURO .

  2. 我们的新闻官很乐意为你效劳。

    An information officer will be happy to speak with you .

  3. 你能否解释一下为什么你的新闻官。

    Can you expiain why your press agent wouid pay out .

  4. 这就是麦克,锋利,敏锐而热忱&不论做记者还是新闻官都如此。

    That 's him Sharp , observant and earnest No matter as a reporter or Press Attach é .

  5. 英国驻华使馆的新闻官戴维肖(音译)表示,有关政策还未最终确定。

    The British embassy in Beijing ` s press officer David Shaw said that no decision has been finalized .

  6. 这些组织通常有新闻官,这些人乐于帮助与他们联系起来有困难的记者。

    These institutions usually have press officers who are eager to help a reporter who has taken the trouble of contacting them .

  7. 他作为一名高级新闻官都总统纳赛尔和萨达特,总统纳赛尔的继任为总统。

    He worked as a senior information official for both Abdel Nasser and Anwar Sadat , Abdel Nasser 's successor as president .

  8. 国米新闻官维加诺接受意大利电视台采访时说,莫拉蒂没有向英国媒体透露任何关于维耶里转会之事。

    Inter press officer Paolo Vigano told an Italian television station that Moratti had not spoken to English media sources about Vieri .

  9. 巴基斯坦新闻官告诉本台记者,巴基斯坦已禁止了一个慈善团体与袭击者的联系,并软禁了该组织的领导人。

    This week , Pakistani authorities banned a charity linked to the attacks and placed its leader under house arrest , Pakistan 's information minister told CNN .

  10. 如果这个研究所有一个新闻官,他们可能就不会回答我的问题,我就可能失去这条独家新闻。

    Had there been a press officer in the institute , they probably would not have answered my questions , and I would have lost this exclusive story .

  11. 用到麦克的身上,他给这些有志于从事记者和新闻官职业的人都了一个不错的表率,因为他既是利剑,又是盾牌。

    For Michael 's case , he serves as a mirror to those who 'd like to be either journalists or Press Attach é s , for he is a sword and shield simultaneously .

  12. 韩国驻上海领事馆的新闻官无法回答有关本国侨民离华的问题&因为她的职位刚被撤消,她本人将被召回国内。

    The press officer of the Korean consulate in Shanghai could not answer questions about the exodus of her countrymen – because her post had just been abolished and she was being sent back to Korea .

  13. 科研院所的新闻官应该更多地花费精力,在新闻稿中解释这项研究如何与公众有关,并选择更多与公众趣味更相关的题材。

    Press officers from all institutions should take more care in explaining why the news is relevant in their press releases , and should try to flag up more subjects in tune with the public interest .

  14. 新闻发言官处于传达政府政策的第一线。

    Information officers are in the front line of putting across government policies .

  15. 据说那是由一个新闻发布官声明的。

    It was said that was stated by a press officer .

  16. 周二,在广场中部一个帐篷中,主要的抗议组织埃及AprilSixthMovement的新闻联络官AbdullahNoufal表示,他几个月来一直听到类似总理最近作出的承诺。

    In a tent at the middle of the square Tuesday , Abdullah Noufal , the communications director of one of the main protest groups , the April Sixth Movement , says he has heard promises like the prime minister 's latest one for months .

  17. 那篇文章中有好几个字被新闻检查官删去了。

    Several words have been deleted from the article by the censor .

  18. 红十字会的新闻发布官。

    The press and publicity officer for the red cross .

  19. 他让信使把稿件送到新闻检查官办公室。

    He sent the draft to the censor 's office by a runner .

  20. 一营久经战阵的新闻发布官也接到命令,二十四小时都处于紧急戒备状态。

    A battalion of combat-hardened public-relations officers stood on red alert twenty-four hours a day .

  21. 蒂姆写过一篇关于这里夜生活的文章,给新闻检查官枪毙了。

    Tim wrote a piece about the night life here . The censor killed it dead .

  22. 调查导致他在1月份辞去卡梅伦首相新闻联络官的职位。

    The investigation led him to resign in January as communications director to Prime Minister David Cameron .

  23. 布莱克大法官回答说:如果因考虑国家利益会受到严重危害而来压制出版,那么大法官就变成了新闻审查官了。格里斯沃尔德院长说,别无选择。

    Justice Black responded that if a court could suppress publication when the risk to the national interest was great enough , the judges would be turned into censors .

  24. 此前,默多克的最高层管理人员,新闻国际首席执行官丽贝卡•布鲁克斯(RebekahBrooks)宣布辞职。

    Earlier , one of his most senior executives , Rebekah Brooks , resigned as chief executive of News International .

  25. 新闻国际首席执行官汤姆默克里奇(TomMockridge)将继续担任该职务,但直接向凯里报告。

    Tom Mockridge , chief executive officer of News International , will continue in his post but report directly to Mr Carey , chief operating officer .

  26. 苏博特基表示,周三宣布放弃收购bskyb的新闻集团首席运营官蔡斯凯里(chasecarey),也有着“非凡的成功记录”。

    Chase Carey , the chief operating officer who announced the end of the BSkyB bid on Wednesday , also had " a phenomenal record of success " , Mr subotky said .

  27. 新闻国际首席执行官丽贝卡布鲁克斯(RebekahBrooks)曾担任《世界新闻报》编辑(在众所周知的窃听事件发生之前),这也没起什么好作用。

    It has not helped that Rebekah Brooks , chief executive of News International , is a former editor of The News of the World ( before the known hacking occurred ) .

  28. 周年庆典到来之际,休斯聘请了雅虎新闻的前任执行官,40岁的盖伊·维德拉(GuyVidra),他的名字被印在刊头,成了《新共和》的第一位首席执行官。

    As the anniversary arrives , Mr. Hughes has hired Guy Vidra , a 40-year-old former Yahoo News executive , for the top of masthead as The New Republic 's first chief executive .

  29. 预计声明将于今日新闻集团首席执行官鲁珀特•默多克在东京出席会议时发布。

    An announcement is expected today while Rupert Murdoch , News Corp chief executive , is in Tokyo to attend a conference .

  30. 消防队员在认定的起火现场发现二个一次性打火机,这是永安新闻机构引用消防官欧甬库的话。

    Firefighters found two disposable lighters at the spot where they believed the fire broke out , Yonhap reported earlier , citing fire official Oh Yong-kyu .