
xīn jì lù
  • new record
新记录 [xīn jì lù]
  • [new record] (体育竞赛、某些行业等)新创造出来的最高成绩。也作新纪录

  1. 首先,create操作将把新记录或对象插入到表或图表中。

    To begin , the create operation inserts a new record or object into the table or graph .

  2. 每次输入一个新记录时,access都将更新excel列表。

    Each time you enter a new record , access updates the excel list .

  3. 新记录使用为ID字段惟一生成的负数来标识。

    New records are identified by a uniquely generated negative number for the ID field .

  4. 在access数据库中,可以创建一个字段,当您在表中输入新记录时,该字段会自动生成一个唯一的编号。

    In an access database , you can create a field that automatically generates a unique number when you enter a new record in a table .

  5. 为了在提要中创建新记录,客户机需要向集合的URI发送HTTPPOST请求。

    To create new entries in that feed , clients send HTTP POST requests to the collection 's URI .

  6. Hibernate在向数据库中插入新记录时,就会使用这个主键。

    Hibernate will then use this primary key when it inserts new records into the database .

  7. 中国田头菇属(agrocybe)一新记录种的报道

    Reports on the one newly recorded species of the Agrocybe

  8. 报道了3个国内新记录种:寄生在蔷薇科Rosaceae植物上的悬钩子柱隔孢RamulariaeudidymaWollenw;

    Three new records to China are reported .

  9. 内蒙古禾本科Gramineae植物新记录类群及学名订正

    The New Distribution Taxa of and the Revision of Scientific Names of the Plants of Gramineae in Inner Mongolia

  10. 我们可以发出一些数据操纵语言(DataManipulationLanguage,DML)语句,但由于我们已经安装了PHP,因此我们将创建并使用一个简单的PHP表单,用来在数据库中插入新记录。

    We could issue some Data Manipulation Language ( DML ) statements , but because we have PHP installed , we will create and use a simple PHP form for inserting new records in the database .

  11. U管圆锥泡法创造了发光功率和单脉冲能量的新记录,并首次用条纹相机得到了时间分辨发射光谱。

    New records for the luminescence power and energy emission from single events have been created , and the first time-resolved emission spectrum of sonoluminescence has been obtained with a streak camera by the U tube method .

  12. 然后这些信息被提交到同一个servlet,它连接数据库并插入新记录,新记录中包含新用户的信息,从而允许用户登录。

    This information is then submitted to the same servlet that connects to the database and inserts a new record containing the new user information , allowing the user to log in .

  13. 报道海南岛4种新记录植物,包括广防己AristolochiafangchiY。

    Four species are reported as new records for Hainan Island , China . They are Aristolochia fangchi Y.

  14. 报道枝孢属(Cladosporium)9个种,其中寄主新记录7个,地理新分布2个。

    In this paper , 9 species of Cladosporium including 7 new hosts recorded , 2 new distrbutions are reported from China .

  15. 为了能提供一个如何使用XML集成Salesforce的示例,我开发了一个能登录到Salesforce、查询数据并能创建新记录的示例Java应用程序。

    To provide an example of how to use XML to integrate with Salesforce , I developed a sample Java application that logs in to Salesforce , queries for data , and creates new records .

  16. 本文报道了发现于温岭的3个浙江分布新记录种,分别是萝芙木Rauvolfiaverticillata(Lour.)

    Three new geographical distribution plants in Zhejiang Province discovered in Wenling are reported , Rauvolfia verticillata ( Lour . )

  17. 两个座坚壳属Rosellinia中国新记录种

    Two new Chinese records of Rosellinia

  18. 添加新记录时,此触发器会以当前的日期和时间填充creationdate列。

    This trigger populates the creationdate column with the current date and time when new records are added .

  19. 在已鉴定的51个种中,中国新记录属2个&三盾茧蜂属Triaspis,矛茧蜂属Doryctes;

    51 species were described , of which 2 genera are new to China ( Triaspis and Doryctes ) .

  20. 由于声明了partno字段惟一,因此重复上传同一个部件号将只用新记录替换旧索引记录。

    Because the partno field is declared unique , repeated upload operations of the same part number merely replace the old index record with a new record .

  21. 广东省花卉线虫新记录种

    The new record species of flowers parasitic nematodes in Guangdong Province

  22. 中国兰科一新记录属&指柱兰属

    A new recorded genus of family Orchidaceae from china ── stigmatodactylus

  23. 中国地下真菌新种和新记录Ⅳ

    New species and new record of hypogeous fungi from China ⅳ

  24. 离蠕孢属1新种和7个国内新记录

    A New Species and 7 New Records of Bipolaris from China

  25. 其中姬蕨科为广州新记录科。

    In which Hypolepidaceae is the newly recorded family from Guangzhou .

  26. 中国分布新记录的复盖植物细心木蓝

    Indigofera cordifola & a new record of cover plant from China

  27. 其中17种为河南新记录害虫。

    Among them 17 species are the new pests in Henan .

  28. 当将新记录添加到哈希表时。

    When a new record was added to the hash table .

  29. 其中4种为北京新记录。

    Among them , 4 species are new records in Beijing .

  30. 在中国的分布新记录。

    Of Sabiaceae is reported as a new record to China .