
  1. 在收到您的网上新股认购申请时,boom会将申请确认版面显示在屏幕上。

    Boom will acknowledge receipt of your online IPO application by displaying on screen an application confirmation page .

  2. 我如何得知新股认购申请的状况?

    How do I know the status of my IPO application ?

  3. 论股东新股认购优先权的法律完善

    On the Legal Perfection of Shareholder 's New Share Subscription Option

  4. 首先通过对新股认购优先权的概念进行分析,给予一个准确的定义。

    First through to the preemptive right concept analysis , to give a precise definition .

  5. 全文涵括四部分内容。第一,对新股认购优先权相关的概念、特征、原则的分析。

    The first chapter , analysis new share subscribe for the pertinent concept of priority , characteristic , and the principle .

  6. 您可透过申请新股认购贷款,以认购更多新股,从而提高获配发较多股数的机会。

    With HK IPO loan , you are able to subscribe more shares and increase the chance of receiving higher number of allocated shares .

  7. 之后指出,我国应完善股东的新股认购权制度,以保护股东在公司的比例性利益;

    The author suggests that our country should perfect the preemptive right of shareholders to subscribe to new share in order to protect the proportional benefits of shareholders in company ;

  8. 得出的结论是:应当将配股纳入新股认购优先权的权利体系范畴,为规范的法律制度起到积极的作用。

    The conclusion reaching is : Ought to will allot the share bring into share subscribing for the priority right system category , be that standard legal system gets up to the positive role .

  9. 前三项新股认购权利,除保留由员工承购者外,得与原有股份分离而独立转让。

    The right to subscription of new shares as provided for in the preceding three paragraphs , except those reserved for subscription by employees , may be separated from the rights in original shares and transferable independently .

  10. 预计中国南车也将吸引到类似的一批“基础投资者”,他们将优先获得新股认购权,作为回报,他们将承诺至少在一年内不抛出股票。

    China Southern Railway is expected to sign up a similar roster of " cornerstone investors " , who are given preferential access to an offering in return for a commitment not to sell the shares for at least one year .

  11. 我国对股东权的保护才刚刚起步,在我国独特的股权结构下我国立法上应当承认新股认购优先权的法定权利地位,发挥新股认购优先权对股东权利的保护功能。

    Protection of the right of shareholders in China has just started , under the unique ownership structure in our country , legislation should recognize the legal right to IPO priority , and make it play the right role on protecting shareholders ' rights .

  12. 新股认购优先权在我国独特股权结构下的建议是本文的创新之处,该部分剖析了在我国独特的股权结构下,配股的认购优先权性质以及在增发中新股认购优先权的问题。

    The innovation of this article is proposing advices on IPO priority which is under a unique ownership structure in China . This section analyzes under the unique ownership structure , what is the nature of IPO priority and the issue of IPO priority in SPO .

  13. 公司法有关股东的新股认购优先权、公司回购自己资本、公司新股发行程序等方面的修改是职工持股制度健康发展的必要举措。

    For the good of the health development of the employee share holding system , it is necessary to modify such aspects of Corporations Law as shareholder 's preemptive right to acquire new share , compa-ny 's repurchasing its own share and company 's new share issuing procedures .

  14. 1.applicationmoney认购新股款项认购新股款项必须随同申请表交回。

    Application money must be returned with the application form .

  15. 金融集团是证券市场的主体,承销商通过金融集团的投资基金参与新股的认购会对IPO市场产生影响,具体表现为市场投资者对新股的认购热情和IPO的抑价率。

    Financial group is the body of the securities market , underwriters through affiliated mutual funds of financial group to participate in the subscription of new shares will affect the IPO market , specific performance is market investors ' subscribe enthusiasm for new shares and IPO underpricing rate .

  16. 整批委托赋予投资银行在新股没有完全被认购时取消协议的安排。

    Firm Commitment An arrangement whereby investment bankers purchase the new issue shares of a company outright for resale to the public .

  17. 股份有限公司为增加注册资本发行新股时,股东认购新股,依照本法设立股份有限公司缴纳股款的有关规定执行。

    Where a joint stock limited company issues new stocks for increasing its registered capital , the subscription for new stocks by shareholders shall be subject to the relevant provisions of the present law regarding the payment of stock money for the establishment of a joint stock limited company .