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  • Neoplatonism
新柏拉图主义[xīn bó lā tú zhǔ yì]
  1. 新柏拉图主义是文艺复兴时期重要思想之一。

    Neoplatonism was one of the important thoughts of the Renaissance .

  2. 新柏拉图主义:原初的大便是最好的大便。

    Neoplatonism The First Shit is the best shit .

  3. 受到新柏拉图主义者普罗提诺的影响,奥古斯丁提出了爱的秩序。

    Being influenced by he Neo-Platonism of Plotinus , Augustine proposed the theory of order of law .

  4. 这种二重性也决定了新柏拉图主义的辩证法对以后哲学的发展,特别是对辩证法思想发展的影响也具有二重性。

    The duel character of dialectic in New-Platonism decides the development of philosphy hereafter , influences the development of dialectic thought too .

  5. 文章首先简单介绍意大利文艺复兴时期的历史背景,比较详细的介绍了当时的文化思潮人文主义和哲学思潮新柏拉图主义。

    Firstly , the article introduces the background of Italian Renaissance , and the cultural current of thought in detail-humanism and the philosophy current of thought-Neoplatonism .

  6. 古代晚期的希腊基督教和拉丁基督教神学典范与普罗提诺的新柏拉图主义都有密切的关系,他们以普罗提诺的哲学为神学基础。

    Both Greek Christian and Latin Christian theological paradigms in Late Antiquity are related closely with Plotinus ' Neo-Platonism , their theologies are based on Plotinus ' philosophy .

  7. 新柏拉图主义的辩证法思想主要表现为关于世界的统一性和运动变化的思想,关于否定之否定的思想以及范畴学说中的对立和同一的思想。

    New-Platonism 's dialectic thought mainly represents the thought of the unitarity and motion of the world , of the negation of negation , and of the unity of opposites of the category theory .

  8. 光照论是中世纪哲学基于基督教信仰之下的一种独特的知识论,是柏拉图的理念论和新柏拉图主义的流溢说在认识领域的逻辑延伸,其主要目的是论证人的知识的可靠性和确定性。

    Illumination Theory is a peculiar epistemology of Christianity in the Middle Ages and an outcome from the extension of Platonic Idea and New-Platonic Emanation in epistemology , which ensures the reliability and certainty of knowledge .