
  1. 其中最著名的是法式善《存素堂文集》中的序跋文和盛昱《八旗文经》中的蒙古作家序跋文。

    Within those , Collected Works of Hui Cun Hall and Literature of Eight Banners were very famous .

  2. 该文经试验研究,总结归纳出了汽油机缸盖局部瞬时换热系数的计算公式。

    This paper presents a formula of partial transient heat exchange in gasoline engine cylinder by testing research and summing up .

  3. 至宋代雕刻《竺兰陁心文经》等经文,直至明清大规模雕刻《陀罗尼》等经文,在相关的发愿文字中都出现了净土信仰倾向。

    To the Song Dynasty sculpture , such as Zhu Lan and other scriptures , until the large-scale sculpture of the Ming and Qing Dynasties Dharani scripture text vow appeared inclined to the Pure Land faith trend .

  4. 从娱神娱人到寓文于经&人类学视野下的民族歌舞研究综述

    From Entertaining God and Folks to Written Researches & A summary of the research of folk dances in the anthropologic perspective

  5. 北京科技大学以冶金学和材料科学著称,现己发展成为以工为主,工理、管、文、经、法等多学科协调发展的综合性大学。

    USTB is famous for its study of metallurgy and material science and has developed into a comprehensive university with emphasis on engineering and harmonious development in engineering , science management , humanities , economics and law .

  6. 经过86年的建设,哈工大现已发展成为一所理工为主,理、工、管、文、经、法结合,在国际上享有一定声誉的研究型全国著名重点大学。

    universities in 1996 to receive preferential support for development.Affer 86 years of development , HIT has developed into a large multi-disciplinary nationally renowned univercity with science and engineering and research as its core , the combination of science , engineering , administration , economics and law .

  7. 面向新世纪,学校的发展目标是:把北京科技大学建设成为以工为主工,理、管、文、经、法等多学科协调发展规模适度,特色突出,国内一流国际著名的高水平研究型大学。

    At the new century , University of Science and Technology Beijing has set the goal of its development . Namely it is determined io build USTB into a state-class and world-renowned research-orientated comprehensive university of its own characteristic with emphasis on engineering and harmonious development in engineering , science , management humanities economics and law .

  8. 西双版纳傣文贝页经资源库技术研究

    Study on the Resource Database of Tai Lue Pattra-leaf Buddhist Scripture

  9. 该文根据社经、水文、冲淤、水利计算等资料,对该海域的岸线轮廊提出一些参考意见。

    Based on the data of social economy , hydrology , silting and sedimentation and hydraulic calculation , this paper puts forward some opinions on the shoreline contour for reference .

  10. 因此,文中仅对经人骨鉴定结果为亚洲人种及墓葬中无明确文字记载墓主为粟特人的唐代墓葬进行研究。

    This article is based on the results by human bone identification and no clear written records show the Sogdian tombs of the Tang Dynasty .

  11. 学院主要培养通信类高等职业技术人才,以工科为主,兼文、理、经、管等多学科体系,集教、科、产为一体。

    SPTC is the integration of teaching , research and production , taking engineering as its main discipline with the humanities , economics and management so as to train qualified professional and technical personnel for communications .

  12. 武汉理工大学以工科为主,自然学科为基础,理、工、文、管、经、法、哲、教育等八门学科协调发展。

    WUT is now included in the State " Project 211 . " WUT has eight major disciplines , with engineering being the mainstay and natural sciences its foundation . The eight disciplines are combined with one another to include natural sciences , engineering , humanities , economics , management , law , philosophy and education .