
  • 网络Literary Theory;theory of literature
  1. 隐含作者是西方文学理论的一个重要概念,它最早由W·C·布斯提出。

    Implied author is an important concept of western literary theory which was put forward by Wayne Booth in The Rhetoric of Fiction ( 1961 ) .

  2. T.S艾略特文学理论中传统的概念

    The Concept of Tradition in T.S Eliot 's Literary Theory

  3. 英国女作家弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫是女性主义文学理论的开山鼻祖。

    Virginia woolf , an English woman writer , is the forerunner of feminism .

  4. 批评化不是中国文学理论的出路&对文学理论研究一种走向的价值审视

    Literary Criticism : A Wrong Way Out for Chinese Literary Theory

  5. 本质的悬置:文学理论学科性之反思

    Put Essence aside & A Reflection on the Literary Theory study

  6. 对建构有中国特色文学理论的几点思考

    Thoughts on the Construction of the Literary Theory with Chinese Characteristics

  7. 文化研究的兴起与文学理论的未来

    The Rise of Cultural Studies and the Future of Literary Theory

  8. 胡适文学理论与批评的接受意向

    The Receiving Intention of Literature Theory and Criticism of Hu Shi

  9. 文学理论研究的两个思考维度

    On Two Thinking Dimensions Related to the Study of Literary Theory

  10. 中国古代文学理论体系概述

    An introduction to the theoretical system of the ancient Chinese literature

  11. 现代视觉艺术与现代文学理论

    The Study about Modern Visual Art and Modern Literature Theory

  12. 第二、文学理论必须实现向文化研究的转型。

    Second , literary theory must turn its direction to culture study ;

  13. 新时期《文学理论》教材编写研究

    Research on the Writing of Theory of Literature Textbooks in New Period

  14. 文学理论作为一种阐释行为必然以命名为主要手段。

    As an interpretational action , literary theory values the naming greatly .

  15. 师范性质的文学理论教学探索

    Probing the teaching of literary theory for the students of normal universities

  16. 新中国民间文学理论研究和学科建设:1949~1966

    Academic Research and Discipline Making of Folk Literature from 1949 to 1966

  17. 小议高师文学理论教学

    A Humble Discussion on the Teaching of Literature Theory in Teachers Colleges

  18. 概论与原理:两种不同的文学理论教学观

    General Outline and Principles : Two Different Views on Teaching Literature Theories

  19. 学术界关于文学理论危机的讨论十分热烈。

    There are now heated discussions on the crisis of literary theories .

  20. 二是文学理论教学与教材如何为?

    Second , how can we do in the teaching of literature ?

  21. 论解构后的当代中国文学理论重新建构

    On the Reconstruction of the Deconstructed Contemporary Chinese Literature Theory

  22. 文学理论是在何种意义上联系文学实际的

    In What Sense is Literary Theory Related with Literary Reality

  23. 中外文学理论批评的两次错位

    On the Twice In-consonances Between Chinese and Foreign Literary Theories

  24. 文学理论教学是马克思主义文艺学的重要内容

    Literary theory-the important content of Marxist literature and art

  25. 文化诗学作为文学理论的新构想

    Cultural Poetics as a Different Framework of Literary Theory

  26. 典型问题向来是文学理论界常论常新的话题。

    Problem of type is always looked as a new , talked topic .

  27. 论西部文学理论生成的可能性

    On the possibility of the theory formation of the West China 's Literature

  28. 第四章文学理论建构的途径是文学批评。

    Chapter IV Literary Theory approach is literary criticism .

  29. 梁启超小说界革命与现代文学理论

    Liang Qichao 's Novel Revolution and Modern Literary Theory

  30. 论刘绍棠的乡土文学理论

    On Liu Shao-tang 's Original Theory of Native-soil Literature