
wén huà rén lèi xué
  • cultural anthropology
  1. 田野工作又称田野调查是从西方引进的文化人类学术语,英文为fieldwork,是指文化人类学者在特定区域中进行的调查工作。

    The word of fieldwork , also named field-research is a term of cultural anthropology from the West , it means the cultural anthropologist doing the investigation in specific location .

  2. 道德信仰生成的文化人类学透视

    The Establishment of Moral Belief : A Perspective of Cultural Anthropology

  3. 人类学中的文化人类学对文化教学影响甚大。著名人类学家EdwardHall于1959年出版的TheSilentLanguage被看作是跨文化交际学的奠基之作。

    The famous anthropologist Edward Hall published his masterpiece The Silent Language in 1959 . In this book , Hall delves into the relationship between culture and language as well as nonverbal communication .

  4. 卡尔·古斯塔夫·荣格(CarlGustavJung,1875-1961)是瑞士著名的分析心理学家和精神病学家,其理论影响已远远逾越了心理学、精神病学和临床医学范围,而波及文化人类学、宗教学、艺术、哲学、文学等领域。

    Carl Gustav Jung ( 1875-1961 ) is a famous analytical psychologist and psychiatrist of Switzerland . His theory has been influential in the field of psychology , psychiatry and clinical medicine , as well as anthropology , religion , art , philosophy and literature .

  5. 文化人类学在当前聚落的研究中是别具一格的。

    Cultural anthropology is special in the research of the settlement .

  6. 文化人类学:反思科学技术的新视角

    Culture-anthropology : A New Perspective of Reflection on Science and Technology

  7. 文化人类学视野下的文学活动与巫术仪式

    Literary Activities and Witchcraft Ceremony under the Perspective of Cultural Anthropology

  8. 建筑与民俗&建筑空间的文化人类学探讨

    Architecture and Folkways - Discussion About Cultural Anthropology of Architectural Space

  9. 文化人类学视阈中的土家族婚俗仪礼音乐

    The Research of Tujia 's Traditional Wedding Music in Cultural Anthropology

  10. 文化人类学视野下的巫术心理探究

    On the Research of Witchcraft Psychology in View of Cultural Anthropology

  11. 文化人类学研究方法及其理论在武术研究中的应用

    Application of Cultural Anthropology Research Method and Theory in Wushu Research

  12. 变迁问题是民族学、文化人类学的一个长期的热门课题。

    The problem with changes is a prolonged popular problem .

  13. 认同与融合:民族社会的发展&对一个多民族山乡的文化人类学考察

    Identification & merge : the development of a society composed of nationalities

  14. 宗教人类学是一门边缘性学科,是宗教学与文化人类学相结合而形成的交叉性学科。

    Religious anthropology is a dual-discipline combining religion and anthropology .

  15. 从文化人类学的角度讨论民俗

    Folk - custom Exploration from the Angle of Cultural Anthropology

  16. 秦、齐对抗的文化人类学涵义

    The Anthropological Implications of the Conflict between Qin and Qi

  17. 清代满族皇室教育传承的文化人类学分析

    Anthropology Analysis Spread by Man People Royalty Education of the Qing Dynasty

  18. 文化人类学研究与中医

    On Study of TCM Culture Cultural Anthropological Research and Traditional Chinese Medicine

  19. 象征、互动与媒体介入&北京奥运会开幕式的文化人类学解析

    Symbolism , interaction and media intervention : Beijing olympic games opening ceremony

  20. 上海工人新村文化人类学思考

    A anthropological thinking on the workers ' village of Shanghai

  21. 嵩山传说的文化人类学探索

    A Probe into Cultural Anthropology in Legends of Song Mountain

  22. 在当代文化人类学研究领域,格尔兹是颇具影响力的一位人物。

    Geertz is famous in the fields of contemporary culture of anthropology .

  23. 南方少数民族题材电影中文化人类学元素研究

    Study on the Cultural Anthropology Element in the Film of South Minority

  24. 从文化人类学的视角看东北亚国际和谐社会的构筑

    On Building Northeast Asia International Harmonious Society : from Cultural Anthropology Perspective

  25. 客家研究的文化人类学思考

    Reflection on Hakka Research from the View of Cultural Anthropology

  26. 文化人类学田野作业若干问题研究

    On Some Problems about the Fieldwork of Cultural Anthropology

  27. 社会文化人类学的语境问题

    The Problem of Context in Social and Cultural Anthropology

  28. 中国文化人类学回顾

    A Review of China 's cultural anthropology in retrospect

  29. 说礼行仪式的文化人类学调查

    To Study the Ceremony of " Shuolixing " in Terms of Cultural Anthropology

  30. 文化人类学的解释形态。

    And 3 . the pattern of cultural-anthropological interpretation .