
  • 网络education values;educational value
  1. 构建面向21世纪的基础教育价值观

    Change Elementary Education Values to be Geared to the Needs of the 21 Century

  2. 数学教育价值观的嬗变与重构

    Evolution and Reconstruction of Mathematics Education Values

  3. 哈尔西被认为是进步教育价值观的主要拥护者。

    Halsey was identified as a leading proponent of the values of progressive education .

  4. 现代化进程中教育价值观的嬗变与问题反思

    On the Changes of Educational Values and Relevant Problems During Modernization

  5. 兼容式管理反映了教育价值观的多元化倾向。

    Compatible management is a multiple mirror of the educational value .

  6. 第二部分主要论述了钱穆高等教育价值观的内涵。

    The second part expounds the content of his higher educational values .

  7. 关于高等教育价值观的审思与构建

    Reflection and Construction on the Idea of Higher Educational Value

  8. 黑龙江省乡镇初中教师的教育价值观研究

    Investigation into the Concept of Teacher 's Educational Value in Rural Middle School

  9. 高等教育价值观的选择与更新

    Renewing and Choice of Values of Higher Education

  10. 确立现代道德教育价值观体系;

    Setting the values system of modern moral ;

  11. 适应与超越:迟发展国家教育价值观的冲突与选择

    Adaption and Transcendence : the Conflicts and Choices of Educational Direction in Late-Developing Countries

  12. 教育价值观的冲突及原因分析

    Conflict and Reason analysis of Educative Value Judgement

  13. 试论我国现代教育价值观的建构

    On Construction of China 's Modern Educational Value

  14. 人文主义的职业教育价值观思考

    Thinking of Humanism Values of Vocational Education

  15. 全球化与思想政治教育价值观的建构

    Globalization and the Construction of the Notion of Worthiness of the Education of Political Ideology

  16. 教育价值观虽然得到了有关学科的关注,并进行了一些有建设性的研究,但还没有从心理学的角度进行系统研究。

    The educational values have been systematically studied in many fields but not in psychology .

  17. 年级与科系在教育价值观因素上交互作用显著;

    Interaction between grade and department in terms of the factor of educational values is obvious ;

  18. 教育价值观的心理学思考

    On Psychological Study of Education Values

  19. 文化变迁与教育价值观

    Culture Change and Educational Values

  20. 教育价值观、教育要求的转变,教育从封闭到开放的转变,教育中心的转变,师生关系的转变,学习方式与评价标准的转变等一系列的变化给传统教育注入了新的活力。

    Of the way and evaluation standard a series give the tradition education to infuse into new vitality .

  21. 两种教育价值观各执一说,相互矛盾和冲突。

    The two kinds of educative value judgement hold different ideas that are contrary and conflictive each other .

  22. 艺术专业大学生高等教育价值观现状及其对课程改革的启示

    The Status of Art-major Students ' Attitude towards Higher Education and its Enlightenment on the Reform of Curriculum

  23. 教育价值观的历史演进与我国新教育价值观的完整体系

    The Historic Changes of the View on Education Values and the Comprehensive System of New One in China

  24. 结果显示:医学专业大学生的高等教育价值观与其他专业的大学生相比存在着显著性差异;

    The results indicate that theres remarkable difference between these students and those who major in other subjects .

  25. 教育价值观、知识教育观和教育发展观是当前学界讨论的热点问题。

    The concepts of educational values , knowledge teaching and educational development are currently topical issues in academic community .

  26. 蒋梦麟个人本位的教育价值观,是从其个人本位的社会政治观引申而来的。

    Jiang Menglin s education values on individual centre are deduced from his social political views of individual standard .

  27. 不同经济发展阶段所形成的就业结构变化,决定了农民的教育价值观有着明显的转变过程。

    The employment structural change formed in different economy development phase , had decided farmer 's education value shifting process .

  28. 要重建教师的知识分子品性,应当从教育价值观和教育评价机制等层面入手。

    In order to reconstruct a teacher 's intellectual spirit we should start from educational values and educational appraisal mechanisms .

  29. 在这个意义上说,民族教育价值观是关乎民族文化传承和发展的重要因素。

    In this sense , the national education values are important factors in relation to the national cultural heritage and development .

  30. 这两个层次:一个是目的性的教育价值观,另一个是工具性的教育价值观。

    These two levels : one is the purpose value of the education , another is the instrumental value of education .