
  • 网络efficiency principle;the principle of efficiency
  1. 她借鉴了工厂的效率原则并把它运用到厨房的家务中。

    She borrowed the principle of efficiency on the factory floor and applied it to domestic tasks on the kitchen floor .

  2. 效率原则的实现需要进行效率革命。

    Achieving the principle of efficiency needs conducting an efficiency revolution .

  3. 按照计算效率原则和体系自身的特点,选择了RHF方法和STO-5G/6-31G基组组合,计算结果能很好的解释一些实验现象。

    According to calculation speed and the characteristics of the model , the method RHF and the basis STO-5G / 6-31G are finally determined respectively . This calculation can fairly explain some experiments results .

  4. 完整私有产权的效率原则是错误的。

    The efficiency principle of all-round privacy property rights is wrong .

  5. 第七章分析了公理性的税收效率原则。

    Chapter seven will analyze the axiomatic principle of tax efficiency .

  6. 用通风系统效率原则选择通风机设备

    Principles for Choosing a Blower with Effi-Ciency of the Ventilate System

  7. 论产权安排的效率原则

    On Efficiency Principle in the Process of Assignment of Property Rights

  8. 论我国税收效率原则的理论和实践

    The Theory and Practice of Efficiency Principles of Taxation in China

  9. 基于公平和效率原则的高校学费评价模型

    The University 's Tuition Evaluation Model Based on Fairness and Efficiency

  10. 垂直关系、效率原则与社会福利研究

    Study on Vertical Relations , Principle of Efficiency and Social Welfare

  11. 第二,本文提出了以提高整体金融业的国际竞争力、效率原则为基本原则等金融监管法律模式基础理论,这在金融监管法律模式领域的研究具有新意。

    Firstly , the financial supervision law mode is a new topic .

  12. 经济学家认为格式合同是经济发展的必然产物,是现代社会中充分体现了效率原则的一种可以作为表率的制度。

    Economists regard it as a model in modern society .

  13. 社会保障制度设计与公平效率原则

    Designing of Social Ensuring Rules and Principle of Fair Efficiency

  14. 论述我国信息资源分布的公平原则、效率原则、政治原则及其相关的均衡配置问题。

    Discusses the principles of balanced distribution of information resources in China .

  15. 由此我们得到,等效率原则可用于实现供应链协调。

    Thus , the equivalent efficiency principle can be used to achieve coordination .

  16. 从组织创新的动因角度提出了农业产业化经营利益原则、效率原则、协调性原则、平衡性原则。

    The rules of agricultural industrialization management are given .

  17. 市场经济的效率原则及其道德论证&从现代经济伦理的角度看

    The Principle of Efficiency and Its Moral Justfication

  18. 美国反托拉斯法的新发展与我国反垄断法的效率原则指向

    New Development of US Antitrust Law and the Efficiency Priciple on Chinese Antitrust Law

  19. 本文还将权利不得滥用原则,量能课税的税收公平原则,实质课税原则以及税收效率原则等税收原则细化到规制避税的领域,从而为制裁企业所得的税收规避行为提供了理论上的支撑。

    These principles have offered the support in theory for punishing corporate tax avoidance .

  20. 关于我国高等教育财政效率原则的悖论&效率原则下的低效

    The Paradox of Efficiency-based Financial Policies in China & low efficiency under the Efficiency-based Policies

  21. 如果说社会公平原则决定了中国农地所有权制度,那么效率原则则决定我国农地使用权制度。

    Social justice determines the land ownership while the principle of efficiency determines the land application .

  22. 无为是效率原则快乐原则无为是无所不为的法则。

    Wuwei efficiency principle is the principle of inaction is happy will do anything the law .

  23. 公平与效率原则。

    Equity and efficiency principle .

  24. 垄断是市场经济自身无法克服的痼疾.破坏了公平与效率原则。

    Monopoly is the incurable disease of market economy , which breaks the fairness and efficiency principle .

  25. 从公平与效率原则出发,阐述我国信息资源的均衡配置问题。

    Discusses the well-balanced disposition of information resources in China from the principles of equity and efficiency .

  26. 第三,金融监管法律模式的基本原则:金融安全原则和效率原则。

    In the third chapter , the comparision of the financial supervision law mode in England and American .

  27. 设立取得时效制度符合立法的效率原则。

    So the establishment of the legal system of acquisition prescription accords with the efficiency principle of legislation .

  28. 不起诉制度的现状已经有悖于诉讼经济原则、效率原则、公正原则的要求。

    The current situation of non-prosecution disobliges the requests of economical , efficient and equitable principles of suit .

  29. 四为效率原则。

    Principle of efficiency .

  30. 这样的制度安排既符合衡平保护的原则和效率原则,同时也在实质上有利于受害的劳动者。

    Such an arrangement conforms to the principle of equity protection and efficiency and is helpful to victim labor .