
  • 网络policy communication
  1. 该机制发挥着四项基本作用:融资、社区支持、质量保证和政策沟通。

    They exercise four essential roles : financing , community support , quality assurance and policy dialogue .

  2. 我们应该加强各国能源政策沟通,制定跨国油气管道安保合作具体措施。

    We should enhance communication on energy policy , and introduce specific measures for enhancing cooperation on security of transnational oil and gas pipelines .

  3. 要加强宏观经济政策沟通协调,加快建立公正、合理、健康、稳定的世界经济新秩序。

    We should strengthen dialogue and coordination on macroeconomic policy and accelerate the building of a just , equitable , sound and stable new world economic order .

  4. 美国与欧洲共同体在农业政策沟通歧见方面,今天再度失败。全球贸易谈判可能不欢而散。

    The United States and the European Community failed again today to bridge their differences over farm policy , raising the possibility that global trade talks here would end in disarray .

  5. 加强政府间合作,积极构建多层次政府间宏观政策沟通交流机制,深化利益融合,促进政治互信,达成合作新共识。

    We should promote intergovernmental cooperation , build a multilevel intergovernmental macro policy exchange and communication mechanism , expand shared interests , enhance mutual political trust , and reach new cooperation consensus .

  6. 三是加强在重大地区及国际经济问题上的政策沟通,促进两国更广领域的合作。

    The mechanism will also enable the two countries to increase policy communications on major regional and international economic issues , and boost cooperation in a wider range of areas , he said .

  7. 该倡议以实现“政策沟通、设施联通、贸易畅通、资金融通、民心相通”为主要内容,以共商、共建、共享为原则,实实在在地造福沿线国家和人民。

    The initiative focuses on promoting policy coordination , connectivity of infrastructure and facilities , unimpeded trade , financial integration , and strengthened people-to-people ties through a consultative process and joint efforts , with the goal of bringing benefits to all .

  8. 我们不仅对这些意见进行了深刻的反思,与相关部门一起仔细研究了三包规定,还审视了我们维修政策的沟通方式,并梳理了我们对Apple授权服务提供商的管理规范。

    We have thought deeply about those points of view and together with the relevant government departments carefully studied our Three Guarantees policy . We have also reviewed how we communicate about our maintenance policy and checked our management of our Apple authorized service providers .

  9. 诉讼过程是个向社会开放的动态过程,公共政策就是沟通司法与社会的一个桥梁。

    The Process of litigation is an active process , which is open to the judiciary and society , and the public policy is a bridge between judiciary and society .

  10. 文书处理工作是各单位贯彻党和政府的方针政策、沟通信息、协调工作的重要手段,是每个单位日常工作的一个重要组成部分。

    Document processing is an important method for various units to carry out policies and guidelines of the Communist Party and the central government , to exchange information and to coordinate work ;

  11. 双方将进一步加强宏观经济政策的沟通与信息交流,共同努力采取调整国内需求和相关价格的政策,促进更加可持续和平衡的贸易与增长。

    The two sides will further enhance communication and the exchange of information regarding macro-economic policy , and work together to pursue policies of adjusting domestic demand and relative prices to lead to more sustainable and balanced trade and growth .

  12. 他还担任国际金融协会(InstituteofInternationalFinance)主席,该协会代表全球最大的500家金融机构与监管机构和政策制定者沟通。

    He is also chairman of the Institute of International Finance , which interacts with regulators and policymakers on behalf of 500 of the world 's biggest financial institutions .

  13. 利用现代管理理论和心理学原理,分析高职院校科研激励机制的基本途径,并结合具体实践从政策激励、沟通激励、培训激励、蓝图激励等角度,对高职院校科研激励的方法进行探讨。

    The author applies modern management theory and psychological principle to analyse the path to conduct encouragement mechanism of scientific research in higher vocational school , discusses the concrete methods to implement it combined with practice .

  14. 虽然公共外交能够在某种程度上起到宣传政策、加强沟通、消除误解等作用,但是公共外交毕竟只是推行政策、实现战略目标的手段之一。

    Public diplomacy , though , to some extent , can promote policies , enhance communication , and remove the misunderstandings etc. , is merely one of the methods of carrying out policies and achieving strategic goals .

  15. 要强化区域金融调控体系,突出区域调控效果,关键应从强化分支央行职能、实行差别的金融调控政策、加强沟通与协调等方面作出合理的制度安排。

    We have to enforce the financial control system , amplify the effect of regional adjustment . It is most import to enforce the branches of the Central Bank , to carry out the influential policy of financial control , to make up proper arrangements by intensifying communication and cooperation .

  16. 更重要的是,欧洲的经验(无论是在引入欧元之前还是之后)表明,在货币政策考虑和沟通过程中赋予货币一个重要角色,实际上恰恰帮助维护了现代货币政策文献所推崇的原则。

    More fundamentally , the European experience – both before and after the introduction of the euro – suggests that assigning an important role to money in monetary policy deliberations and communication has , in practice , helped to serve precisely those principles that modern monetary policy literature holds dear .

  17. 中方与美国和欧盟就中国有关原材料出口政策一直保持着沟通与接触。

    China and the United States and the European Union on China 's policies on the export of raw materials have always maintained communication and contacts .

  18. 朱光耀的批评态度随后略有软化。他预计,G20峰会将向全球市场发出一个积极信号,加强包括对美联储奉行的货币政策在内的宏观经济政策的协调与沟通。

    Zhu softened his criticisms a little by predicting the G20 meeting would send a positive signal to global markets We , including the Federal Reserve , will strengthen coordination of and communication about macroeconomic policies and monetary policies , he said , according to Reuters .

  19. 货币政策透明度是指中央银行与市场主体之间关于货币政策相关信息的沟通情况,可分为广义透明度与狭义透明度。

    Monetary policy transparency is the communication situations on monetary policy information between Central Bank and other market participations . It can be divided into generalized transparency and narrowed transparency .