
  • 网络Policy Monopoly
  1. 政策性垄断行业定价机制探析

    A Survey to Price-Making Mechanism in Policy-Monopolized Industries

  2. 食盐专营实质是一种政策性垄断,它面临着来自于社会各界对专营地位的质疑。

    Salt monopoly is essentially a policy monopoly and It meets questions from all society about the monopolization .

  3. 国家运用自身所具有的强大权力,通过制定政策、垄断原料、控制市场、限制剥削、引导舆论、思想教育、典型示范等方式顺利实现了自己的预定目标。

    The country reached it 's aim through drawing up policy , monopolizing the market , limiting the exploitation , directing the public opinion , ideological education and the typical instance .

  4. 论我国产业政策与反垄断法的时代调和

    Era Reconciliation between Chinese Industrial Policies and Antimonopoly Law

  5. 外资优惠政策与外资企业垄断

    The Preferential Policy and the Monopoly of Foreign Firms

  6. 一直以来,国内的证券公司靠政策保护和行业垄断,在粗放式经营方式下,保持着高盈利水平。

    Domestic securities companies always get high profit depending on policy protection and monopolization .

  7. 其政策含义在于,垄断性国有企业应遵循经济结构演进优化的方式进行并购重组,提高自身实力,为社会福利的提升做出更大的贡献。

    The policy implication is that monopoly of state-owned enterprises should be carried out merger and reorganization to improve their own strength and to improve social welfare .

  8. 在优先发展时期主要任务是电话的普及,国家通过财力、物力、政策倾斜,扶植垄断企业快速发展。

    In the period of priority development , the main task is telephone penetration . Through financial and material resources and preferential policies telecommunications enterprises developed rapidly .

  9. 在并购案中,充分利用规模经济创造地方龙头企业的工业政策应当压倒反垄断法律的说法可谓老生常谈了。

    The idea that competition law should be overridden by industrial policy to create a local champion that exploits economies of scale has often been used in merger cases .

  10. 本文用博弈理论和机制设计理论等理论方法研究自然垄断产业放松规制和支持政策设计丰富了垄断竞争理论研究,也具有现实实践意义。

    In this paper , the author applied game theory and mechanism design theory method to the study natural monopoly industry deregulation and supporting policy , and designed theory of monopolistic competition which has practical significance .

  11. 行政垄断也是我国反垄断实践中面临的重要难题,反垄断政策应该对行政垄断进行严格的规制,避免由政府行为造成的大量竞争限制和对资源配置的破坏。

    Administrative monopoly is an important antitrust problem , and the antitrust policy should take strict monopoly regulation to avoid government action causing large number of restrictions on competition and the destruction of the allocation of resources .

  12. 当今世界各国大都通过产业政策审查、反垄断程序、国家安全审查程序等平衡防御手段来防范外资并购的负面影响。

    Most of the world today through the review of industrial policy , antitrust procedures , and balancing national security review process and other means of defense to prevent the negative impact of foreign mergers and acquisitions .

  13. 榆林机场和其它支线机场一样,依靠政策庇护、行业垄断、国家支持,痛苦而艰难地走出了计划经济体制所铺设的独特的经营管理道路。

    Like other regional routes stations , Yulin airport , depending on aegis of policy , transportation monopolization and government 's support , has difficultly broke away from the traditional mode of control and management which was aroused by planned economy system .

  14. 纵观当前学术成果,普遍认为反垄断政策目标是反垄断法通过规范交易行为和维护市场竞争,所应当保护的利益和实现的功能。

    Throughout the current academic achievements , Generally agreed that anti-monopoly policy objective is to regulate trade practices adopted by the anti-monopoly law and the maintenance of competition in the market , which should protect the interests and the realization of the function .

  15. 但是国有企业在满足公众公益性需要、政府政策调控、自然垄断行业以及涉及国家安全保障领域等方面具有非国有企业难以替代的作用。

    However , state owned enterprises play a vital role that cannot be fulfilled by non state owned ones , such as providing public service , supporting the adjustment of government policies , controlling natural monopoly industries and the fields relating to state securities .

  16. 随着我国金融业对外开放承诺的付诸实施和金融业竞争的加剧,国有商业银行在机构、市场、业务、人才、政策等方面的垄断优势随之丧失;

    As the promise of the opening up of the financial industry carrying out and the fierce competition of the financial industry , the state-owned commercial bank loses its monopoly advantages in the fields of organ , market , business , talent and strategy .

  17. 并以此为前提制定了茶叶经济政策尤其是茶马互市政策,一方面垄断茶马市场;

    Based on this , the tea economic policy , and especially the policy of exchange between tea and horses were set up . Therefore , the markets of tea and horses were monopolized .

  18. 价格支持政策还可能会导致农产品过剩,且这种政策下的垄断收购、及长期中对市场价格的扭曲可能会使农民利益受损。

    Price support police may also lead to agricultural commodity overproduction . Under this policy , the monopoly purchase and distorting of market price in long run may cause the loss of farmers ' interests .

  19. 首先从产业政策和产业政策法的基本理论入手,阐述了政策、政策性法律和法律三者之间的关系,并分析产业政策与反垄断法的关系。

    First , theoretical analysis of industrial policy and law of industrial policy , elaborates the relationship between the policy , policy law and law , analysis the relationship between industrial policy and Antimonopoly Law .