
  • 网络profitability;income;yield;High Return
  1. FCF作为一个收益性的指标,是衡量价值创造的最佳指标。

    As a profitability indicator , FCF is the best measure indicators of value creation .

  2. 应用行业竞争强度的五力模型、SWOT方法和项目区分理论分析了城市基础设施投资建设企业的投资领域选择,并对城市基础设施投资建设产业的成长性与收益性分析进行了探讨。

    The thesis applies the five forces model , SWOT method and the division theory to analyze the choice of investment field of urban infrastructure Investment construction Company , and discusses the growth and profitability of urban infrastructure Investment Company .

  3. 在2008年席卷全球的金融危机爆发之前,REITs的高流动性、风险规避性、高收益性对全球房地产金融市场产生了深远的影响。

    Before the 2008 financial crisis throughout the world , the high liquidity , risk aversion , together with the high profitability of REITs produced far-reaching effects to the global real estate financial market .

  4. 风险投资有双重属性,即收益性和风险性。

    Risk investment has double attribute , which are profit and risk .

  5. 划分资本性支出与收益性支出原则及其应用

    On the Principle of Distinguishing Capital Expenditures from Revenue Expenditures

  6. 收益性支出是企业在日常经营活动中产生的开支。

    It refers to expenditure on the day-to-day running of the business .

  7. 创新,虽存在较高的风险性,但同时也意味着较高的收益性。

    Innovation , which although has high risk , also means great profits .

  8. 如果这些成本数额不大,它们被当作收益性支出对待。

    If these costs are insignificant , they are treated as revenue expenditures .

  9. 研究和开发成本应予以区分,并将其在收益性支出和资本性支出之间划分,部分费用化,部分资本化。

    Research and development costs should be distinguished between revenue expenditure and capital expenditure .

  10. 收益性经济交往指纯粹以利益为目的婚姻。

    Proceeds of economic exchanges that purely for the purpose of marriage of interests .

  11. 浅议财务导向下企业收益性的管理

    The Management of Enterprise 's Finance-oriented Income

  12. 第二十条会计核算应当合理划分收益性支出与资本性支出。

    Article 20 A clear distinction shall be reasonably drawn between revenue expenditures and capital expenditures .

  13. 收益性、流动性和波动性共同构成资本市场有效运行的三大支柱。

    Profitability , liquidity and volatility of capital market constitute three pillars for its effective operation .

  14. 要明确区分人力资产收益性支出和资本性支出;

    The third , differentiate the hu-man capital 's profitability expenditure from its capital expenditure definitely .

  15. 收益性房地产估价的方法研究

    Study on Income Property Appraisal Methods

  16. 是股权投资的收益性。

    The yield of equity investment .

  17. 社会保障制度是社会保障基金完整性、安全性和收益性的保证。

    Social security system is the guarantee of completeness , safeness and profitability of social security fund .

  18. 在此情况下,银行经理人在资产经营时往往只考虑收益性而忽略了安全性。

    Under this situation , bank managers tend to simply consider profitability and ignore safety in asset management .

  19. 流行性和收益性的主要驱动力有哪些?我们的品牌是否符合标准?

    What are the key drivers of popularity and of profitability , and how does our brand measure up ?

  20. 在特征验证部分,研究了货币市场基金与其它可比金融产品收益性、风险性、流动性的差异,在验证准储蓄特征的同时也为投资者提供了备选资产。

    It compares MMF with comparable financial instruments to find out its characteristics of yield , risk and liquidity .

  21. 如果投资者仍然关注成长性,那么至少在一个特定的市场上,他们获得的回报应该比关注收益性更好。

    In one market at least , investors would have done better to remain focused on growth rather than income .

  22. 高安全性、高收益性和适度的流动性,是保险融资职能发挥时最应当注意的三项基本原则。

    High security and appropriate liquidity , the two basic principles should be noted that when the operation of insurance funds .

  23. 流动性、收益性、安全性是证券市场的三个特征,而流动性是证券获得收益的先决条件。

    Liquidity , profitability , safety are three features of the stock market , and liquidity is a prerequisite for return .

  24. 政府融资平台的高安全性和高收益性,成为了各金融机构追逐的重点目标。

    The government financing platform of high safety and great yields , became a key goal of financial institutions to chase .

  25. 只持续一个会计期间而且金额不大的支出作为收益性支出处理。

    Any expenditure that will benefit only the current period or that is not material in amount is treated as revenue expenditure .

  26. 随着金融机构业务从贷款转向其他收益性资产,即便是运营状况最健康的银行也会出现这种情况。

    This is also true even for the healthiest banks , with financial institutions shifting away from loans to other earning assets .

  27. 但银行却愿意为收益性房产提供贷款,如地处东京市中心、面积15-30平米的公寓。

    However , banks will provide financing for income properties , such as centrally located , 15-30 sq metre apartments in Tokyo .

  28. 它注重安全性与收益性的统一,规模大、流动性需求低、风险容忍度高。

    It centers on safety and unified of benefits . It also is large-scale low demand liquidity and high tolerance of risk .

  29. 另外,电影产业和电影产品有别于他产业及其产品,有自己特殊的风险性和收益性。

    In addition , the film product is different from other industries ' products , and it has special risks and profitability .

  30. 收益性房地产常用的三种估价方法为成本法、市场比较法和收益还原法,其中以收益还原法的理论基础最充分。

    Contractors Method , Comparative Method and Income Capitalization Method ( ICM ) are three common used methods in Income Property Appraisal .