
  1. 银行支付结算业务中存在的问题及对策

    The Problems of Bank Payable settlement and the Countermeasures

  2. 商业银行人民币对公支付结算业务风险点及对策

    The Countermeasure and Risk Point of Payment Settlement Business of RMB-to-Public of Commercial Bank

  3. 未经中国人民银行批准可以经营支付结算业务的非银行金融机构和单位,不得办理支付结算业务的代理。

    Those non-banking financial institutions and entities not approved by PBC to operate payment and settlement business , shall not handle agency of payment and settlement business .

  4. 商务与结算它主要完成全国不同金融机构间的支付结算业务,如:汇兑、委托收款等。

    Commercial Affairs and Settling Accounts It mainly deals with the payment and balance among the different financial institutions in our country , such as the exchange , trust making collections and so on .

  5. 主要包括个人负债业务、个人贷款业务、个人支付结算业务、代理业务、电子银行业务和个人投资理财业务等。

    Mainly include personal liabilities business , personal loan business , personal pay to settle accounts the business and act for the business , the electronics bank business with personal investment and finance business etc. .