
chè xiāo àn jiàn
  • withdraw a case;quash a case
  1. 他同意政府示意撤销案件的做法。

    He granted the government 's motion to dismiss the case .

  2. 论我国刑事诉讼撤销案件的适用范围及规制

    On the Scope and Control of the Case Withdrawing

  3. 关于广州仲裁委员会近十年被撤销案件的思考

    Thoughts on the Set-aside Arbitral Awards of Guangzhou Arbitration Commission in the Last Decade

  4. 撤销案件制度研究

    Research on the System of Case Withdrawing

  5. 审判前,被告方可以所控事实不构成犯罪为自由权,要求撤销案件。

    Before trial the defendant may move to dismiss the case on the ground that the facts alleged do not constitute a crime .

  6. 仲裁委员会受理的案件,如果双方当事人自行达成和解,申诉人应当及时申请撤销案件。

    If both parties reach a settlement by themselves of a case under the cognizance of the Arbitration Commission , the Claimant shall timely request for withdrawal of the case .

  7. 广州仲裁委员会成立近十年,为更好的反映广州仲裁委员会近十年被撤销案件的情况,有必要对其进行较为全面深入的总结和分析。

    S : It has been a decade since the Guangzhou Arbitration Commission founded in 1995 . It is necessary to summarize and analyze entirely the set-aside arbitral awards of Guangzhou Arbitration Commission in the last decade in order for a better understanding of the situation .

  8. 在仲裁庭组成前申请撤销案件的,由仲裁委员会秘书长作出决定;在仲裁庭组成后申请撤销案件的,由仲裁庭作出决定。

    The Secretary-General of the Arbitration Commission shall decide on the request for a dismissal of the case if the request is made before the formation of the arbitration tribunal , and the arbitration tribunal shall decide if the request is put forward after the formation of the arbitration tribunal .

  9. 警方在转交诉讼程序中撤销了案件。

    At the committal proceedings the police withdrew their case .

  10. 在欧洲,一般估算撤销专利的案件两造各花不到10万美元,但是法律程序却因为冗长的攻防程序期限,而可拖到将近三年。

    In europe , the estimated cost of undertaking a patent opposition is less than $ 100000 for each party , although the adjudication proceeding takes nearly three years as a result of long deadlines for filing claims and counterclaims .

  11. 李波的妻子在上周报案李波失踪,香港警方表示她已试图在周一销案,但他们仍在“积极主动地”调查此案。依据香港法规,只有失踪者本人可以撤销这类案件。

    Hong Kong police said his wife , who reported Lee Bo missing last week , tried to rescind the report on Monday but they were still investigating the case " in a proactive manner , " in line with rules that only the missing person themselves can close such a case .