
yáo qián shù
  • Cash cow;money-spinner;money tree;milch cow;a ready source of money;goose that lays the golden eggs;ready source of income;tree that sheds coins when shaken;a legendary tree that sheds coins when shaken
摇钱树 [yáo qián shù]
  • [ready source of income;goose that lays the golden eggs;tree that sheds coins when shaken] 原指神话中的一种宝树,一摇晃就有许多钱掉下来,现指借以获得钱财的人或事物

摇钱树[yáo qián shù]
  1. 论汉魏时期民间艺术&摇钱树

    Brief Introduction on a Han-Wei Dynasty Folk Art & Money Tree

  2. 首先,摇钱树的确是存在的,它名叫英格兰银行(BoE),已经创造出3750亿英镑,为资产购买活动提供资金支持。

    First , there is a money tree , called the Bank of England , which has created £ 375bn to finance its asset purchases . Second , like other solvent institutions , governments can borrow .

  3. 这些电影已成为大大的摇钱树。

    The films have been fantastic money-spinners .

  4. “威尼斯就是一棵摇钱树,”她说,“每个人都想要分一杯羹。”

    Venice is a cash cow , she says , " and everyone wants a piece . "

  5. 出版商把这本新畅销书看作是摇钱树。

    The publisher saw the new bestseller as a cash cow .

  6. 我们公司的摇钱树是销售部,它的收入足以为开发商提供资金。

    Our company 's cash cow is the sales department , which makes enough income to finance the developers .

  7. 西雅图——在科技领域,像微软Office那样长盛不衰的摇钱树寥寥无几。

    SEATTLE - Few golden geese in technology have survived as long as Office has for Microsoft .

  8. 西雅图&在科技领域,像微软Office那样长盛不衰的摇钱树寥寥无几。

    SEATTLE & Few golden geese in technology have survived as long as Office has for Microsoft .

  9. 我们可以预计,Windows在未来可能不再是微软的摇钱树。

    It 's safe to expect Windows to be less of a moneymaker for Microsoft in the future .

  10. 旧金山——苹果公司(Apple)最大的摇钱树iPhone发挥出了越来越大的能量。

    SAN FRANCISCO - Apple 's biggest cash cow , the iPhone , is gaining weight .

  11. Stand是一颗摇钱树,还是吸引更多商户加入Square支付生态系统的一个工具?

    Is stand meant to be a profit center , or is it a tool to get more merchants into the square payment ecosystem ?

  12. 如果经济效益真的不错,那么YouTube就会变成一颗摇钱树。

    If the economics work out , YouTube could become even more of a cash cow .

  13. 但MINI却成了宝马的一大摇钱树,MINICooper更是成了大名鼎鼎的高端小型车。

    But MINI has been a boon for BMW with its Mini Cooper creating what has become known as the premium small segment .

  14. 不过,这位前锋出战奥运会对于该赛事的管理机构国际奥委会(InternationalOlympicCommittee)来说是一大利好,因为奥运会足球赛是通过门票销售获取收益的一棵重要摇钱树。

    Still , the forward 's presence at the games is a boon for the International Olympic Committee , the governing body for the games , for which football is an important money-spinner through ticket sales .

  15. 与此同时,苹果公司也准备将这个初露头角的产品类别发展成为另一棵堪比iPhone的摇钱树。

    Apple 's offering is a big step toward its maturation , and the company is positioned to propel a budding category into another iPhone-like gold rush .

  16. 当下,微软(Microsoft)和英特尔(Intel)仍然算得上是摇钱树&本月公布的季报中,两家公司营收分别为209亿美元和139亿美元。

    Both Microsoft and Intel are still money-making machines & they raked in $ 20.9 billion and $ 13.9 billion , respectively , in quarterly earnings announced on Wednesday .

  17. Windows是微软的另一棵大型摇钱树,今年春天,微软宣布会把某些版本的Windows免费提供给那些希望将其搭载在9英寸以下设备上的硬件公司。

    Microsoft announced this spring that it would give away some versions of Windows , its other big cash cow , to hardware companies that want to put it on devices with screens smaller than nine inches .

  18. 由于EMBA课程的学费往往超过10万美元,EMBA课程有时会被商学院视作摇钱树。

    With fees for these programmes often topping $ 100,000 , EMBAs are sometimes seen as the cash cows of business schools .

  19. Intuit的其他摇钱树还包括:小企业专用工资单和支付处理服务软件,职业会计师专用的高级税务和会计软件。

    Other intuit cash cows : payroll and payment-processing services for small businesses , and high-octane tax and accounting products for professional accountants .

  20. 他们两人意外获奖,以及这部仅用大型美剧预算一小部分的成本制作的系列剧成为艾美奖的最大赢家,凸显出《神探夏洛克》如何成了BBC的摇钱树。

    The surprise victory for them , and for a series produced on a fraction of the budget of big US TV dramas that dominate the event , highlights the financial boost that Sherlock has provided for the BBC .

  21. 尽管Ipsy是潘目前最大的摇钱树,但她还打算进军更广阔的天地。

    While Ipsy is Phan 's biggest money-maker to date , future endeavors are also sweeping in scope .

  22. 在季度收益电话会议上,他透露下一版Windows将把“三个操作系统合为一体”,将“适用所有尺寸的屏幕”。Windows仍是微软的摇钱树,但近年来也越来越令该公司尴尬。

    In his remarks yesterday , he revealed that the next version of Microsoft 's Windows , still a cash cow for the company but in recent years more of an embarrassment , would meld " three operating systems into one , " a single piece of software " for screens of all sizes . "

  23. 在现实生活中,有许多此类变革其实只是装点门面而已,学校们想要让M.B.A.项目这棵摇钱树保持活力,于是就趁着全国刮起的这一股创业风潮来赶时髦。

    In reality , many of the changes are window dressing with schools just trying to keep their cash cow M.B.A. programs alive by attempting to ride the entrepreneurial fever breaking out across the country .

  24. 她才不会放弃她那棵摇钱树呢。

    And she ain 't gonna give up her golden goose .

  25. 更别说因为她是我的摇钱树了。

    Not to mention she was my main source of income .

  26. 勤是摇钱树,俭是聚宝盆。

    Diligence is a money-spinner , thrifty is the cornucopia .

  27. 但是最大的摇钱树却是层次较低的本科生教育。

    But the biggest cash cow is lower-division undergraduate education .

  28. 这种产品一直是我们公司的摇钱树。

    This product has always been a cash cow for our company .

  29. 我真想有一棵摇钱树。

    I long for a tree that would bear money .

  30. 摇钱树及其图像的初步研究

    Primary Study of the Form and Idea Expression of the Money Tree