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  • buckle;hasp;agraffe;agrafe
搭扣 [dā kòu]
  • [hasp] 〈方〉∶在门上上锁的钌铞儿

搭扣[dā kòu]
  1. 此时应使用多锁搭扣。

    A multi-lock hasp shall be used for this purpose .

  2. 搭扣,贱金属制,用于建筑物的门

    Hasp of base metal for doors of buildings

  3. 她弯下腰解开了凉鞋搭扣。

    She bent over and unbuckled her sandals .

  4. 她摆弄着包上的搭扣。

    She fiddled with the catch of her bag

  5. 他皮带的搭扣上刻着他的名字。

    His belt has a buckle with his name engraved on it .

  6. 带有该品牌标志性“双G”金属搭扣的皮带正常零售价在250欧元至1500欧元之间,而假货的价格只有这一价格的一个零头。

    Leather belts bearing the brand 's distinctive " double Gancini " metal buckle retail for between 250 and 1500 , although fakes were being offered for a fraction of this cost .

  7. TNFR的激活也会使星形胶质细胞竖起特殊的吸附分子,这些吸附分子会像尼龙搭扣一样与免疫细胞表面的相似分子结合。

    TNFR activation also makes the astrocytes bristle with specific adhesion molecules that act like Velcro to bind to similar molecules on the surface of the immune cells .

  8. 菲尔森公司(Filson)很早以前就开始生产厚羊毛夹克、大包和其他配套户外用品了(这些产品从来不用防水面料Gore-Tex或Velcro这种尼龙搭扣)。

    Filson makes heavy wool jackets and hearty bags and other assorted outdoor gear from a bygone era ( no Gore-Tex or Velcro here ) .

  9. 这就是AllyCapellino的iGor双肩包(售价350英镑/590美元),它的外观使用不张扬的黑色蜡棉料,还外带两个小隔层(尽管本人希望这两个隔层能用拉链,而非真皮带子与搭扣);

    This was Ally Capellino 's iGor ( £ 350 / $ 590 ) , which has a low-key black waxed cotton exterior and a pair of small exterior compartments ( though I would have preferred to close these with zips instead of leather straps and buckles ) .

  10. 编织地毯可以使用尼龙搭扣洪方法。

    Rugs and carpets can be hung using the Velcro method .

  11. 还有那些选择维可牢尼龙搭扣而不是鞋带的母亲。

    And for all the mothers who opted for Velcro instead .

  12. 与尼龙搭扣带的快速打开和关闭。

    And with velcro straps for fast open and close .

  13. 电池应该始终使用尼龙搭扣来连接&使得充电很方便。

    Batteries should ALWAYS be attached with velcro-makes recharging easy .

  14. 提利昂数出了六个橡木铁搭扣的箱子。

    Tyrion counted six , oaken chests with iron hasps .

  15. 拆下喷嘴托杆处之燃油供应管线搭扣夹。

    Remove fuel supply line latch clip at injector rail .

  16. 阿尼龙搭扣固定配件口袋提供的存储空间,电缆和工具。

    A velcro fastened accessory pocket provides storage space for cables and tools .

  17. 谁来买我的蕾丝花边,搭扣,腰带,蝴蝶结呀?

    Who will buy my beautiful laces , buckles , belts , bows ?

  18. 用皮带及搭扣来捆住手提皮箱警官使车停住并将司机扣留

    Strap up a suitcase The constable stopped the car and arrested the driver

  19. 一刀切的调整,以便有一个后方尼龙搭扣带。

    One size fits all so for adjustment there is a rear Velcro strap .

  20. 我在晚上总是要做到把窗搭扣都关紧了。

    I always make sure all the window catches are tightly closed at night .

  21. 搭扣的长度可依颈围大小调节。

    The length of each buckle can be adjusted according to neck circumference sizes .

  22. 主要产品有门锁、铰链、搭扣、护板等等。

    Our main products consist of lock , hinge , buckle , track , etc.

  23. 贝丝:这双鞋是维可牢搭扣的。

    Beth : Those shoes fasten with Velcro .

  24. 尼龙搭扣肝止血带法简化肝部分切除术&290例报告

    Simplified partial hepatectomy by hemostasis using nylon button tourniquet - a report of 290 cases

  25. 这款镶有饰章徽标的皮带搭扣集品质与时尚于一身。

    Quality and style are embedded into ths belt with signature crest logo belt buckle .

  26. 他在那张邋遢的沙发上坐下来,把公文包的搭扣带松开。

    He sat down in the sluttish armchair and undid the straps of the brief-case .

  27. 尼龙搭扣小夹板的临床应用研究

    A study on the clinical application of splints with nylon fixating bandage to extremity fracture

  28. 要想避免,将项链一头穿过吸管,再扣上搭扣。

    To prevent this , string one side through a straw , and lock the clasp .

  29. 刚开始时尚界对维可牢尼龙搭扣并不感冒,直到这种高科技搭扣引起了美国航空航天局工程师们的注意。

    The fashion industry ignored Velcro until the high-tech fastener caught the attention of NASA engineers .

  30. 他用皮带及搭扣束住了手提皮箱。

    He strapped up his suitcase .