
zhǐ yā fǎ
  • finger-press method
  1. 目的:探讨指压法(即肌注前拇指按压注射部位10s)减轻肌注疼痛的效果。

    Objective : To explore the effect of finger-pressing method on relieving intramuscular injection ache .

  2. 穴位指压法在纤支镜检查中的应用

    The application of finger-pressing therapy at acupoints in bronchofibroscopic check

  3. 董氏指压法治疗婴儿吐乳症随机对照临床研究

    Camel Milk Randomized Controlled Clinical Study on Effect of Pushing Epiglottis Cartilage in Treating Infant Functional Vomiting

  4. 结论董氏指压法是治疗婴儿吐乳症的有效方法,操作简便,无毒副作用。

    Conclusion Treating infant functional vomiting by pushing epiglottis cartilage is an easy and effective management without any side effect .

  5. 透析后内瘘止血方法为弹力绷带压迫法和透明胶带结合指压法。

    Spring tape around the arm or applying pressure and adhesive tape on the puncture site were used to stop bleeding after dialysis .

  6. A组患者抬头法与指压法之间无显著性差异(P>0.05)。

    In group A , there was no significant differences in the effect between head rising method and finger pressing method ( P > 0.05 ) .

  7. 4259例急症胃痛疗效分析指压法治疗急症胃痛152例临床观察

    An Analytical Report on the Effectiveness of Treatment in 4259 Cases of Acute Stomachache Clinical Observation of Effects of Digital Compression on 152 Patients with Acute stomachache

  8. 现在只有整骨疗法和脊椎指压治疗法两种辅助疗法被完全纳入了法律监管范围。

    Currently , osteopathy and chiropractic are the only alternative treatments fully regulated by law .

  9. 结论指压止血法是一种简单、安全、有效的内瘘止血方法,尤其适用于早期使用的动静脉内瘘。

    ConclusionDigital pressure hemostasis is simple , safe and effective for internal arteriovenous fistula , especially in the early period .

  10. 目的了解指压止血法和弹力绷带压迫止血法对早期使用的动静脉内瘘穿刺点的止血效果及并发症。

    Objective To investigate the influence of centripetal puncture on the early application of arteriovenous internal fistula in hemodialysis patients .

  11. 在起源于中国的指压疗法法中,通过挤压中国针灸的穴位获得疗效。

    In acupressure , a style of massage derived from china , pressure is exerted on Chinese acupuncture points for healing effects .

  12. 实验组在常规治疗的基础上,同时应用指压按摩法,对照组进行常规治疗。

    Routine nursing cares were used in the control group , the massage by finger pressing was added in the experimental group .

  13. 指压按摩法缓解泌尿系结石绞痛32例属于或关于摩西、摩西律法、摩西作品的。

    Finger Pressure Massage for Relief of the Colic in 32 Patients with Lithiasis of the Urinary System of or relating to Moses or the laws and writings attributed to him .

  14. 康涅狄格一位的妇女向邮报讲述了她的初级保健医生对替代治疗的反应,“当我向他提到脊椎指压治疗法时,他的翻了翻眼睛。”

    Connecticut woman tells the Post about the reaction of her primary care doctor to alternative treatments : " When I mentioned chiropractic to him , he literally rolled his eyes . "

  15. 指压掌揉法治疗急性腰扭伤50例

    Digital Pressure and Thumb-Root Kneading for Acute Lumbar Sprain in 50 Cases

  16. 指压扩张阴道法对第二产程的影响

    Affect of Digital Compression to Dilate Vagina on the Second Stage of Labor

  17. 静脉拔针后采用“指压纵向止血法”效果优于“指压横向止血法”。

    Conclusion : The therapeutic effect of longitudinal finger-compression hemostasis is better than transfusion finger-compression hemostasis .

  18. 目的探讨指压扩张阴道法缩短第二产程及在降低会阴侧切率中的价值。

    Objective To probe the value of expending vagina with finger press in shorting the second birth process and decreasing the perineotomy rate .

  19. 作为瑜伽的补充,我还学习了西方解剖学,传统中医,日本的指压,灵气治疗法和印度的阿育吠陀。

    I have also studied Western anatomy , Traditional Chinese Medicine , Japanese Shiatsu , Reiki , and Indian Ayurveda , as complement to yoga .