
zhǐ lìnɡ mǎ
  • Instruction code;command/instruction/repertory code
  1. 在11月的会议中,他们又删掉了ACE的很多先进思想,包括“助记指令码”。

    The news was that of cuts , crises , and an ever-narrowing vision . At a meeting in November , they had abandoned many of the advanced ideas for the ACE , including the ' abbreviated code instructions ' .

  2. 得出了达到BWW界的伪随机序列的平移等价序列构成的指令码集在抗干扰性能上是最佳循环码集的结论。

    It is proved that the code set of command , which reaches the equivalent translating sequences of a pseudo-random sequence with BWW 's lower bound construct , is an optimal " cyclic " code set on the interference-free performance .

  3. 本文论述了所有达到Baumert-王-welch(BWW)下界的伪随机序列可用于构成遥控指令码;推导出这类码集最大容错数的一般公式。

    In this paper , it is proved that all pseudo-random sequences with Baumer-Wang-Welch 's ( BWW ) lower bound can be used to construct remote-control commanding codes , and a general formula of maximum fault tolerant number for this kind of code set is given .

  4. 伪随机遥控指令码集的选择

    The choices of remote-control commanding code set of pseudo random

  5. 系统应提供写指令码。

    The system shall have provision of writing scripts .

  6. 指令码同数据一起存储在存储器中。

    The control readseach instruction from memory and places it in a control register .

  7. 汇编程序语言指令码

    Assembler language instruction code

  8. 前端数据调制器完成对计算机输出的控制信号加密处理,将指令码载送到一指定频率点。

    The header data modulator is used to encrypt the control single from computer and transmit it into the appointed frequency .

  9. 综上所述,交错码是一种既能抗随机错误又能抗突发错误的组合信道编码,为遥控指令码,具有明显的优点。

    Interlaced code is able to prevent either random or burst errors and is thus recommendable for use in telecontrol instruction coding .

  10. 经汇编后生成内部指令码线性表,实现循环扫描控制,其处理方法简捷,运行稳定可靠。

    Internal code linear table was created and adopted to achieve cycle-scanning control . The processing method is simple and stable in running .

  11. 与非法同义,主要用在:置于指令码、字符等前面,构成禁用指令码、禁用字符等。您输入的用户名包含系统禁止注册字符。

    Synonymous with illegal : used with instruction code , character , etc. The customer that you input includes the prohibition against registration in system word sign .

  12. 给出了序列及其反序列的平移等价序列共同做为遥控指令码集的条件。

    Full essential condition is given , under which a sequence and its inverse sequence together with their equivalent translating sequences can be used to construct remote-control command code set .

  13. 本文着重介绍了RPGⅡ语言所用的数据类型、主要特点、逻辑流程、特殊功能和编制RPGⅡ程序所采用的各种类型说明表、计算指令操作码和指示符等。

    This paper emphatically introduces that the data type , main feature , program logic cycle , specific functions of RPG ⅱ language and specifications , indicators and operation codes which are used in programming .

  14. 硬件瞬时故障可以通过修改指令操作码和操作数的方式引发控制流错误,破坏程序的正常执行。

    Hardware transient faults can cause control flow errors and corrupt the normal execution process by altering the operand and opcode of instructions .

  15. 某型无人机遥控指令混合编译码的设计

    Design of Mixed Coding on Unmanned Helicopter Telecontrol Command

  16. 对指令的机器码进行合理设置,使译码控制设计得到很大简化;

    The set of instruction machine code is more reasonable and simplifies the design of coding controller .

  17. 将PLC指令对应的机器码移植到WinCE操作系统下的PLC虚拟机中执行。

    Execute machine code in PLC virtual machine of WinCE OS .

  18. 提出了用二叉树算法搜索单总线器件注册码,并给出了软件设计的ROM指令和器件注册码的搜索算法,同时给出了软件流程描述。

    It is proposed that the registry code of 1-wire component can be searched by using binary tree algorithm and the ROM instruction and searching algorithm for registry code designed by software are given . In addition , the software description is presented .

  19. 许多指令还有扩展操作码。

    Many instructions also have an extended opcode .

  20. 给出了一种智能设备内部指令区中指令码的结构实现。

    The structure and implementation for the instruction code in instruction section are also provided .

  21. 为分析Z280MPU系统软件,本文论述了反汇编的基本方法&直接生成法和查表转换法,给出了指令目标代码基本码的概念。

    In order to analyse their software systems , the fundamental methods of disassembling are discussed , i. e. the direct generating method and the table look-up transform method , and pro-posed the concept of basic code about the instruction object code .

  22. 因此,在机器指令具有多重操作码,且允许在一个微指令周期中实现其全部功能等场合下,两级地址编码的方法可作为实现全面微程序控制的一种可取的方法。

    Therefore , the double level address-encoding may be considered as a possible technique for implementing the microprogramming completely , provided that the machine code is available with multiple operation parts and the execution of all their functions can be accomplished within one microcode period .