
  • 网络right to remuneration
  1. 返还拾得物的报酬请求权之我见&兼评一宗案例

    On the Right of Asking for Pay of Restituting Lost-and-found Property

  2. 论返还拾得物的报酬请求权

    On Rights of Requiring Reward for Returning Lost Properties

  3. 工资优先权是指根据法律的直接规定,劳动者因从事劳动而获得相应的报酬请求权,就债务人的一般财产享有优先受偿的权利。

    The wage priority is priority of claims of payment by workers for accorded work directly provided by law , on the general property of the debtor .

  4. 在确定双方当事人的海难救助关系后,如何实现救助人的报酬请求权是实践中最常遇见,也是最难解决的问题。

    After the determination of salvage relationship between both parties , it is most easily occurred and difficulty solved problems in practice regarding how to realize the reward claim right of salvors .

  5. 确立劳动报酬请求权既有不同国家和地区的立法和学说可资借鉴,也有利于促进劳动报酬权概念的体系化和进一步加强劳动报酬权的法律保护。

    The establishment of labor remuneration claim right system will promote systematism of the protection of labor remuneration right , which different legislations and doctrines can be used for reference from various countries and districts .

  6. 研究和探寻享有报酬请求权的条件、影响请求权的几种情形、规范或请求权竟合的法律适用等问题,对于完善我国报酬请求权法律制度是十分必要的。

    To study the conditions on which a person is entitled to the reward-requiring rights and some factors that influence the reward-requiring rights is necessary in perfecting the legislation of reward-requiring rights in our country .

  7. 然后,文章从道德、权利义务对等、经济学等角度加以分析,阐述了我国确立拾得遗失物报酬请求权的可行性和必要性。

    Then , this paper analyze on the aspects of morals , rights , economics and so on , expounds the feasibility and necessity of establishing reward request right of picking up the lost article .

  8. 劳动报酬权包括劳动报酬的协商权、报酬的请求权和报酬的支配权。

    Payment for labor power including payment for labor association trading rights , reward request power and reward right to control .

  9. 明清法律关于拾得人可以获得报酬的规定,可以为确立遗失物拾得人的报酬请求权提供历史的依据;

    The order that picker can get rewards in Ming-Qing 's law can provide a historical basis to support the reward claim right of picker in modern civil law .

  10. 劳动报酬权是一种继续性给付债权而不是定期给付债权或分期给付债权,劳动报酬请求权应当适用统一的诉讼时效和较长的诉讼时效期间。

    The author insists that labor reward requesting right is a kind of continuous payment creditor right , hence a uniform prescription of action and longer duration of prescription should be applied .