
jì mào jié hé
  • 熟语combination of technology and trade;coordination between technology and trade
  1. 超高压反应器合作制造的技贸结合

    Combination of Technology and Trade in Joint Fabrication of LDPE Super High Pressure Tubular Reactor

  2. 200kt/a低密度聚乙烯(LDPE)装置超高压反应器中外合作制造是技贸结合比较成功的实例之一。

    Sino-foreign joint fabrication of super high pressure reactor of 200 kt / a LDPE unit was one of the successful cases of trade and technology combination .

  3. 论技贸结合的重要意义和途径。

    Talk about the important meaning and paths that the skill trade combine .

  4. 本文介绍了山东造纸机械企业承担的国家经贸委支持的技贸结合项目及自行研制开发的新设备、新技术;

    This paper is about the new equipment and technologies developed by Shandong local paper-making machinery businessesthemselves and those sponsored by Sino Economy and Trade Committee .