
  • 网络Hit Points;point of impact;beating point
  1. 本文的实验对于介质波动能量数据的采集来源于打击点的压力波动数据采集。

    The data acquisition of the medium wave energy is from hit points pressure wave data collection .

  2. 虽然牧师能够保卫,恢复和增加打击点统计的同伴,他们还有权将回到自己的下降同志的生命。

    While priests are able to defend , restore hit points and increase stats of their companions , they also have the power to bring back their fallen comrades to life .

  3. 以打击点尽量靠近打击中心为目标函数,建立了摆锤优化设计数学模型,并采用FORTRAN语言编程进行了优化设计;

    Aiming at the center of strike approaches to the center of percussion , the mathematical model in optimal design of pendulum is established , and the optimal design carried out by using FORTRAN language .

  4. 通过对威胁的打击点进行随机均匀抽样来获得导致飞机杀伤的期望打击数目,从而可以计算飞机等效单一易损面积。

    By randomly and uniformly sampling the threat hit locations , the expected number of hits required to kill an aircraft can be given and the aircraft equivalent singly vulnerable area can be attained .

  5. 通过波动平均动能方程当中的周期、振幅等参数来计算波动的能量,而打击点的压力波动数据刚好能实现介质波动的周期、振幅等数据的计算转换。

    The wave cycle and amplitude from wave average kinetic energy equation can calculate wave energy , and the pressure fluctuations data just can realize the wave cycle and the medium wave amplitude data calculation conversion .

  6. 了解打击作用点与知道方法同样重要

    Knowing where to hit this thing is just as important as how .

  7. 泰德.威廉斯在职棒大联盟中打击率点四,被认为是棒球界有史以来最伟大的一位打击者。

    Ted Williams , with a hitting rate of . 400 in Major League , is considered the greatest hitter in the baseball history .

  8. 但是现在针对银行家的强烈打击是否有点过了呢?

    But is the backlash in danger of going too far ?

  9. 基于粒子群算法打击指挥系统瞄准点优化

    Aim Points of Command 's Construction Based on PSO Algorithm

  10. 那需要花费无数的光阴,而对于一个人躲避迎面而来的打击来说就有点晚了。

    That would take a few billion years , which would be a bit late to duck when the person opposite aimed a blow .

  11. 即使这些改动将动摇审判法术现有设定但是它能给十字军打击一个41点天赋真正应该有的价值。

    Although these changes are really changes to the Judgment spells themselves it would beef up Crusader strike and bring it closer to what a41 point talent should be .

  12. 冰霜打击-减少冰霜打击的消耗8点符能。

    Frost Strike-Reduces the cost of your Frost Strike by8 Runic Power .

  13. 考虑了对机动导弹实施机动区域打击问题,建立起了一个新的瞄准点选取模型一菱形选取模型,设计了对圆形机动区域打击的瞄准点选择算法,并通过计算机仿真进行了结果分析。

    Attacking the mobile missile base is considered and an aim-points choosing model for attacking its circular mobile region is presented . The model is realized and the result is analyzed .