
  • 网络Real Estate Marketing;estate sale
  1. 模糊神经网络在房地产销售中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Neural Network in Real Estate Sale

  2. 城市房地产销售管理GIS的研究

    Research on real estate sales GIS

  3. 万达国际房地产销售主管迈克尔•普里福伊(MichaelPurefoy)表示,万达计划到2020年将其目前的300亿美元年度销售额增至1000亿美元,主要通过国际房地产开发。万达是中国销售额最高的商业地产开发商。

    China 's biggest commercial property developer by sales aims to increase its current $ 30bn annual turnover to $ 100bn by 2020 , primarily through international property development , according to Michael Purefoy , the man in charge of Wanda 's international housing sales .

  4. 第六章、台湾房地产销售瓶颈及应对策略。

    Chapter VI , real estate sales bottlenecks and coping strategies .

  5. 房地产销售一段时间以来不大景气。

    Property sales have been in the doldrums for some time .

  6. 此外,地方官员还依赖于房地产销售来增加税收。

    They also rely on real estate sales to raise taxes .

  7. 但是在房地产销售中也出现了一些问题。

    But in the real estate sales there have been some problems .

  8. 房地产销售管理信息系统中的3维可视化实现

    3D Visualization in Real Estate Selling and Managing Information System

  9. 营销理论在房地产销售中的整合应用从交易营销到战略营销:营销理论范式的比较与创新

    The Intergrating Application of Marketing Theory in Real Estate Sales

  10. 有警告称,在房地产销售暴跌之际,确实会存在违约风险。

    It warned of default risks amid plunging property sales .

  11. 浅议体验营销方法在房地产销售中的应用

    On the Method of Experience Marketing in the Application of Real Estate

  12. 值得庆幸的是,这些措施似乎正在生效,房地产销售逐渐降温。

    Thankfully , these measures seem to be working , with property sales cooling .

  13. 重庆房地产销售市场现状分析及发展对策

    Analysis of current situation of the sale of real estate of Chongqing and development countermeasure

  14. 房地产销售模式探讨

    Analyzing the Marketing Models of Real Estate

  15. 房地产销售策划与运作

    Planning and operating of real estate selling

  16. 本文首先指出了传统的房地产销售预测方法的不足。

    This paper first analyzes the disadvantages of traditional methods for forecasting real estate sales .

  17. 在所有影响房地产销售价格的因素中,区位因素是首当其冲最重要的一个。

    Location factor is one of the most important factors of affecting the real estate sales price .

  18. 一些银行还把服务范围扩大至房地产销售和大额抵押贷款。

    Some banks are also branching out to offer help with property sales and large mortgage lending .

  19. 我是一名房地产销售人员,有一个非常理财方案给您推荐一下!

    I am a real estate salesperson , there was a very money schemes give you recommended !

  20. 他们如何利用数据库,如何门到门地将房地产销售出去。

    How do they use database , how to door to door to real estate sales out .

  21. 多元线性回归在影响房地产销售因素分析中的应用

    The Application of Multiple Terms Linear Regress Equation on Analysis of Effect the Sale Facts of Real Estate

  22. 他在房地产销售方面相当成功。他指导过许多企业家,也和他们共事过。

    He 's been wildly successful in real estate sales and has mentored and worked with dozens of entrepreneurs .

  23. 北京咨询公司搜房网的数据显示,3月份房地产销售环比增长了90%。

    Property sales rose by 90 per cent in March from the month before , according to Beijing-based consultancy SouFun .

  24. 我走进了一家房地产销售公司,同时这也是我迈入社会的第一步。

    I walked into a real estate sales company , and it is also the first step I entering society .

  25. 住宅类投资包括建造新屋、扩建旧屋以及某些房地产销售方面的投资大幅下降了19%。

    Investment on residential structures which includes new-home construction , home improvements and some property sales tumbled at a19 % pace .

  26. 本章主要研究内容为台湾房地产销售通路的经纪业、证券化、预售屋之瓶颈所发生的问题点,和改善的对策建议。

    This chapter Taiwan Real Estate sales channels Brokerage , Securities and pre-sale houses bottleneck problems , and suggestions for improvement .

  27. 房地产销售价格决定了房地产信贷抵押品的评估价格和处置变现率。

    The sale price of real estate decides the evaluating price and accounting liquidity ratio of the credit mortgage of real estate .

  28. 中国5月份制造业增幅低于预期,房地产销售大幅下降,导致昨日亚洲各地股市普遍走低。

    Sparking a sell-off in equities across Asia yesterday , Chinese manufacturing in May expanded less than expected and property sales plummeted .

  29. 目前,房地产销售大多以产品为核心,就产品论产品,而不以分析客户需求为核心,再进行产品设计和销售。

    Currently , real estate sales are mostly product oriented rather than customer needs oriented , for the product design and marketing .

  30. 如何科学地进行房地产销售定价是许多专家、学者、房地产业内人士研究的课题之一。

    How to correctly price new house is one of topics that many experts , scholars and practitioners in real estate industry studied .