
  • 网络overall heat transfer coefficient;overall heat-transfer coefficient
  1. 粘度增加,总传热系数K相应减少,蒸发强度EI相应增加,实验与数值模拟结果变化规律一致。

    The overall heat transfer coefficient K was proportionally reduced and evaporation intensity EI was proportionally increased when viscosity rose , the variation laws of the experiment result and numerical simulation result were the same .

  2. 实验结果表明,转子转速及进料量对设备总传热系数K及蒸发强度EI影响显著,各料液均存在最佳进料量。

    The experimental result shows that the rotor velocity and feed rate affected the overall heat transfer coefficient K and evaporation intensity EI of the evaporators greatly , there was an optimum feed rate for each feed liquid .

  3. 实验结果表明,被研制的GC管总传热系数比光管提高4倍多;而相应的管内侧冷却水流动阻力系数平均为光管的7倍多。

    And the relevant friction factor inside the GC tube can be 7 times that of the smooth tube .

  4. 为保证管线安全运行,建议设立一凝点测试岗;同时应定期校验总传热系数K值。

    To ensure the security of pipeline working , I suggest a solidifying-point testing post should be established and quotiety of the general heat passing should be tested regularly as well .

  5. 微孔硅酸钙保温材料实测总传热系数小于1.0W/(m2·K),但局部缝隙处表面温度和散热损失都较高。

    The measured total heat transfer coefficient of insulating material of microporosity calcium silicate is less than 1 . 0W / ( m2 · K ), but both the surface temperature in local cracks and the radiating heat loss are high .

  6. 从总传热系数K中分离两侧的表面传热系数h,获得了有工程应用价值的NuRe准则关系式。

    The convective heat transfer coefficient h is calculated from total heat transfer coefficient by use of equal mass flow method ( modified equal Reynolds number method ), and the Nu-Re dimensionless equation which is of engineering application value is obtained .

  7. 应用计算机解q方程计算出a1、a2,根据a1、a2求出再沸器的总传热系数K,通过举例计算获得了满意结果,此方法免去了试差的麻烦,非常简便。

    Based on values d_1 and d_2 , the total heat transfer coefficient k for reboiler is worked out , and a satisfied result is obtained by the calculation of an example . This method is straight forward , avoiding being troubled with trial and error .

  8. 在相同的Re下,换热管内置液轮机时的总传热系数K明显比空管的高,K的提高率在24.15%~46.81%之间,液轮机起到了强化传热的作用。

    And the heat transfer experiments show that the total heat transfer coefficient K is increased when the miniature hydraulic turbine is fixed in the heat exchange tube in the same Reynolds number , and the increasing ratio of the total heat transfer coefficient is between 24.15 % -46.81 % .

  9. 埋地热油管道总传热系数的研究

    Study of Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient for Buried Hot Oil Pipeline

  10. 管径对总传热系数的影响

    Influence of pipe Diameter on the Whole Heat Transfer Coefficient

  11. 海底管道总传热系数的研究与确定

    Study and Determination of Total Heat Transfer Coefficient of Offshore Insulated Pipeline

  12. 考虑总传热系数沿程变化时原油管道计算模型

    Crude Pipeline Compute Model Considering Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient Changes Along Pipeline

  13. 正交椭圆螺旋盘管换热器的总传热系数

    Total conductivity of heat exchanger of ellipse spiral ophidian coils

  14. 总传热系数在冷管投产过程中的变化及计算

    Calculation and Change of Heat Transfer Coefficient in Pipeline Commissioning in Winter

  15. 总传热系数是换热器的重要设计参数。

    The total conductivity is one important designing parameter of the heat exchanger .

  16. 本文用摄动方法对这种影响作了定性的分析,表明边界层排移的结果使传热过程加强了,并使得总传热系数与实验结果更趋于一致。

    The analysis of this paper are more consistent with the previous experiments .

  17. 泡沫塑料保温管道总传热系数的确定

    The Determination on Total Heat Transfer Coefficient of Pipeline Coated with Foam Thermal Insulation

  18. 实验结果表明两种微翅片管的总传热系数约为光滑管的1.2-1.5倍。

    The result shows that the total heat transfer coefficients of enhanced tubes are 1.2 -

  19. 双辊式铸轧总传热系数的计算

    The calculation of the Total Heat Transfer Coefficient in Twin Roll Continuous Casting Rolling Process

  20. 遮蔽段总传热系数的计算

    A new method for calculating total heat transfer coefficient of shield section in convective chamber

  21. 土壤导热系数法测定魏荆输油管道总传热系数

    Measuring the Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient of Wei-Jing Oil Pipeline by the Method of Soil Thermal Conductivity

  22. 通过研究阻力特性、模拟变压器及散热器温度场、循环流量等因素的改变,对新型散热器的总传热系数和循环流量进行了简单分析计算。

    The changes of the characteristics of resistance , temperature field and flow rate have been investigated .

  23. 计算了空气、烟气在陶瓷换热器小孔中的换热系数、阻力及换热器的总传热系数;

    The heat transfer coefficients and pressure drop of air and flue gas in ceramic honeycomb are calculated .

  24. 分析了干工况和湿工况的总传热系数实验公式的表达形式。

    Analyses the experimental formula of total heat transfer coefficient of fully wetted and completely dry cooling conditions .

  25. 为了给竖管降膜蒸发器的设计提供依据,对降膜蒸发器的总传热系数的计算进行了讨论。

    Theoretical Study on Characteristics of Falling Film Evaporation Hydrodynamics and Heat Transfer in a Vertical Wavy Wall Tube ;

  26. 介绍了东辛输油管道总传热系数的测试情况。

    This article covers a brief introduction about the test of overall heat transfer coefficient of Dongxin oil pipeline .

  27. 采用混合管束既可获得高的总传热系数和管内外传热膜系数,又可以使管内压降不致过大。

    Using mixed tube bundle , high heat transfer coefficient can be acquired as well as pressure drop not too high .

  28. 总传热系数在地下热油管的传热计算中是一个重要的参数。

    The whole heat transfer coefficient is an important factor in the calculation of heat transfer for underground heated oil pipeline .

  29. 实验结果表明总传热系数理论计算与实验结果吻合较好,验证了模型公式的正确性。

    The theoretical calculation was in excellent agreement with the experimental results , and the validity of model formula was verified .

  30. 结果表明,波纹管换热器的总传热系数比光管高1.5倍以上。

    The result shows that heat transfer coefficient of corrugated tube heat exchanger is over 1.5 times than that of bare tube .