
  • 网络Differential control;Derivative control;PID;Proportional-Integral-Derivative
  1. 利用一非线性微分控制减弱了参数自动调整阶段引起的系统抖动。

    A nonlinear derivative control is introduced to avoid system chattering caused by parameters tuning .

  2. 目前大多数反馈控制系统的控制器采用比例、积分、微分控制算法(PID)。

    Most current feedback systems seem to have been designed around the proportion . integral and derivative type of control algorithm ( PID ) .

  3. 结果与讨论:实际中采用应用最为广泛的调节器控制规律为比例、积分、微分控制,简称PID调节。

    Results and discussions : The control of scale , integration , differential control , named PID adjustment , is most widespread application in actual regulator .

  4. 通过调节PID参数控制温度的过程,研究了增量式PID算式中的三种控制规律:比例控制规律,积分控制规律,微分控制规律在温度控制过程中所起的不同作用。

    Then , it studied the different control effect of the three control regulation : Proportional control , Integration control and Differential control in the increment PID algorithm .

  5. 内环控制器由三阶ESO、线性比例微分控制律和静态解耦律组成。

    The inner-loop controller is composed of a third-order ESO , a linear proportional-derivative control law and a static decoupling law .

  6. 混沌的控制是最近的一个热点,本文利用比例微分控制策略和延迟反馈的方法控制该混沌系统,利用matlab仿真验证结论的正确性。

    Controlling chaos is hot in resent years . Two methods , proportional differential control and time-delayed feedback , were used to control the new chaotic system . The conclusions were proved to be right by Matlab .

  7. PID(Proportion,Integral,Differential)控制即比例、积分、微分控制是工业过程控制中广泛应用的控制方式,它具有控制算法简单、鲁棒性好、可靠性高等优点。

    PID ( Proportion , Integral , Differential ) that is proportional , integral , differential control of industrial process control law is the most widely used control strategy , it has a simple algorithm , robustness , and high reliability .

  8. Guido为一个独立微分控制探索机器人建立了一个导航控制子系统。

    Construct a Navigation Control Subsystem Guido built a navigation control subsystem for an autonomous differential steering explorer robot .

  9. 本文分别采用有限元法和拟谱方法将Kirchhoff板和Mindlin板的连续微分控制系统均离散为一个易解的代数系统。

    The finite element method and pseudospectral method are applied respectively to discretize the continuous differential control systems of Kirchhoff plate and Mindlin plate into a simple algebraic system .

  10. 通过分析板块中面的平衡方程及位移协调方程,建立了由板位移和Airy应力函数表示的两个微分控制方程。

    Based on the force equilibrium and geometric compatibility equation in the middle plane , two governing differential equations expressed by the deflection and Airy stress function are obtained .

  11. 为控制EPS-TT系统设计了线圈载体控制法和比例积分微分控制算法。

    A map-based control method and a proportional-integral-derivative control algorithm are designed to control the EPS-TT system .

  12. 运用虚拟样机软件ADAMS和数值计算软件Matlab建立交互式仿真系统,并采用比例微分控制法(Proportionalderivative,简称PD)对二阶机械臂进行定位控制模拟。

    With both the Automatic Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical System ( ADAMS in short ) and Matlab , an alternant simulation system is established . The position control for the second-step ( mechanical ) arms is also simulated with the proportional derivative ( PD in short ) .

  13. 该模型从一组相空间中理想的偏微分控制方程出发,用相矢量为变量,导出其离散形式,再通过变换到实际的物理空间,得到最后要的电离层TEC参数的相空间解析预测模型。

    This model , based on a perfect group of partial differential equations , taking phase vectors as variables , is educed as a discrete one and , at last , is changed into real physics-space .

  14. 分析了系统的自由横向谐振动,借助Kantorovich平均法消去时间变量,将偏微分控制方程转化为非线性常微分方程边值问题。

    Then , considering harmonic vibrations of the system , the non linear partial differential equations are converted into ordinary differential equations through elimination of the time variable by using the Kantorovich time averaging method .

  15. 为了实现一类非线性系统的鲁棒混沌反控制,提出非线性不确定系统鲁棒混沌反控制的非线性比例积分微分控制(NPID)方法。

    In order to realize chaos robust anti-control of a class of nonlinear system with uncertainties , a nonlinear proportional integral differential ( NPID ) control method was put forward .

  16. 建模分析:应用Navier-Stocks方程,推导建立了描述系统中润滑油流体运动的非线性偏微分控制方程组,利用有限体积方法对其进行离散,获得了描述系统中润滑油运动规律的数学模型及边界条件。

    Modeling analysis : Navier-Stocks equations were used to establish nonlinear partial differential equations of lubrication flow of the system , and finite volume method was employed to discretize the equations . A mathematical model and the boundary conditions of lubrication motion of the system were obtained . 3 .

  17. 微分控制锁相环鉴频器的根轨迹分析

    The Root Locus Analysis of Differential Controlled Phase Locked Loop Discriminator

  18. 磁控小卫星周期时变的比例微分控制设计方法

    Periodically Time Varying PD Controller Design for Small Satellite with Magnetic Control System

  19. 移动机器人路径跟踪模糊整定的比例微分控制

    Proportional Differential Control for Lane Following for Wheeled Robot Based on Fuzzy Adjusting

  20. 提出了比例微分控制策略解决转向盘振动问题。

    Proportion differential control strategy can solve the vibration problem of steering wheel .

  21. 非线性退化时滞微分控制系统的函数能控性

    Function-Controllability of Nonlinear Singular Delay Differential Control Systems

  22. 一类连续混沌系统的比例微分控制与同步

    Control and synchronization of a continuous chaotic system with a proportional and differential controller

  23. 实时微分控制的算法研究

    The Research of Real-Time Differential Control Algorithm

  24. 最后加入微分控制,消弱了在参数调整阶段系统的抖动。

    The differential control is used for weakening the chattering during the system tuning process .

  25. 为了改善电动助力转向系统的动态性能,在基本助力控制的基础上引入了电机惯量补偿控制、电机阻尼补偿控制和力矩微分控制。

    The control strategy to improve the dynamic characteristics of electric power steering system was stated .

  26. 数值求解过程中,首先现将湿膜加湿器热质交换过程的微分控制方程组差分成差分控制方程组。

    In numerical solution process , first the differential control equation should send into difference control equations .

  27. 针对不同的典型被控对象,介绍了采用比例积分微分控制和模糊控制两种控制方法。

    Due to different typical controlled plants , this paper introduces two control methods-PID control and Fuzzy control .

  28. 将测量到的当前温度值输入到单片机,再通过比例积分微分控制算法的运算,就可以得到要输出的控制量。

    Input the temperature into the microcontroller and calculate the amount of control through the PID control algorithm .

  29. 在粘结剪力和滑移微分控制方程的基础上,建立了关于组合梁单元杆端未知力的力法方程。

    A force-method equation about unknown nodal forces of the composite beams is proposed based on the governing differential equation .

  30. 给出了积分滑模控制中切换函数的定义方法,以及非线性微分控制中微分系数的非线性函数表达式。

    The switching function of integral sliding mode control is defined , and the nonlinear expression of derivative coefficient is presented .