
kāi juàn kǎo shì
  • open-book examination;open-book test
  1. 半开卷考试是指学生参加考试可以自带一张写有考试课程内容和公式的A4纸进入考场。

    Partly open-book examination refers to a means of examination that students take part in examination with a A4 paper on which some contents about the exam and formulas are written .

  2. 大学物理开卷考试中的教学相长

    Teaching benefits teachers as well as students in open-book examination of college physics

  3. 萨斯基亚:什麽叫开卷考试?我没听过。NIT网络化考试阅卷系统设计与实现

    Saskia : I 've never heard of that . What is it ? Design and Implementation of Test Paper Reviewing System for NIT Network-based Test

  4. 对高职院校数学开卷考试的初步研究思想政治开卷考仍需强化记忆

    On the Mathematics Open-book Examinations in the Professional Colleges Memory in Open-Book Exam

  5. 泰勒教授有时会进行家庭作业式的考试开卷考试。

    Professor Taylor sometimes will give a take-home exam or an open-book exam .

  6. 我们的期中考试是开卷考试。

    Our mid-term exam is a open-book exam .

  7. 哲学考试是开卷考试。

    The philosophy test will be open book .

  8. 这次是开卷考试吗?

    Is this an open book exam ?

  9. 这是开卷考试,你们不用太过担心。

    This is an open-book exam , you don 't have to worry too much .

  10. 本文对开卷考试试题的设计问题进行研究。

    The design of test questions for open book examination is studied in this paper .

  11. 移民面试:一场开卷考试

    Emigration Interview-an Exam with Your Book Open

  12. 变知识测试的闭卷考试为职业能力测试的开卷考试;

    Changes the knowledge test the closed-book examination for the professional ability test open-book examination ;

  13. 原来这是开卷考试。

    It was an open-note test .

  14. 开卷考试背景下初中思想品德课教学策略研究

    Under the Open-book Examination Background the Junior Middle School Thought Personal Character Class Teaching Strategy Studies

  15. 浅议开卷考试课程的教学问题

    Discussion on Teaching of Open-book-examination Courses

  16. 目前,初中思想品德课已普遍实行了开卷考试。

    At present , Moral lesson in junior middle school has already generally implemented the open-book examination .

  17. 最后一次上课将会有一次开卷考试。考试包括以往所学内容,但重点放在期中考试后的概念上。

    I will hand out a problem that will be due the day of the in class final exam .

  18. 所以即使让你开卷考试,你也不太可能考好,更别说这种事了。

    So even if you open-book examination , you are not likely to test well , let alone such things .

  19. 得利:喔,没有你想像中那麽困难,因为那是个开卷考试。

    Terri : oh , it won 't be as bad as you think , because it 's an open-book exam .

  20. 他还提出通过开卷考试、模糊评分等形式改革考试,取消应试教育带来的危害。

    He also sug-gested by an open-book exam , fuzzy scoring form the reform of the examination , cancel the har-m brought by the examination-oriented education .

  21. 得利:所谓开卷考试,是说你可以把课本、记带进试场,有需要可以参阅。

    Terri : It 's an exam where you 're allowed to take your course books and notes into the exam and consult them as necessary .

  22. 其五,改革现有法制考核方式,增加开卷考试、课程论文、日常行为考察等多种形式。

    Fifthly , reform existing legal assessment approaches , increase other forms such as open-book examination , course paper , daily behavior assessment and so on .

  23. 开卷考试和那些要求你对信息加以评价的问题并不是仅仅测试记忆力,而是考查你应对知识的能力!

    Tings such as open-book exams and questions which ask you to evaluate information are not testing merely memory , but your ability to apply your knowledge .

  24. 主要通过问卷调查、访谈、实地观察等方法,综合分析了当前开卷考试条件下思想品德课教学存在的问题和成因。

    Mainly by means of investigation , interview , observation on the spot , we analyse synthetically the problem lied in teaching of moral lesson and the formatting cause .

  25. 本部分主要是针对开卷考试条件下的思想品德课教学存在的问题,着重研究优化思想品德课的教学策略。

    This part is mainly directed against to the problems lied in teaching of moral lesson under the open-book examination condition , and emphatically study optimizing the teaching tactics of moral lesson .

  26. 由此可见,对开卷考试背景下初中思想品德课教学策略研究有重要的理论价值和现实意义。

    Thus it can be seen , the junior middle school thought personal character class teaching strategy research has the important theory value and the practical significance to the open-book examination background under .

  27. 尤其是实施开卷考试以来,大大增加了考试的开放性、灵活性和创新性,从而向素质教育迈向了新的一步。

    It is worth mentioning that , taking open book examination has greatly increased the Open feature , flexibility and innovation of examination , and thus become a new step towards quality education .

  28. 本文阐述了如何按计划有效地实施半开卷考试,并对考试改革的重要意义、方法和作用进行了探讨。

    The author has explained how to effectively take partially open book examination according to plan , and also has discussed the significance of the teaching reform , its method and the effect .

  29. 通过这些策略的调控,去调动学生的学习积极性,并为开卷考试下高中思想政治课教学提供一定的借鉴和指导。

    Through these strategies regulation , to mobilize the enthusiasm of the students , and for the open-book examination of senior high school thought political lesson teaching to provide certain reference and guidance .

  30. 这就要求政治教师要突破传统的知识教育模式的束缚,优化政治课的课堂教学,需要新的调控策略,实现开卷考试所要求达到的目的。

    This requires the politics teachers should break through the traditional education mode to manacle , optimize the political lesson , the need for new control strategies , achieve an open-book exam required objectives .