
  • 网络Broadcast Advertising;Radio advertising;Radio Advertisement
  1. 对广播广告中社会性别定型的批评性话语分析

    Critical Discourse Analysis of Gender Stereotyping in Radio Advertising

  2. 第四章提出读图时代下广播广告的突围措施。

    Chapter IV proposes the breakthrough measures of radio advertising in the era of Reading Pictures .

  3. 正因为网络媒体广告要比电视和广播广告更有效,所以相对来说网赚还是比较简单的一种创业方式。

    Running a business is easier on the Internet since it is a better advertising3 medium than radio or television .

  4. 虽然传统的“付费”(paid)媒介,比如电视和广播广告、平面广告和路边广告牌等,仍然扮演着重要角色,但企业如今还可以利用许多其他形式的媒介。

    While traditional " paid " media – such as television commercials and print advertisements – still play a major role , companies today can exploit many alternative forms of media .

  5. 品牌在汉语广播广告语篇中的指同方式

    On the Indicators of Brands in Chinese Broadcast Advertising Discourse

  6. 试析英语广播广告的文体特征

    Analysis on the stylistic characteristics of English broadcasting advertising

  7. 它应具有吸引力、具有说服力、趣味性,同时便于记忆,使人印象深刻,因此英语广播广告语言有别于其他文体的独特风格。

    So English broadcasting advertising style has particular characteristics .

  8. 广播广告的话语结构成分及其组合模式

    Discourse Structural Components and Transformational Form of Broadcasting Advertisements

  9. 摸着石头过河的列车广播广告

    Train Broadcasting Ads Cross the River Stone by Stone

  10. 除在收音机和电视上做广播广告之外。

    Besides broadcast advertisements on radio and TV .

  11. 广播广告三维立体经营构架

    The Dimensional Broadcast Advertising Management Frame

  12. 通过研究我们发现省略手法的使用在广播广告语篇中占有比较重要的地位。

    In part four , we study the using of ellipsis in this type of text .

  13. 作者在文中分析了广播广告的现存优势,探讨了广播广告业走出低谷的途径。

    This paper analyzes the present dominant positions and discusses the possible ways to go through gard times .

  14. 本研究主要从批评性话语分析的角度研究中国广播广告中的广播语言对社会性别定型的建构作用以及广播广告语言中体现的社会性别特征。

    This research intended to analyze the linguistic devices employed to construct gender stereotypes in Chinese radio advertisements .

  15. 本文从读图时代的背景下出发,分析广播广告对于品牌传播的独特优势。

    This article analyzes radio advertising for the unique advantages of brand communication under the Reading Pictures background .

  16. 据最新一份市场调查报告,在2008年的时候,网页广告方面的开支将全面超越广播广告预算。

    According to a recent market survey report , in2008 when comprehensive website advertising beyond radio advertising expenditure budget .

  17. 杂志广告,电视广告,广播广告等等,甚至在有些地方的洗手间的墙上你都可以看到广告。

    Magazine ads , television , radio * in some places you 'll even find advertising in bathroom stalls !

  18. 近几年来,电台根据市场的需求推出了一项新的服务产品&音乐广播广告产品。

    In recent years , according to market demand , radio has launched a new service product-music radio advertising products .

  19. 他在竞选活动中作了许多电视和广播广告攻击奥巴马与艾尔斯的协作关系。

    His campaign is running a number of TV and radio ads attacking Obama for working on foundations with Ayers .

  20. 本文从媒介优势、介构成要素特色等角度对广播广告和电视广告进行了比较分析。

    This paper makes a comparison between ads on TV and ads on radio from the aspects of advantages and component of media .

  21. 美国还与墨西哥,危地马拉,萨尔瓦多,有限电视和广播广告进行合作,防止人们成为受害者。

    The U.S. is also partnering with Mexico , Guatemala and El Salvador , airing TV and radio ads to keep people from being d.

  22. 上个月在盐湖城举办的冬奥会,也使第一季度的广播广告投资出现了异常的增多。

    The winter Olympics , held last month in Salt Lake City , has also distorted the spending on broadcast advertising in the first quarter .

  23. 作为一个营销公司,我们直接帮助过上百个客户的直邮,互联网,印刷品广告和广播广告竞争的业务。

    As a marketing firm , we 've helped literally hundreds of clients on their direct mail , Internet , print advertising and radio advertising campaigns .

  24. 论文就其词汇、句法和修辞等文体特征进行阐述和分析,从中总结出一些英语广播广告的用词、修辞等规律。

    States and analyzes its stylistic characteristics in morphology , syntax , rhetoric , summarizes some rules of English broadcasting advertising in word use and rhetoric .

  25. 广播广告是广播电台的主要收入来源,因而广播广告的经营在目前广播经营中有着重要的地位,是电台生存发展的重中之重。

    One of the main incomes at Radio Station is the broadcast advertisement , which has enhanced the importance of broadcast advertisement operation among the overall broadcast operations .

  26. 英语广播广告是一种有内涵的实用文体,其形式、语言、内容必须要引人注意,通俗易懂。

    English broadcasting advertising is a kind of applied style with connotation , its form , language and content must be attractive , interesting , memorable and persuasive .

  27. 广播广告文稿的话语结构成分有二:广告文稿主体,广告主题宣讲,两者进行多种有效组合。

    There are two components in discourse structure : the body of advertising scripts and the propaganda of the advertising topic . The two can make various effective combinations .

  28. 广告媒体是一个多元结构,主要包括报刊广告、电视广告、杂志广告、广播广告等。

    This paper induces the rules and principles in visual creation of various advertisement media by analising the characteristics of visual advertisement media : the news ads , TV ads , journal ads.

  29. 这些具体的营销策略,是建立的对整个市场营销环境分析的基础之上的,是将A电台音乐广播广告产品的具体营销活动与理论相结合提出的。

    These specific marketing strategy is the establishment of the marketing environment on the basis of the analysis is the A radio music radio advertising product-specific marketing activities , combined with the theory put forward .

  30. 当火星成为火焰,全面出击并以各种形式的广告如商业、广播广告、杂志广告、网络广告、事件等广告促进,以便借势。

    When the spark becomes a fire , start going all out and promote in other forms of advertising like commercials , radio ads , magazines ads , internet ads , events in order to ride the momentum .