
dài kòu
  • buckle;tieback knob
  1. 贱金属制带扣[不管是否带扣针]

    Buckle of base metal [ whether or not with tongues ]

  2. 这一测试结果也和上面提到的后排座椅安全带扣的问题有关系。

    This performance was not helped by the problems with the rear seat buckle mentioned above .

  3. 布赖恩将带子穿过自己手提箱的带扣。

    Brian pulled the straps through the buckles of his suitcase

  4. 此外,作为一个生活在自称为圣经腰带(BibleBelt)带扣上的这座城市中的犹太人(孟菲斯号称教堂多于加油站),我一向很清楚我的局外人身份。

    Moreover , as a Jew living in a town that declared itself the buckle of the Bible Belt ( Memphis boasted more churches than gas stations ), I was always aware of my outsider status .

  5. CommedesGarçons推出的HommePlus在裁剪与分层上大胆创新,它的夹克偶尔给人以质朴感,但通常呈现丝片状,以及在衣服下摆处增加装饰布料以及加层带扣而显得变化多端。

    No joke . Comme des Gar ç ons Homme Plus gave a bravura performance of tailoring and layering , its jackets occasionally pristine but usually sliced and altered by added panels in the tail or by extra layers buckled on .

  6. 安装安全带扣并用紧固螺钉固定。

    Install belt buckle and tighten with the fastening screw .

  7. 这种带扣的紧固力强,适用范围广。

    The belt fastener is of strong fastening force and wide application .

  8. 将安全带扣的固定托架折叠起来。

    Fold up the retaining brackets for the seat-belt buckles .

  9. 安全带扣在一起时发出啪的一声,在黑暗中显得格外响亮。

    the snap as the belt connected was loud in the darkness .

  10. 带扣要有光泽不能有任何污迹

    and your belt buckle shiny and void of any smudges

  11. 汽车安全带扣自动测试装置的研制

    Research on Auto-test Device of Safety Buckles in Car

  12. 拧下紧固螺钉并将托架和安全带扣一起拆下。

    Unscrew fastening screws and remove the bracket together with the seat-belt buckle .

  13. 汽车安全带扣质量备受关注。

    The quality of safety buckles is paid more attention by the public .

  14. 输送带扣断裂原因分析及改进方案

    Analysis of the Causes of the Fracture of Conveyer Belt Button and Improving Schemes

  15. 客户维修或返工后,必须更换安全带扣的紧固螺钉。

    Always replace fastening screws of the seat-belt buckle after customer service and reworking .

  16. 珠宝首饰,珍珠(天然或人工培养),简单穿成串,不带扣或其他附件

    Jewellery , pearl ( natural or cultured ), simply strung without fasteners or other accessories

  17. 输送带扣断裂失效分析

    Fracture Failure Analysis of Conveyer Belt Button

  18. 纯金的带扣光芒闪烁。

    With buckles of the purest gold ;

  19. 将安全带扣放置在座椅处下脚坑上,并用紧固螺钉拧紧。

    Position seat-belt buckle on the seat well and screw down with the fastening screw .

  20. 系带凉鞋或带扣凉鞋已出现在多个顶级设计师的系列作品之中了。

    Braided sandals , or sandals with buckles have appeared in several top designer collections .

  21. 把制服弄得多没褶皱带扣擦得多有光泽这都不够

    or pressing your uniform or polishing your belt buckle , it just wasn 't good enough

  22. 带扣搭栓,不上锁贱金属制

    Non-locking buckle-clasp of base metal

  23. 他身上穿着咖啡色的上衣和紧身半衣裤,脚上穿着黑毛线袜和带扣的鞋子。

    He wore a brown coat and small clothes , with black worsted stockings and buckled shoes .

  24. 切勿使用润滑剂来消除安全带扣上按钮的噪声或迟钝现象。

    Lubricants must never be used to remedy noises or sluggishness of the buttons on the belt buckles .

  25. 本杰明:不是,是用带子扣着的,而且在包的前面有一个带扣。

    Benjamin : No , it 's straps closed , and it has a buckle in the front .

  26. 凯利:我给他买了一条很帅的皮腰带,带扣上刻了他名字的简写。

    Kylie : I 've bought him a really nice leather belt and had his initials engraved on the buckle .

  27. 皮表带的带扣和皮圈均用手工缝制。在内衬上用激光刻上标记。

    The buckles and loops are sewn exclusively by hand . Crafting a leather strap is completed by laser-marking of the lining .

  28. 使用机电一体化技术的自动测试装置,保证了安全带扣质量的高可靠性和高安全性。

    Using test automatically device of the machine-electricity integrative technique , the high reliability and safety for quality of safety buckles was guaranteed .

  29. 男人女士穿熨得很整齐的咔叽长裤和熨过的带扣长袖单色衬衫,万无一失。

    Khaki pants , neatly pressed , and a pressed long-sleeved , buttoned solid color shirt are safe for both men and women .

  30. 脚手架搭设过程中和在管架上行走必须将安全带扣在设置好的横杆或生命线上。

    During the scaffold erection and when walking on the pipe rack , safety harness must be secured to the life line on the pope rack .