
  • 网络Market Leader;marketleader
  1. IBM不仅拥有综合的着火测试服务产品集,还是SOA的市场领导者,拥有有帮助客户使用SOA的丰富经验。

    IBM not only has a comprehensive set of fire tested services offerings , but is the market leader in SOA , with experience helping customers with SOA .

  2. 另一家公司(TechEquipmentInc.)是一家总部设在美国的大型全球性公司,并且是他们的特定高技术行业的市场领导者。

    Another company (" Tech Equipment Inc. ") is a large , worldwide company based in the US and the market leader in their specific high technology sector .

  3. BS集团新型材料公司的市场领导者战略研究

    Strategy Research as Marketing Leader of New Building Material Co. , in BS Group

  4. CMT公司最大的一个特征便是它是一个高科技产品制造业中的市场领导者。

    The most especial is that CMT is the market leader of a high technical industry .

  5. 上世纪80年代,魏的家族企业之一顶新国际集团(tinghsininternationalgroup)将“康师傅”品牌引入中国大陆,现在,该品牌已是这里的市场领导者。

    Tinghsin International Group , one of his family businesses , introduced the brand to the Chinese in the late 1980s . Now it is the market leader .

  6. 德迪欧表示,之前的市场领导者,比如通用汽车(GM)和IBM,没有弥补经济体中其它(公司)的不足。

    Previous market leaders , like GM ( GM ) and IBM ( IBM ) , he argues , were not there to make up for the deficiencies of the rest of the economy .

  7. 印度市场领导者三星(Samsung)占有22%的份额,之后是印度供应商Micromax、Intex和Lava。

    Market leader Samsung controlled 22 per cent , followed by Indian vendors Micromax , Intex and Lava .

  8. 市场领导者奥地利电信(TelekomAustria)去年将智能手机用户的资费提高了近50%。

    The market leader , Telekom Austria , raised tariffs for smartphone users by nearly 50 per cent last year .

  9. 贵州移动如何在3G牌照发放初期制定符合自身发展的策略,继续保持市场领导者地位,成为了后期发展首要考虑的问题。

    Guizhou Mobile to 3G licenses in the initial formulation in line with its own development strategy and continue to maintain market leadership position as the latter part of the development of primary consideration .

  10. 目前,联想已经是中国和印度的市场领导者.周三,该公司宣布计划收购巴西第二大PC制造商CCE。

    Lenovo , already the market leader in China and India , on Wednesday said it plans to acquire CCE , the No. 2 PC maker in Brazil .

  11. 以智能手机为例——随着小米(Xiaomi)取代苹果(Apple)和三星(Samsung)成为中国市场领导者,其非凡的成功激励着越来越多的企业不断试图闯入这一行业拼杀。

    One example is smartphones , where an ever longer list of companies is continuously trying to muscle in on Xiaomi 's phenomenal success in displacing Apple and Samsung as China 's market leader .

  12. 我们在全球有着的强大的布局,我们相信我们是亚太地区、中国以及日本的市场领导者,而这些市场都将普遍受惠于PROFIBUS技术。

    Along with our strong worldwide presence , we believe that we are the market leader in the Asia-Pacific region , China , and Japan a situation that will benefit PROFIBUS technology in general .

  13. 同时,太阳资本还觉得,与行业内的市场领导者科勒公司(Kohler)相比较,美标在新品研发上做的还远远不够。

    Sun also felt that the company was not doing nearly enough with product innovation , particularly when compared to market leader Kohler .

  14. 旗下拥有沃尔沃汽车(VolvoCars)和伦敦出租车公司(LondonTaxiCompany)的吉利集团,将于今日推出Lynk&Co品牌汽车,旨在与欧洲市场领导者大众(Volkswagen)展开直接竞争,并吸引年轻买家。

    The group , which owns Volvo Cars and the London Taxi Company , will today unveil Lynk & Co , which aims to compete directly with Volkswagen , the market leader in Europe , and appeal to younger buyers .

  15. 作为宽带接入市场领导者的电信运营商最早采用ADSL、VDSL等xDSL技术为早期有宽带需求的用户提供宽带接入业务。

    The telecom operators who are the market leaders of the broadband access market use ADSL , VDSL and other xDSL technologies to provide broadband access service for the early broadband users .

  16. 根据商业咨询公司富事高商务咨询(FTIConsulting)的数据,在香港上市的金风科技(Goldwind)2015年风电装机总容量超过了长期以来的市场领导者——丹麦公司维斯塔斯(Vestas)和通用电气(GeneralElectric)。

    Hong Kong-listed Goldwind installed so much turbine capacity in 2015 that it overtook the long-time market leader , Denmark 's Vestas , as well as General Electric , according to FTI Consulting , a business advisory firm .

  17. 瑞典Perstorp公司,一家拥有数个特殊化学品的全球市场领导者。

    The Perstorp Group is a world leader in many sectors of the specialty chemicals market .

  18. 但毕马威金融科技业务全球联合主管沃伦.米德(WarrenMead)表示,中国成为“市场领导者”以及金融科技的日益全球化意味着,英国政策制定者和监管机构将“必须继续努力维持我们的地位”。

    But Warren Mead , global co-head of fintech at KPMG , said the emergence of China as " a market leader " and the increasing globalisation of fintech means UK policy makers and regulators will " have to continue to work hard to maintain our position . "

  19. 问题在于我们不是市场领导者。

    The thing is that we are not a market leader .

  20. 叶义信的目标是市场领导者和整合者。

    Mr Yip targets " industry leaders and consolidators " .

  21. 企业成为市场领导者的三种运营理念及其选择

    The Enterprise Become A Market Leader and Its Three Operating Principles and Selecting

  22. 三:哪个品牌是市场领导者?

    Three : Which brand is the market leader ?

  23. 一路走来,我们已成为市场领导者。

    Along that journey we became market leader .

  24. 将作为市场领导者的公司与那些市场跟随者的公司区分开。

    Distinguishing between companies that are market leaders and those that are market followers .

  25. 营销战正在帮助三星扩大其市场领导者的优势地位。

    The marketing onslaught is helping Samsung widen the gap as the market leader .

  26. 泰森食品在其所服务的零售和餐饮渠道是公认的市场领导者。

    Tyson Foods is the recognized market leader in the retail and foodservice markets it serves .

  27. 竞争对手是市场领导者实力雄厚,无法正面与之竞争。

    Your corporation has no power to compete directly with your opponent because it has huge market .

  28. 特瑞堡在三十多年来一直是港口和船舶护舷、靠泊、系泊技术的市场领导者。

    Trelleborg has been at the forefront of fendering , berthing and mooring technology for over thirty years .

  29. 菲尼克斯电气是电气连接和电子接口领域,以及工业自动化技术领域的世界市场领导者。

    Phoenix Contact is one of world market leaders in the technologies of electrical connections and industrial automation .

  30. 同样重要的是,你必须知道哪些公司是市场领导者的实践领域。

    Just as importantly , you need to know which firms are market leaders in which practice areas .