
shì rén mín jiǎn chá yuàn
  • municipal people's procuratorate
  1. 北京市人民检察院新建办公业务用房工程结构设计

    Structural Design of New Office Building of the People 's Procuratorate of Beijing

  2. 北京市人民检察院一分院结构改造加固设计

    Reconstruction and strengthening design of the First Branch of Beijing People 's Procuratorate

  3. 北京市人民检察院新办公楼

    New Office Building of Beijing People 's Procuratorate

  4. 此案由江苏省人民检察院交由南京市人民检察院审查起诉。

    The case was transferred to Nanjing Municipal People 's Procuratorate from Jiangsu Provincial People 's Procuratorate .

  5. 全国人大代表、南京市人民检察院职务犯罪预防局局长林志梅

    Lin Zhimei , NPC deputy and director of the duty crime prevention department of the Nanjing People 's Procuratorate

  6. 因卷入宏观经济数据泄密事件而正被北京市人民检察院立案调查的五人中,有两人已被媒体确定身份姓名。

    Five people are currently under investigation for leaking sensitive data on China 's economy prior to its official release .

  7. 北京市人民检察院办公室表示,徐放鸣向刘敏索贿时曾暗示,中国公务员的工资太低,买不起住房和汽车。

    The prosecutor 's office said Mr Xu had solicited bribes by hinting to Ms Liu that Chinese public servants were too badly paid to afford housing and cars .

  8. 咸宁市人民检察院政研室的郑继伟说,刑事案件一般会在起诉后的一个月左右审理,但有些案件需要的时间可能会长一些。

    Criminal cases normally take about a month to go to trial after charges are filed , but some may take longer , Mr. Zheng of the prosecutors ' office said .

  9. 浙江省永康市人民检察院在国内首创推行行政执法资料移送检察机关备案制度,收到了较好的效果。

    The mechanism of referring the materials of administrative law enforcement to the procuratorial organ to put on records was initiated by People 's Procuratorate of Yongkang City Zhejiang Province and has been proved to be effective .

  10. 以北京市某区人民检察院为例,一些地方的司法机关针对特定的公诉案件,有意识地借鉴了刑事和解制度的做法,取得了良好的社会效果。

    The judicial organs in some places such as the Peoples Procuratorate of a district of Beijing Municipality made reference to foreign experience and applied criminal composition when handling specified cases .

  11. 唐山机场新区行政中心规划及唐山市地方税务局、唐山市人民检察院办公楼设计

    Planning of Administrative Center in Tangshan New Airport District and Office Building Design of Tangshan Local Tax Bureau and Tangshan People 's Procuratorates