
  • 网络project archive;Engineering file;archives
  1. 重视防水工程档案的审核

    To pay attention to the audition of water-proof project archives

  2. 谈三峡工程档案信息资源

    Discussion on Information Resources of Three Gorges Project Archives

  3. 利用FoxPro实现工程档案快速查询

    To Realize Fast - check of Project Files through Foxpro

  4. 基建工程档案工作的难点

    Difficult Po in ts in Archival Work of Capital Construction Projects

  5. 建立工程档案评审制度提高项目管理水平

    Build engineering archive evaluation system and enhance project management level

  6. 南水北调工程档案管理发展战略探析

    Analysis on Development Strategy of Archive Management in South-to-North Water Transfer Project

  7. 高速公路工程档案的规范化管理试谈

    Try to Discussion on the Regulation Management in Engineering Record of Expressway

  8. 浅谈城市地下管线工程档案管理

    Record Management of Underground Pipeline Project in A City

  9. 关于城市防洪工程档案整编工作

    Reorganizing Work about Files of Urban Flood Control Project

  10. 加强内业管理建立优良工程档案

    Strengthening interior work management , establishing good project files

  11. 建立适应产业化需要的市政工程档案

    Building the Municipal Engineering Archives Adapted to the Industrialization

  12. 负责工程档案、营业执照等行政资料的管理;

    Responsible for project management , business license and other administrative information management ;

  13. 水利工程档案的收集和利用管理

    The Collection and Management of Hydraulic Engineering Files

  14. 基层公路工程档案归档的规范及组卷探略

    Discussion on the Filing Standards and Volume Arrangement of the Basic-level Highway Engineering Archives

  15. 试论建设工程档案开发利用的方法和途径

    Simple talking about the ways and methods of construction engineering archives ' exploitative utilization

  16. 三峡工程档案信息资源开发利用研究

    Study on Development and Utilization of Information Resources of Archives of Three Gorges Project

  17. 总承包单位电力工程档案管理的过程控制

    The Process Control of File Management of Power Engineering of the General Contract Unit

  18. 燃气管网工程档案的管理

    Management of Archives for Gas Network Project

  19. 建设工程档案如何整理

    How to Arrange Archives of Constructing Project

  20. 市政工程档案管理工作的研究

    Research on the Municipal Engineering Documents Management

  21. 试论交换工程档案管理

    Discussion on archives management of exchange engineerings

  22. 浅谈西安财经学院长安校区工程档案管理

    Discussion on the campus of Xi'an institute of finance and economics Chang'an project file management

  23. 国家电力公司城市电力网建设与改造工程档案管理办法

    Archives management for urban network construction and retrofit project of the State Power Corporation of China

  24. 如何把好建设工程档案中的签章关

    How to Make Good checks on Putting a Signature or Seal on Archives of Construction Project

  25. 浅谈重点建设工程档案管理

    Discussion about important project record management

  26. 对建设工程档案归档的体会

    Experience on filing construction project archives

  27. 桩基工程档案质量缺陷及防治措施

    A discussion on the quality problem and its prevention and control of stone basement construction file

  28. 这直接影响到丽水市基础设施建设工程档案资料管理的完整和规范。

    This directly affects the Lishui City infrastructure construction project information management file a complete and norms .

  29. 浅论岩土工程档案

    On Rocky Soil Engineering Archives

  30. 投标工程档案管理

    Archives Management of Bid Project