
  • 【经】industrial combination
  1. 英国工业联合会对财政大臣承认经济出现衰退表示欢迎,并希望能出台降低利率的政策。

    The CBI welcomed the Chancellor 's recognition of the recession and hoped for a reduction in interest rates .

  2. 此外,依据国家标准及美国气体工业联合会(AmericanGasAssociation,A.G.A.)9号报告,本文还利用实流标定系统对样机进行了零流量检定及实流标定。

    Moreover , according to national standards and American Gas Association ( A.G.A ) No.9 report , the prototype is verified in the flow calibration system .

  3. 英国工业联合会预计,今年英国GDP增速将放缓至0.8%,明年则会出现收缩。

    The closely watched Confederation of British Industry forecast gross domestic product growth will slow to0.8 % in2008 and will contract in2009 .

  4. 英国工业联合会(confederationofbritishindustry)抨击该税收计划为“粗暴手段”,将迫使交易活动转移到纽约和香港。

    The Confederation of British industry attacked the tax plan as a " crude instrument " that would divert trading activity to New York and Hong Kong .

  5. 印度工业联合会(ConfederationofIndianIndustry)上周警告称,再次加息将成为一个扰乱因素,可能会使印度经济无法实现两位数增长。

    The Confederation of Indian Industry had last week warned that another rate rise would be an upsetting factor that could prevent the economy from achieving double digit growth .

  6. 中国一家国有工业联合体正加速主推一款商用客机,挑战国际市场的波音(Boeing)和空客(Airbus)双头垄断。

    China 's state industrial complex is accelerating efforts to launch a commercial passenger plane and challenge the global Boeing-Airbus duopoly .

  7. 德国工业联合会bdi猛烈抨击美国这项新法令里规定的扫描要求。

    The German Industry Federation , BDI , hit out at the screening requirements enshrined in the new US law .

  8. 德国工业联合会(bdi)称,它们“未能代表企业的实际情况”。

    They " fail to represent the realities of business " , according to the German Chamber of industry , the BDI .

  9. 英国工业联合会(CBI)等商业集团一直在强调这个问题,政府在上次预算中也予以了承认。

    That problem has been highlighted by business groups such as the CBI and acknowledged by the government in the last budget .

  10. 保尔森在向英国工业联合会(confederationofbritishindustry)致词时表示,中美之间在经济政策问题上存在不少矛盾美国长期以来一直希望中国允许人民币兑美元汇率升值。

    Addressing the Confederation of British industry , Mr Paulson said there had been a fair amount of tension between Beijing and Washington over economic policy the US has long wanted China to let its currency rise against the dollar .

  11. 这种情况在2010年是属实的。当时,英国工业联合会(CBI)时任总干事理查德•兰伯特爵士(SirRichardLambert)警告称,薪酬过高的程度如此严重,以至于CEO“可能被看作外星人”。

    This was true in 2010 , when Sir Richard Lambert , then head of the CBI business association , warned it was so out of line that CEOs " risked being treated as aliens . "

  12. 今年1月出任德国工业联合会主席的凯特尔表示,德国总理安哥拉默克尔(angelamerkel)是对的,她抵制住了美国和英国的压力,没有耗费更多资金用于抗击危机。

    Mr Keitel , who became BDI president in January , said Angela Merkel , the German Chancellor , had been right to resist US and UK pressure to spend more on fighting the crisis .

  13. 雇主团体英国工业联合会(CBI)的调查显示,四分之一的雇主对毕业生的基本读写能力不满意,16%对他们的计算能力不满。

    A survey by the CBI employers ' group showed a quarter of employers were unhappy with graduates ' basic literacy and 16 per cent were dissatisfied with their numeracy .

  14. 金先生于1976年在Marconi担任会计实习生,从而开始了他的事业,这是ArnoldWeinstock建立的英国最大的工业联合企业GEC的军防电子子公司。

    Mr King began his career in 1976 as a trainee accountant with Marconi , a defence-electronics subsidiary of Arnold Weinstock 's GEC , Britain 's biggest industrial conglomerate .

  15. 根据英国工业联合会(cbi)和普华永道(pwc)上个月进行的调查,许多高管认为,信贷危机不会持续那么长,尽管金融服务业的多数高管都相信,这场危机还将持续半年多。

    Many executives are assuming the credit crunch will not carry on that long , although the majority of financial services senior managers believe it will take more than six months , according to a CBI / PwC survey last month .

  16. 与此同时,德国工业联合会(BDI)主席汉斯-彼得凯特尔(Hans-PeterKeitel)警告称,工业肯定将面临电费上涨,他呼吁政府坚持向能源密集型产业提供协助。

    Hans-Peter Keitel , head of German industry association BDI , meanwhile , warned of certain electricity price increases for industry , and called upon the government to maintain assistance to energy-intensive industry sectors .

  17. 弗拉维奥罗斯柯,副总统的工业联合会FIEMG说,只有实行严格的环境要求可以回内地制造的商品。

    Fl á vio Roscoe , Vice President of the industry federation FIEMG said only the imposition of tough environmental requirements can hold back Mainland-made goods .

  18. 是一个有很多地下层的工业联合体。

    It was an industrial complex with lots of basement levels .

  19. 欧洲陶器、陶瓷餐具和装饰品工业联合会

    European Federation of the Industries of Earthenware and China Tableware and Ornamental Ware

  20. 欧洲纸浆纸张纸板工业联合会

    European Confederation of Pulp , Paper and Board Industry

  21. 西欧缆绳和网丝工业联合会;

    Federation of Western European rope and twine industries ;

  22. 国际化学与附属工业联合会

    International Federation of the Chemical and Related Industries

  23. 欧洲国家皮革、旅游商品和类似工业联合会委员

    European Committee of National Federations of the Leather , Travel Goods and Allied Industries

  24. 欧洲木制品镶饰工业联合会

    European Federation of the Wood Veneering Industry

  25. 发展中的仪征化纤工业联合公司

    Yizheng joint Corp of chemical fibre industry

  26. 非洲和马达加斯加纺织工业联合会

    Textile Industry Federation of Africa and Madagascar

  27. 国际豆类贸易和工业联合会

    International Pulse Trade and Industry Confederation

  28. 比利时化学工业联合会

    Federation of the Belgium Chemical Industry

  29. 美洲建筑工业联合会

    Inter-American Federation of the Construction Industry

  30. 国际绘图复制工业联合会

    International Union of Graphic Reproduction Industries