
  • 网络industrials
  1. 在msci新兴市场自由指数中,能源及相关类股,如原材料和工业股,权重超过了三分之一。

    Energy and related sectors , such as materials and industrials , account for more than a third of the MSCI Emerging Market free index .

  2. 道琼斯工业股的平均指数今天下降了13点。

    The Dow-Jones average of industrial stocks fell by thirteen points today .

  3. 这些工业股现在真是很热门。

    These industrial stocks are really hot right now .

  4. 在美国,三大股指星期五均出现上涨。领头的道琼斯30种工业股平均指数上涨1%以上。

    In the United States , three benchmark indexes rose Friday , with the bellwether Dow Jones Industrial Average of 30 key stocks up more more than one percent .

  5. 今年以来工业股板块表现好于标普500大盘,反映的是海外市场的强劲,而非美国经济向好。

    The outperformance of the industrial sector this year compared with the broad S & P 500 index has reflected the health of overseas markets rather than that of the US economy .

  6. 伊斯特林的数据显示,在20世纪,道琼斯工业股平均价格指数在熊市周期的平均年回报率为-4.2%,而牛市周期的平均回报率则为14.6%。

    According to Easterling 's calculations , the average annual return on the Dow during bear cycles was minus 4.2 per cent during the 20th century , while the average during bull cycles was 14.6 per cent .

  7. 对上证综指、深证成指以及上证工业股指数、上证商业股指数、上证地产股指数、上证公用事业股指数共六个股票指数的收益序列进行了实证分析,说明了该方法的有效性和可行性。

    The effectiveness and feasibility of the method are proved by the analysis of the return series of six indexes which are Shanghai composite stock , Shenzhen component stock , Shanghai industrial stock , Shanghai commercial stock , Shanghai property stock and Shanghai utility stock . 4 .

  8. BarclaysCapital的资产分析师奈普(BarryKnapp)青睐削减成本成绩斐然的工业类股。

    Barry Knapp , equity strategist at Barclays Capital , favors industrials as a play on the cost-cutting binge . '

  9. 金融时报工业普通股指数

    Financial Times Industrial Ordinary Share Index

  10. 他表示:现在很难找到抛售工业类股的理由。

    " It 's hard to argue for selling industrials at the moment ," he says .

  11. 工业类股领涨上海股市,经济增长所面临的政策收紧威胁正在缓解的消息,令投资者松了一口气。

    Industrial stocks led the Shanghai rally on relief that policy tightening threats to growth were receding .

  12. 这种溢价在中国工业类股中表现得最为明显&工业是一种周期性行业,与经济总体增长紧密相连。

    The premium is most pronounced for Chinese industrial stocks , a cyclical sector that moves in line with overall growth .

  13. 不过,聚焦全球市场的欧洲各个行业的股票,比如工业类股,其表现也不及美国同行;可见起作用的因素不仅仅是在欧元区的风险敞口。

    Yet , internationally focused European sectors , such as industrials , underperformed their US equivalents too ; it is not only eurozone exposure that matters .

  14. 随着油价下跌,近期因市场担心燃油成本上升而遭受抛压的航空类股出现反弹;而工业类股也得益于经济基本面因素重新成为关注焦点。

    Airline stocks , recently beaten down on worries over rising fuel costs , staged a bounce back as global oil prices dipped , while industrial stocks also benefited from a refocus on economic fundamentals .

  15. 原油价格高企,有助刺激能源公司的盈利增长,而资本开支稳健,令工业及科技股的盈利大幅上升。

    Energy company earnings were boosted by high crude oil prices , while solid trends in capital spending resulted in strong profit gains for industrials and technology stocks .

  16. 中国社会各界也积极参与钢铁建设,钢铁工业建设出现一股规模扩张的热潮,但扩张的实际结果是中国钢铁工业的畸形发展。

    All works of life in China also joined the development of iron and steel industry actively , which arose a great upsurge in the enlargement to iron and steel industry .