
  • 网络industrialism;industrial civilization
  1. 发展是生命世界的永恒主题,但工业文明时代人们对发展的理解一般集中在经济领域的速度加快、规模扩大、人均GNP提高等意义上。

    Development is the permanent subject of life . But in the times of industrial civilization , Men regarded " development " as speed-increasing , scope-expanding and per capita GNP-raising .

  2. 养老保险制度是现代工业文明的产物。

    Old-age insurance system is a product of modern industrial civilization .

  3. OSHMS产生的重要基础是现代工业文明程度的提高。

    OSHMS produced important foundation is the modern industry civilization degree rise .

  4. 马克思主义生态思想为工业文明向生态文明的转变提供理论指导

    Transformation from Industrial Civilization to Eco-civilization Guided by Marxism Eco-thought

  5. 现代工业文明、农业和科学就是因此发展的。

    Thus comes the modern civilization of industry , agriculture and science .

  6. 重构男女两性在资本主义工业文明下的生存模式

    Reconstructing the Existing Model of Men-Women Relationship in Industrialized Civilization

  7. 可持续发展是从工业文明到生态文明的飞跃。

    Sustainable development is a leap from the industry civilization into ecological civilization .

  8. 近代工业文明的植入与地区社会变迁

    Implantation of Modern Industrial Civilization and Regional Social Change

  9. 西周时期的陕西手工业文明

    Handcraft Industry of Shaanxi in the Western Zhou Dynasty

  10. 再次是对工业文明及其伦理精神的剖析。

    Industrial civilization and its ethics spirit were analyzed .

  11. 这是对发达工业文明社会人文精神的总体反思。

    It was total introspection of humanity spirit in developed industrial civilized society .

  12. 现代工业文明很好的利用了时间、能量和资源。

    Modern industrial civilizations make good use of time , energy and resources .

  13. 工业文明与生态文明范式转换关系的探讨

    On the " Paradigm Convert " Relation between Industrial Civilization and Ecological Civilization

  14. 〕继农业文明之后,人类进入了工业文明。

    Man has entered industrial civilization after agricultural civilization .

  15. 现代主义艺术是西方工业文明的产物,工业文明又有着西方理性主义哲学思想的背景。

    Modernism art is the product of western industrialization .

  16. 工业文明加速地发展却带来了城市活力的衰落。

    The rapid development of industrial civilization led to the decline of city vigour .

  17. 工业文明的发展,造成了日益严重的自然生态危机,这是生态文学诞生的现实根源;

    The development of the industrial civilization caused the serious crisis of ecology increasingly .

  18. 资本主义机器工业文明将人变成了无性的机器。

    By the whole capitalist mechanical civilization , which turned men into inhuman machines .

  19. 人类文明正处于从工业文明向生态文明的过渡。

    The human civilization is in the transition from industrial boom to ecological conservation .

  20. 工业文明消费模式批判

    Criticism on Consumer Pattern in Industrial Civilization

  21. 工业文明对应于社会历史因素占支配地位的社会;

    Industrial civilization is in agreement with the society governed by social and historical factors ;

  22. 米歇利斯和克利福德都生活在象征工业文明的城市,远离大自然。

    Both Michaelis and Clifford live in the city of industrial civilization , away from nature .

  23. 后工业文明与回归自然的旅游&关于我国旅游经济发展战略的文化思考

    Post-Industrial Civilization and Return-to-Nature Tourism

  24. 这种存在方式蕴涵着现代工业文明洗礼之下人的存在与虚无。

    This implicates human beings ' existence and illusion due to the influence of modern industrial civilization .

  25. 当代的环境问题固然是近代工业文明资本主义工业化的恶果,但其深层原因却是传统伦理中的传统科学理性思维。

    The contemporary environment problems no doubt are due to the modern industrial civilization , capitalist industrialization .

  26. 环境文化是生态危机的产物,是近代传统工业文明的必然结果。

    The environment culture is gain of the ecosystem crisis , inevitable result of modern traditional industry civilization .

  27. 当下人类的文明发展史是由工业文明向生态文明过渡时期,低碳经济已成为这一时期的主要特征。

    Low carbon economy has become the main characteristics of the industrial civilization to the ecological civilization transition .

  28. 现代城市是传统农业文明向现代工业文明大规模转变的产物。

    Modern city is a product of the extensive transformation from traditional agricultural civilization to modern industrial civilization .

  29. 对自然的热爱和对人类现代工业文明的失望时常在他的作品中得以体现。

    A passion for nature and a disappointment to modern industrial civilization are often embodied in his works .

  30. 文明的积累程度越高,对环境的破坏程度就越大,因此以生产力的迅速发展为主要内容的现代工业文明陷入生态困境其实是一种历史的必然。

    So industrial civilization of which main purport is to develop quickly has fallen into ecology problems inevitably .