
ɡōnɡ yè qū
  • industrial area;estate;industrial zone/ park
工业区 [gōng yè qū]
  • [industrial park] 远离城市中心、规划为工商企业专用的地区

  1. 沿海岸一片带状工业区已发展起来。

    Along the coast , an industrial fringe had already developed .

  2. 被占领地区拥有主要的工业区。

    The areas under occupation contained major industrial areas .

  3. 意大利的工业区集中在该国中北部和东北部地区。

    Italy 's industrial districts are concentrated in its north-central and north-eastern regions

  4. 曼彻斯特周围环绕着绿色乡村带、住宅区和工业区。

    Manchester is hemmed in by greenbelt countryside and by housing and industrial areas

  5. 民主党的总统候选人计划进行另外一场巡回竞选活动,这次要经过整个中西部工业区。

    The Democratic Presidential ticket plans another road show , this time through the industrial Midwest .

  6. 计划的一部分是:这座城市不应该划分为办公区、工业区和居住区,而应把三个部分融合在一起。

    Part of the plan was that the town should not fall into office , industrial and residential zones , but mix the three up together

  7. 在这个工业区兴起了一座新城市。

    A new town has grown up in this industrial district .

  8. 这是这个国家的工业区。

    This is the industrial area of the country .

  9. 政府将开发新的工业区以提供就业机会。

    The government is hoping to open up new areas of industry to provide employment .

  10. 武钢工业区绿地GIS的建立及应用

    Design and Application of Greenland GIS in Wuhan Steel Iron Industrial District

  11. 上海市吴淞工业区PM(10)和18种无机元素污染状况调查

    Research on PM_ ( 10 ) and 18 Inorganic Elements Pollution in Wusong Industry Area of Shanghai

  12. 2010年,比尔•盖茨(BillGates)参观了中国深圳郊区一个工业区的一栋寻常建筑。

    In 2010 , Bill Gates visited an unremarkable building in an industrial estate on the outskirts of Shenzhen , China .

  13. 太原市工业区大气中TSP浓度及元素成分分析

    Analysis on TSP Concentration and Elemental Constituents in Industrial Area Atmospheric Environment of Taiyuan City

  14. 上海市吴淞工业区大气PM(2.5)水溶成分的元素分析及细胞毒性研究

    Studies on elemental components and cytotoxicity of water-soluble constituents in PM_ ( 2.5 ) collected in Wusong Industrial Area

  15. 随后将EPON应用模型按小区、工业区、商业街区和边远地区几种接入方式进行说明。

    EPON application several access methods in residential , industrial areas , commercial districts and remote areas are presented .

  16. [目的]了解吴淞工业区空气中PM10和无机元素污染状况。

    Objective To study ambient pollution of inorganic elements in Wusong industry area .

  17. 结果表明,洛阳工业区表土中Pb、Zn、Cu、Cr和Fe的含量均高于郊区农用地土壤,Mn的含量稍低于郊区土壤。

    The average concentrations of Pb , Zn , Cu , Cr , Fe and Mn in industrial districts were higher than those in suburb cropland , but the concentration of Mn was less than that in suburb cropland .

  18. 本论文通过对工业区采样调查,分析土壤中Zn、Cd含量及植物根际与非根际土壤中微生物数量分布;

    It was investigated the pollution status in industrial region , measured the Zn , Cd contents and population of microorganisms in soil , separated five stains of rhizospheric microorganisms by special culture medium , and studied their growing conditions .

  19. 和德国酿酒大师乌尔里希·阿尔特鲍尔(UlrichAltbauer)一起,杜加尔拿出自己的积蓄在鸭?洲(ApLeiChau)滨海工业区租了三间厂房。

    Working with Ulrich Altbauer , a German-born brewmaster , Mr. Dugar dipped into his savings and rented three factory units in the seaside industrial district of Ap Lei Chau .

  20. 在详细介绍工业区演变历史、概况以及产业现状的基础上,结合区域经济条件的评价体系,对温江工业经济条件进行评价分析,包括周边重点产业分析、交通状况分析以及区域SWOT分析。

    It introduces the history and current industry situation of the zone . It evaluates and analyses the economic conditions of the zone including the analysis of the important industry condition , the traffic condition and the district SWOT conditions .

  21. 这家暂命名为8thEstate的酿酒厂位于港岛南端的工业区及渔业码头香港仔。它由一位意大利酿酒大师及其加拿大和香港生意合伙人共同创办。

    Located in Aberdeen , an industrial district and fishing port on the south side of Hong Kong island , the tentatively named 8th Estate winery is a joint project between an Italian wine master and his Canadian and Hong Kong business partners .

  22. 选取上海化学工业区土壤背景值样品,采用TessierA连续提取法研究土壤中6种重金属元素的形态分布。

    The paper investigates the speciation of heavy metals in soil samples from Shanghai Chemical Industrial Park , using Tessier A sequential extraction method .

  23. 用紫露草微核技术对青岛某工业区空气和污水及常用农药敌敌畏(DDV)的生物测定

    Tradescantia micronucleus bioassay of environmental mutagens in air and water samples from some industrial areas of qingdao , and on the pesticide-ddv

  24. 另外商业区初雨径流中COD、SS、TN、NH4+-N浓度均高于其他功能区,工业区初雨径流中TP浓度高于商业区和居民区。

    Min runoff were below grade ⅴ of surface water environment standard . In initial runoff of commercial district , the concentrations of COD , SS , TN and NH + 4-N are higher than those of other districts as well as the concentration of TP in industrial district .

  25. 工业区的污染排放很大程度上是观测地细粒子的主要贡献者,尤其是PM2.5的气溶胶颗粒。

    Among the meteorological elements , the impact of the wind is the most significant . The pollution emissions in the industry are the main contributor for the micro particles in the observation site , especially for the aerosols particles of PM2.5 .

  26. 新建的高耗水工业区如重化工区,用水量不超过32000m3/(km2·d)。

    For an industrial area of heavy chemistry with preferable technique , which is usually a main water consumption area , water demand will not exceed 32 000 m 3 / ( km 2 · d ) .

  27. QF集团公司位于成都市东郊工业区,其前身是一家1958年成立的三线建设军工企业,拥有46年的发展历史,但在改革开放后的20多年里才得到快速发展。

    The predecessor of the QF Group Company is a Three-Lead constructive military enterprise founded in 1958 with 46-year development , located in the eastern suburban industrial estate of Chengdu . But it had developed by leaps and bounds in 20 years after reformation and opening to the outside world .

  28. 以长春市经济技术开发区(CETDZ)为例,根据循环经济理念,探讨了第一代工业区的生态工业网络建设问题。

    In accordance with the idea of circular economy , the writer conducts a research on the eco-industrial network construction for the first industrial park , taking Changchun Economic and Technological Development Zone ( CETDZ ) for example .

  29. 上海化学工业区(SCIP)秉承绿色经济循环经济的理念,在大力发展经济的同时,也致力于环境保护工作,而位于化工园区内占地22公顷的人工湿则是这一工作的重要体现。

    Shanghai Chemical Industry Park ( SCIP ) adhering to the concept of " green economy " and " circular economy " . It committed to environmental protection , while developing the economy vigorously , and 22 hectares of constructed wetlands in SCIP is an important manifestation of this work .

  30. 工业区群环境影响评价初探

    Pilot Study on Environmental Impact Assessment of Groups of Industrial Areas