
  • 网络industrial geography
  1. 我国20世纪工业地理学的发展

    Progress of China 's Industrial Geography in the 20th Century

  2. 本文主要探讨了西方工业地理学关于工业联系研究的理论进展、发展背景和它所涉及的主要问题。

    This paper explores the progress , theoretical perspectives and the underlying meaning of linkage studies in industrial geography in the western literature .

  3. 对于东北老工业基地改造,地理学、社会学、经济学、生态学乃至自然、社会、工程科学等诸多学科皆有介入。

    Many subjects including Geography , Sociology , Economics , Ecology and even some other natural , social , engineering sciences , have already set foot in research of the reformation of old industrial base which is of great significance for Northeast China .

  4. 工业绿色化:工业环境地理学研究动向

    The greening of industry : a research approach of industrial environmental geography

  5. 工业区位因素变化与工业地理学研究的新动向

    The changing industrial location factors and the new trend of industrial geography research