
  1. 产业簇群是提升厦门城市竞争力的关键,而工业园区化是加快产业簇群的战略选择,所以,培育区域特色产业、发展专业化工业园区是提高厦门产业乃至城市竞争力的关键。

    The industrial cluster is the key of promoting the Xiamen city competitive ability , but the industry garden area is the strategic choice to speed up the industrial cluster .

  2. 具体的策略是通过就业的分化,对农村地区的劳动力进行重新布局,同时引导居住的集中,与工业园区化和农业规模化的集聚发展相协调。

    The detailed strategy is to re-distribute rural labors through the division of employment , and guide the residential concentration at the same time , which should be well coordinated with the concentrating development of industry and agriculture .

  3. 基于循环经济理念的青海工业园区生态化发展

    Based on the Concept of Circular Economy in Qinghai Eco-industrial Park Development

  4. 工业园区绿色化工程目标管理

    Target Management of Greening Engineering of Industrial Parks

  5. 重庆市花溪工业园区生态化改造研究

    Study on Eco-transformation of Chongqing Huaxi Industrial Park

  6. 工业园区绿色化若干问题的研究

    Study on the Greening of Industrial Parks

  7. 在经济全球化背景下,工业发展园区化已经成为当今工业发展的有效途径。

    In the context of economic globalization , industrial development into Industrial Park has becoming an effective way .

  8. 本文详细剖析了产业生态化的循环层面,提出了工业园区生态化的升级目标、推进措施和相关政策建议。

    This paper also puts forward the suggestions and policies , as well as the goal of developing eco-industrial parks .

  9. 该文指出实施工业园区绿色化工程是提高工业绿色化的组织化程度和加快工业绿色化进程的有效途径,并对工业园区绿色化工程的内涵及应遵循的原则进行研究。

    The paper indicates that the greening engineering of industrial parks is an efficient way to accelerate the process of the greening of industry by its improved level of systematization .

  10. 混合型加工工业园区&城市化模式的新选择

    Processing Industrial Park of Mixed Type & A New Choice for Urbanization Pattern

  11. 工业园区产业离散化形成机理、问题及对策

    Study on Cause of Formation , Problem and Solution in Discrete Industry Industrial Park

  12. 本文将其订义为工业园区工业合集化,并称那样的工业园区为工业合集化工业园区。

    This article will be defined as discrete industrial park industry , said the industrial park such as industry-based Industrial Park discrete .

  13. 目前,世界上不少国家在不同程度上致力于工业园区的生态化改造或新型生态工业园区的建设。

    At present , many countries in the world are developing the ecological reconstruction of the industrial park or the construction of the new type of the ecological industrial park in different extent .

  14. 实现县域经济全面、协调、可持续发展,必须建立科学的县域经济工业体系,实行工业园区化、园区产业化、产业特色化,把工业园区打造成为县域经济增长极。

    Industrial section should be erected and industrialization of industrial section should be carried out to form industry with its own features thus making industrial section become growth pole of county economy .

  15. 但是由于各地自然条件、工业结构和经济基础不同,工业园区的生态化产业和循环经济的发展程度存在很大差别,使各园区的发展水平和可持续发展能力呈现出不同的特点和规律。

    However , due to the differences between the natural conditions , industrial structure and economic basis , the degree of development of eco-industry and circular economy in the industrial park varies in different places .

  16. 三峡库区的生态工业园区建设必须以构建生态产业链为核心内容,积极打造完善的污染控制和资源循环利用体系,减少污染物和废弃物的排放量,实现工业园区的生态化和环境负面影响最小化。

    The construction of Eco-industrial park of the Three Gorges reservoir area must consider building eco-industrial chain as the priority and take the initiative to create pollution control and resource recycling system that good enough to reduce emissions of pollutants and waste .