
  • 网络industrial ecology;industry ecology
  1. 在经历了从末端治理到清洁生产的发展过程后,工业生态学(IndustrialEcology,IE)应运而生。

    After treatment from the end to the development of cleaner production process , industrial ecology has emerged .

  2. 工业生态学在能源系统建设中的应用

    Application of Industrial Ecology in the Construction of Energy System

  3. EIPs中的生态产业链(eco-industrialchain,EIC)系统构建是工业生态学理论的重要研究领域。

    The construction of eco-industrial chain ( EIC ) system is a very important theoretical research in the field .

  4. 应用工业生态学解决污染与发展问题

    The Application of Ecology to Resolve the Problems about Pollution and Development

  5. 非再生能源产业发展循环型经济的战略思考&从工业生态学角度的分析

    Circular Economy of Non-renewable Resource of Energy : an Industrial Ecological Analysis

  6. 染料制造工业生态学和毒理学学会

    Ecological and Toxicological Association of the Dyestuffs Manufacturing Industry

  7. 工业生态学具有分析和实践功能,后者建立在前者的基础之上。

    The practice of industrial ecology should be based upon analysis with system views .

  8. 工业生态学的系统分析方法与实践

    System analysis approaches and practice of industrial ecology

  9. 基于工业生态学的建筑业生态链构建及代谢分析研究

    Study of Ecological Chain and Metabolism Analysis in Construction Industry Based on Industrial Ecology

  10. 欧洲化学工业生态学和毒理学中心

    European Chemical Industry Ecology and Toxicology Centre

  11. 工业生态学的演化与原理

    Evolution and Principle of Industrial Ecology Industry

  12. 工业生态学基本理论及其应用初探论大坝与生态

    A Discussions on Basic Theory of Industrial Ecology and Its Application On dams and ecology

  13. 工业生态学是针对生产过程末端治理的缺陷而产生的一门新兴学科。

    Industrial ecology is the new subject which contrapose the limitation of the end of pipe .

  14. 工业生态学及其应用

    Industrial Ecology and Its Applications

  15. 工业生态学及其发展前景

    Industrial Ecology and its Prospect

  16. 工业生态学理论与城市生态工业园区设计研究&以吉林省九台市为例

    The theory of industrial ecology and eco-industrial park design & a case study of jiutai , Jilin Province

  17. 工业生态学就是在这种情况下孕育而生的,以其理论为基础而建立的生态工业园则是对工业生态学理论的最为成功的应用。

    Industry ecology gestates in such circumstance , Eco-Industrial Park based on its theory that is the most successful application .

  18. 从可持续发展的提出到工业生态学形成了生态工业园的背景及其科技基础。

    The proposition of the sustainable development and industrial ecology forms the background and technological foundation of the ecologic industrial park .

  19. 工业生态学是一门新兴交叉学科,自诞生10多年来,其理论研究与实践活动已经取得了长足的进展。

    Industrial ecology is a new cross-discipline that has developed fast in both theory and practice in the past few decades .

  20. 延伸生产者责任是基于可持续性发展的工业生态学研究的内容之一。

    The extending responsibility of producers is one of the tasks that is based on the continuable development of industrial ecology .

  21. 对工业生态学的基本思想、研究方法、实践手段进行阐述,对相关的概念进行辨析,以期得到一条关于工业生态学内涵、方法、目标等的清晰脉络。

    Review of industrial ecology ′ s essential idea , analysis and practice approaches was presented , aiming to get a clear picture for understanding .

  22. 按照工业生态学的观点,解决矿山环境问题最有效的途经是将矿山废料转化为资源被重新利用。

    From the viewpoint of industrial ecology , the most effective solution to mining-related environmental deterioration would be recycling the mining waste into exploitable secondary resources .

  23. 传统经济模式的缺陷与可持续发展的要求是循环经济产生的根本原因。循环经济的理论基础是工业生态学。

    The defect of the traditional economic mode and the demands of the sustainable development eventually put forward the circular economy whose theoretical foundation is industrial ecology .

  24. 概述第十三届国际腐蚀会议反映的当今世界石油行业腐蚀与防护科学技术发展的主要动态和内容,认为防腐领域在理论、技术和管理方法上取得一些进展。包括用工业生态学考虑腐蚀问题;

    Abstract This article summarizes the trends in global petroleum industry 's science and technology development of corrosion and protection discussed in the 13th international corrosion congress .

  25. 首先运用工业生态学的理论,研究绿色工业生态系统的基本特征、建立原则和实现途径。

    With the guidance of the theories on industrial ecology , this article firstly studies the character , the principle and the approach of the green industrial ecosystem .

  26. 目前,工业生态学在我国有了很大程度的发展,它已成为环境管理和规划领域研究的热点问题。

    At present , there has been a considerable development in eco-industry in China , and it has become a hotspot in ( environment ) management and planning .

  27. 循环经济是运用工业生态学规律指导的经济活动,是建立在物质、能量不断循环使用基础上与环境友好的新型范式。

    The circular economy is an economic activity guided by the laws of industrial ecology , which is a new eco-friendly pattern based on the material - and energy-recycles .

  28. 工业生态学是一门新的交叉学科,其在实践中的应用体现为生态工业、生态工业园和循环经济建设与发展研究。

    Industrial ecology is a new interdisciplinary course , and it is practiced by researches for construction and development about ecological industry , ecological industry parks and circular economy .

  29. 在探讨高新技术产业开发区环境建设与管理体系时,特别结合工业生态学与循环经济的理论,对将高新技术产业开发区建设成生态科技园进行了初步研究。

    Especially , combined with the theory of ecology industry and circle economy , how to build the Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone into an ecological Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone .

  30. 从工业生态学研究的一般性问题出发,阐述了钢铁工业生态化的内涵、目标以及相关的生态技术,分析了钢铁工业生态化前景。

    Om the view of the general issue of industry ecology , the connotation , targets and relative eco-technologies of steel eco-industrialization were expounded and the prospect were analyzed in this paper .