
ɡōnɡ yè shè jì
  • industrial design/plan
  1. 努力寻找LED新技术和工业设计相结合的突破口,通过企业项目进行实践。

    Efforts to find a breakthrough LED new technology and industrial design combining the practice , through the enterprise project .

  2. AutoCAD渲染功能在工业设计中的应用

    The Application of AutoCAD Render Function in Industry Design

  3. 研究了计算机辅助工业设计过程中的产品设计创新问题,提出了基于Web的产品设计创新系统的新思路。

    The production innovative design problems in Computer Aided Industrial Design process was studied . The method which provides the production innovative design system was presented .

  4. 通过计算机技术与工业设计的结合,运用CAD技术使得工程设计发生了重大发展。

    Through the combination of computer technology and industrial design , the use of CAD technology has made a fast development .

  5. 随着中国加入WTO并伴随我国工业化发展,工业设计在我国逐渐得到越来越多的应用,工业设计知识产权保护也随之受到社会各界更广泛的关注。

    Along with industrial developing and WTO 's entering , Chinese industrial design has been applied in more and more hands gradually .

  6. 工业设计软件讲座第二讲CAE在冰箱助吸器疲劳寿命设计中的应用(一)

    Application of CAE in Failure Life Design of the Part Aided to Tighten Refrigerator 's Door ( 1 )

  7. 带约束的离散点集的曲线、曲面拟合是CAD/CAM中的基本问题之一,也是工业设计和制造中经常遇到的问题。

    Curves and Surfaces fitting to constrained data sets is an indispensable problem in CAD / CAM , which is also a common topic in industry design and manufacture .

  8. 随着计算机技术、计算机图形学、计算机辅助工业设计、交互技术和虚拟现实技术(virtualReality,VR)的快速发展,传统的消费电子产品的设计流程与方法也将随之改变和更新。

    With the development of computer technology , computer graphics , computer-aided design and virtual reality , traditional design processes and methods of consumer electronics product will also be changed and innovatory .

  9. 健康工业设计(HID)是当今世界设计流行趋势之一,在国外已有较多的设计实践和成功案例,但在国内尚处于学习和尝试阶段。

    It have developed many design practices and successful cases in foreign countries but still in the learning and trial stage in the domestic .

  10. 计算机辅助工业设计(CAID)是未来工业设计的理想之路,它的应用开发涉及面广、难度大。

    Computer aided industrial design ( CAID ) is of a great help to the future industrial designing .

  11. 用户中心设计(User-centeredDesign)是基于用户界面的复杂难以操作而提出的计算机应用研究方法,而对于工业设计却是个新名词。

    On the basis of the complexity of User Interface and difficult to operate , User-centered Design , a computer application research method , is put forward . And it is a new term for Industrial Design .

  12. 目前国际上对于CAID系统的具体实现形式也有几种不同的模式,如运用现有的CAD软件中的工业设计模块,自主开发独立的CAD系统或者基于现有CAD软件的二次开发。

    In last years , there are some ways to achieve the aim , such as using existing CAID software , developing a CAID system independently , and end-user development based on existing CAID software .

  13. 但最重要的问题之一是CBR在工业设计领域的具体应用,实现工业设计领域的CBR系统。

    Researches of Case-Based Reasoning are relevant with psychology , artificial intelligence , computer programming . But one of the most important problems is how to adopt CBR in the field of industrial design .

  14. 通过英国西蒙·鲍威尔、FITCH等工业设计的著名公司设计观念变革与设计实践成果的阐述,引深思考现代设计中的观念变革、团队合作精神、产品的感性化设计的作用。

    This paper states the innovation of the design concepts and the achievement of the design practices in the famous industrial design companies such as Seymour Powell Ltd and FITCH etc.

  15. 关于计算机辅助工业设计(CAID)和基于知识的应用系统是当今设计研究领域的一个热点问题。

    CAID ( Computer Aided Industrial Design ) and KBS ( Knowledge Based System ) has been presented as an applied conception and effective method used in the whole processes of product design for some years .

  16. 工业设计正进入3D-CAD时代,徒手草图因其独特的优点,在现代设计中的作用不仅没有减弱反而加强了。

    The industry design is entering the 3 Ds - CAD for ages , because the barehanded sketch have special advantage , the function of the barehanded sketch is strengthened in modern design .

  17. 将设计知识和用户知识的提取过程作为获取工业设计知识的方法,并以知识为基础构建数控机床ICAID系统中的知识系统;

    The acquisition of knowledge about design and user in terms of industrial design is related to the knowledge-based framework of ICAID for numerical control machine tool .

  18. 他创建的企业Armrevolution也是如此。该公司的目标是将打造一个由珠宝和工业设计专业毕业的设计师团队,彻底改变袖扣界的面貌。

    And so to his new business venture , Armrevolution , whose aim is to bring together a young team of graduate designers in jewellery and industrial design with a brief to overhaul the cufflink .

  19. 工业设计中的优化设计方法

    Integrated Optimizing Design of Radome The Optimizing Method in Product Design

  20. 造型基础训练是工业设计的基础性课程。

    Basic Design training is the basic course of Industry Design .

  21. 工业设计教育中的体验式媒体设计理论研究

    Analysis of Experience Design Theory in the Education of Industrial Design

  22. 工业设计专业的工程制图教学模式探索

    Exploration for the Engineering Graphics Teaching Mode for Industrial Design Speciality

  23. 这一结论可以用来指导各种工业设计。

    This conclusion can be used to guide the industrial designs .

  24. 计算机对工业设计概念创意的支持模式

    The Computer Aided Support Model of Idea Creation for Product Design

  25. 设计性基础素描思维方式与工业设计创新

    The Design Considerations of Basic Sketch and Innovation of Industrial Design

  26. 信息时代对工业设计的反思与修正

    Rethinking and Revising the Concept of Industrial Design in Information Times

  27. 先进的技术必将推动工业设计的发展。

    The advanced technology must promote the development of industry design .

  28. 我国工业设计教育的若干问题分析

    Analysis on Several Problems of Industrial Design Education in China

  29. 工业设计综合化教学模式的理论与实践

    Theory and Practice of Comprehensive Teaching Mode of Industrial Design

  30. 工业设计在现代企业产品开发中的地位和作用

    Position and role of industrial design in product development in modern enterprises