
ɡōnɡ yè shè huì
  • industrial society
  1. 眼下发生的情况并非是资本主义的危机,而是工业社会本身的危机。

    What is occurring now is not a crisis of capitalism , but of industrial society itself .

  2. 然而,最大的差距是熟悉个人电脑和互联网的网络一代和习惯于工业社会的老一辈之间的差距。

    The greatest gap , however , is between the Net-generation , familiar with personal computers and the Internet , and the older generation , accustomed to an industrial society .

  3. 这种对"后工业社会"的信仰导致这些国家忽视制造业,这也就对经济产生了负面影响。

    This belief in " post-industrial society " has led those countries to neglect their manufacturing sector with negative consequences for their economies .

  4. 我的朋友蔡松(ChienSong)是遗传学专家,他评论说:汉族人总是带有优越感。而我们工业社会也认为自己更进步。

    The Han have always considered themselves superior , comments my geneticist friend Chien Song . And we industrial societies think ourselves advanced .

  5. 针对企业的管理方式正从工业社会的生产管理向知识经济时代的创新管理和KM(知识管理)转变这一特征,着重分析企业人力资源管理的发展趋势。

    Because the management ways of enterprises are being transferred from production management of industrial society to the innovative management and KM , this text analyzes the development trend of enterprise 's human resources management emphatically .

  6. 丹尼尔·贝尔(DanielBell)是当代美国重要的思想大师。他提出了在当代西方社会深具影响的三大观念:意识形态的终结、后工业社会和资本主义文化矛盾。

    Daniel Bell is one of the most important thinkers of the United States with his most influenced three ideas : " the End of Ideology ", " Post-industrial Society " and " Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism " .

  7. 前工业社会中的城市市场结构与市场导向的商业化

    The Framework of Urban Market and Market-oriented Commercialization in Pre-industrial Society

  8. 后工业社会论研究后工业景观浅析

    On Post - industrial society Study of Post - Industrial Landscape

  9. 论卢梭对后工业社会危机的预言及其启示

    Prediction and Revelations on the Post Industrial Society from Jean-Jacques Rousseau

  10. 非物质社会是后工业社会产生的文化现象。

    Non material society is a cultural phenomenon of later industrial society .

  11. 现代意义上的医疗保障是工业社会转型的产物。

    Medical security is the product of industrialization and modernization .

  12. 现代工业社会对人的控制已经达到全面的程度。

    The control of modern industrial society has reached an all-round level .

  13. 肝病在工业社会里是一个日益严重的健康问题。

    Liver disease is a growing health problem in the industrialized world .

  14. 它被多数学者认定为建立在后工业社会的基础上的后现代主义在文学上的一个重要表现。

    It is generally acknowledged as the manifestation of postmodernism in literature .

  15. 当前,世界正从工业社会向信息化社会过渡。

    The world is now transiting from industrial society to information one .

  16. 现代化是指人类从传统的农业社会向现代工业社会转变的历史过程。

    Modernization is a process of transition from agricultural society to industrial society .

  17. 工伤事故是工业社会中突出的社会问题之一。

    Industrial injury is one of the crucial social problems in industrial society .

  18. 工业社会中通向社会主义的道路。

    The road to socialism in an industrial society .

  19. 企业社会责任是后工业社会中企业全新的经营理念。

    Corporate Social Responsibility is a new business mentality in post industrial society .

  20. 后工业社会理论:贝尔与马克思的对话

    The Theory of Post-Industrial Society : The Dialogue between Daniel Bell and Karl Marx

  21. 70年代以后,西方各国先后进入后工业社会。

    After 1970s western countries entered post-industrial society .

  22. 信息经济是后工业社会,即信息社会的经济。

    The information economy is the economy of post-industrial society , namely information society .

  23. 而我们工业社会也认为自己更进步。

    And we industrial societies think ourselves advanced .

  24. 后工业社会下的广告伦理问题探讨

    Advertisement Ethics in Post-Industrial Society Questions Discussion

  25. 发展经济学抓住了贫穷的原始社会到现代工业社会这一整个的过渡时期。

    Development economics embraces the whole transition from the poor primitive to modern industrial societies .

  26. 十九世纪的美国处于工业社会,同时又是父权制社会。

    The nineteenth century America was an industrial society as well as a patriarchal society .

  27. 关于后工业社会的治理模式兼评张康之的《公共管理伦理学》

    Social Governing Pattern of Postindustrial Society & On Public Management Ethics by Zhang Kangzhi ;

  28. 我国社会现在正处于从农业社会向工业社会的转型期,处于这一时期的家庭具有自己的特点,同时也面临着自身特有的问题。

    In this transition period family has its own characteristics and also faces its own problems .

  29. 由农业社会到工业社会人事管理的理念与模式变化分析

    Analyzing the Changes of Mode and Values of Personnel Management from Agricultural Society to Industrial Society

  30. 噪音如同其它的污染一样,是现代工业社会的副产品。

    As if other pollution , noise is a social by - product in modern industry .