
ɡōnɡ yè xìn dài
  • industrial credit
  1. 在有关储户从印度工业信贷投资银行(ICICI)掀起提款浪潮的报道中,印度储备银行(ReserveBankofIndia)开始介入此事并向储户保证,印度工业信贷投资银行财务状况良好。

    The Reserve Bank of India stepped in to reassure depositors that ICICI was financially sound amid reports of a wave of cash withdrawals from the bank .

  2. 日本三菱UFJ证券(MitsubishiUFJSecurities)计划与印度工业信贷投资银行(ICICIBank)成立一家投资银行合资公司,此举表明两国跨境交易正在呈现上升态势。

    Mitsubishi UFJ Securities of Japan plans to establish an investment banking joint venture with India 's ICICI Bank , signalling a rising tide of cross-border deals between the countries .

  3. 我国工业行业信贷资金配置效率研究

    Research on Allocation Efficiency of Chinese Industries Credit

  4. 工业投资信贷金融组织

    Institutional organization of industrial investment credit

  5. 应实行税收减免制度,改善老工业基地信贷环境,完善社会保障制度,创建无形资本核算评估制度,选择科学会计核算方法,创建无形资本核算评估制度。

    It Should implement the regulation of reducing the tax , improve the credit environment of the old industrial base , perfect social security systems , find the calculation appraisal system of intangible capital , select scientific accounting method , create the appraisal system of intangible capital .

  6. 工业增长、信贷供求和货币政策调整

    Industry Growth , Credit Supply-demand and Monetary Policy Adjustment

  7. 在全球股市、工业大宗商品及信贷指数下跌的背景下,美元从9个月的贸易加权低点反弹,美国国债上扬。

    The dollar bounced off a nine-month trade-weighted low and government bonds rallied as global equities , industrial commodities and credit indices retreated .

  8. 汽车消费贷款保证保险极大地简化了贷款审批程序,释放了大量潜在的汽车消费需求,为我国汽车工业和汽车消费信贷市场的发展做出巨大贡献。

    The appearance of auto loan guarantee insurance not only greatly simplifies the loan approval procedures , but also boosts potential car consumption remarkably .