
  • 网络industrial consumer
  1. 这促使工业消费者相互争夺供应,而投机者则将更多资金投向铂金。

    This has spurred industrial consumers to scramble to secure supplies while speculators pour fresh money into the metal .

  2. 没错,第三方市场只占大宗商品整体市场的一小部分大多数交易直接在工业消费者和生产者之间完成。

    True , the third-party market is only a small part of the overall market for commodities most trades are done directly between industrial consumers and producers .

  3. 国际工业能源消费者联合会

    International Federation of Industrial Energy Consumers

  4. 遍及工业和消费者市场的互操作性表明,新一代接口将必不可少。

    Pervasive interoperability in both industrial and consumer markets suggests that a new generation of interfaces will be essential .

  5. 工业家和消费者会对已有动力系统不满。

    Industrialists and consumers would become dissatisfied with existing energy systems .

  6. 一些经济迹象有所改善,制造业,工业生产和消费者支出都有小幅上涨。

    Some economic signs have improved . Manufacturing , industrial production and consumer spending have made small gains .

  7. 在消费品工业领域,消费者对产品个性化的需求越来越多,这对产品设计提出了更高的要求。

    In the field of industrial product consumption , consumer demand more products with personality , it is very important to improve product design method .

  8. 4亿中国农民将得以迈入现代市场,而且这些节俭的人将积蓄足够的可支配收入,成为美国工业产品的消费者。

    400m peasants would be brought into the modern market and , as thrifty savers , would accumulate enough disposable income to become consumers of American industrial products .

  9. 现在,世界已进入以服务经济为代表的后工业社会,消费者成为市场中关键环节,服务成为制造企业核心竞争力的重要因素,服务创新成为独立的创新活动,在制造企业发展中日趋重要。

    Now , the world has entered into the serving economy as representative after industry society , thus , the consumer has became the market key link . The service becomes the important attribute of the manufacture enterprise core competitive power .

  10. 随着汽车工业的发展,消费者对在汽车制动系统中起关键作用的摩擦材料的性能提出了越来越高的要求。

    With the development of automobile industry , much higher properties of friction material are required .

  11. 确保对工业和商业电力消费者收费合理对实现经济转型至关重要。

    Ensuring that industrial and commercial electricity consumers are charged a fair rate is pivotal to that transformation .

  12. 汽车工业的发展和消费者对汽车驾乘舒适性的要求共同推动了汽车电子技术的快速进步。

    The development of automobile industry and consumers ' demand for vehicle ride comfort jointly promote automotive electronics .

  13. 因为这不是艺术品,而是工业产品,为消费者而设计,所以必须考虑消费者的坐的心理状态。

    Because this is not art , but industrial products for consumers , so they must take consumers psychological state .

  14. 食用油的安全状况将影响我国食品工业的发展、消费者健康安全和社会的和谐稳定。

    Its quality situation will affect the development of food industry , health security of consumers and social harmony and stability .

  15. 随着一系列有关工业,失业,消费者支出的弱势报告的出台,尽管报告的情况比预期的更糟,消费者对此并没有感到意外。

    While the report was worse than expected , it also wasn 't surprising to investors , following weak readings on manufacturing , employment and consumer spending .

  16. 一个地区生产出的工业制成品能被消费者所接收的最大能力称之为该区域消费市场潜力。

    Consumption market potential is defined as the biggest ability that a region production of manufactured goods can be received by the consumers Between the consumption market ability and consumption market potential can objectively reflect the regional economic development .

  17. 但总的来说,奥巴马应对汽车、能源和银行业等不同问题所制定的政策正形成他的整体政策立场,他的政策将令不同行业有得有失、保护整体工业产业并影响消费者的选择。

    But as a whole , policies crafted to address distinct problems in the auto , energy and banking sectors are merging into a broader policy that would pick some winners and losers , preserve entire industries and shape consumer choices .

  18. 工业时代商业竞争中的特色、益处营销理论如USP理论正转向后工业时代以消费者为中心的体验营销。

    USP and other characteristic and benefit marketing theories that dominated competition of the industrial age has been replaced by the consumer-centered experience marketing theory of our post-industrial age .

  19. 石油/化工业包括许多工业工厂、大公司和小公司,它们投资石油、天然气和化工产品并将其销售给工业消费者。

    The petro / chemical industry comprises of industrial plants and large and small companies investing in and selling of oil , gas , and chemical products to industrial consumers .