
  1. 层次分析法(AHP)在效益评价中的应用&1995年河南省各地市工业经济效益综合评价

    The Application of AHP in Economic Efficiency Evaluation

  2. 用TOPSIS法综合评价山西省工业经济效益

    Evaluating the Industrial Economic Benefits of Shanxi Province Using Topsis Method

  3. 应用TOPSIS法综合评价工业经济效益

    Research on the Comprehensive Appraisal of the Industrial Economic Benefits Through TOPSIS

  4. 本文使用DEA方法综合评价工业经济效益,为决策层对经济系统进行综合比较、评价提供了有效的技术经济手段。

    In this paper , we use DEA method to evaluate industrial economic benefits , and present an effective technical and economic tool for policy making body to compare and evaluate economic systems .

  5. 本文运用Topsis法对西部地区12省份工业经济效益指标(2004年)进行了选取、计算,得出相应结果,最后对西部地区12省份的工业经济发展状况进行了排序和综合评价。

    This article uses the Topsis method to analysis the industry benefit of west region . At last , comprehensive evaluation and the rank about the industry economy development in west region are obtained according to the computing result .

  6. 线损率是表征电力工业经济效益和技术管理水平的综合性指标,基于MIS及SCADA系统的配电网线损管理系统的应用,大大提高了线损管理的实时性。

    Energy loss rate is the integrative index of the economic benefit and technical management level for electric industry . The application of energy loss management based on MIS and SCADA for distribution network improves its real time performance greatly and the mean square root algorithm increases its precision .

  7. 我国汽车工业经济效益分析

    An Analysis of Economy Retures of China 's Auto Industry

  8. 工业经济效益指标体系研究

    A Study on the Index System of the Evaluating Industrial Economic Benefit

  9. 试论工业经济效益指标体系的建立和完善

    The Establishment and Perfection of the Index System of Industrial Economic Benefits

  10. 上海市都市型工业经济效益综合评价与排序

    Comprehensive evaluation and order on economic performance of urban industries using osculating method

  11. 我国信息资源工业经济效益弹性系数测算

    Prediction of Elastic Coefficient of Economic Efficiency of China 's Information Resources Industry

  12. 工业经济效益指标体系的再思考

    Re consideration on Indicator System of Industrial Economic Results

  13. 我国西部大开发中工业经济效益实证分析

    Case Study of the Industrial and Economic Efficiency in exploiting the Western Regions

  14. 西安工业经济效益与科学技术进步

    Scientific Technological Advance and Industrial Economic Gains of Xian

  15. 一种用于工业经济效益综合评价的模型与方法

    Model and Method for Evaluation of Industrial Economic Benefits

  16. 工业经济效益有所下滑。

    Economic efficiency of industry declined to some extent .

  17. 纺织工业经济效益的综合评价

    Comprehensive Evaluation of Economic Efficiency of Textile Industry

  18. 工业经济效益统计的回顾与展望

    The Review and Prospect of Industrial Efficiency Statistics

  19. 工业经济效益评价方法研究

    Research on Appraisal Method of Industrial Economy Benefit

  20. 浅论我国工业经济效益的发展趋势和提高的途径

    Discussion on Development Tendency and Raise Way About the Benefits of Industrial Economy in China

  21. 各省市工业经济效益排序方法的探讨

    Discussion of Industrial Economic Benefit Sorting

  22. 工业经济效益的统计分析

    Statistics Analysis of Industrial Economic Benefit

  23. 运用因子分析法综合评价广东烟草工业经济效益

    Applying the Factor Analysis Method in Comprehensive Evaluation of Economic Results of Tobacco Industry in Guangdong

  24. 制盐工业经济效益的因子分析及对策研究

    Analysis on the Factors and Research on the Countermeasures for Economic Benefit of Salt Making Industry

  25. 且定量地证明现阶段工业经济效益与其发展速度的线性正相关关系。

    The paper has proved quantitively the linear positive interrelation of the economical benefit and the development rate about industry .

  26. 在工业经济效益显著提高的同时,也付出了很高的能源、原材料和资金投入代价。

    However China paid high input cost of energy , raw material and fund while increase of its industrial efficiency .

  27. 运用第一主成分分析,对全国16个省、直辖市的主要工业经济效益进行排序。

    According to the first principal component , the order of economic benefit evaluations about 16 provinces had been given .

  28. 如何正确评价工业经济效益,我国理论界、经济界和统计部门进行了长期的探索。

    How to evaluate correctly industrial economic benefit was researched in theory , economy and statistics department for a long term .

  29. 本文运用指数法对奎屯市工业经济效益。

    In this paper , it is made that a synthetical evaluation of Kuitun city based on the method of exponent .

  30. 近年来,化工产品定价偏低,影响了化学工业经济效益和发展速度。

    In recent years chemical products have been priced low affecting the economic benefits and the tempo of development of the chemical industry .